Monkey Love

Your Average Love Guru



 Chapter 3 Monkey Love  


Second week of January 2014


Lovely eyes. Full lips. Round face. It was the face of a person that had been occupying Kai's mind lately, and it was driving him insane. He'd been seeing glimpses of that person around him more often than he could count but he still didn't know who it was. Yeah, the boy had a beautiful face, with strikingly large dark orbs and perfectly full red lips, almost like a reincarnation of Snow White in a boy's uniform.


Yet everytime Kai tried to approach him, the boy would suddenly disappear into the sea of bodies around them, and Kai never really got the chance to say hi...


...and now he was breaking down in frustration, some of it on the part of Park Chanyeol annoying the out of him for the last twenty minutes, and most of it on the boy he bwerely knew but was already destroying his life from the inside.


"Cut it out, Chanyeol hyung! You're so noisy right now. I'm trying to think."


Chanyeol gaped, unable to believe what he just heard. "You! Trying to think." He tattered in disbelief. "The Messiah has come."


"It's not funny, hyung, but seriously, keep it down. You're hurting my head right now."


"What's gotten your lately, Jongin? You've been spacing out a lot more nowadays and it's messing up our soccer practice."


"It's a boy. I'm sure it's a boy." Kai mumbled.


"A boy?" Chanyeol repeated. "Who are you talking about?"


"I wish I knew." Kai sighed.


The boys jolted in surprise when Baekhyun suddenly slammed his hands on the table, a smug grin on his face for a job well done in surprising them. "Guess what? I've finally convinced Kyungsoo to hack into the system for you guys." It was a lie, but Chanyeol didn't have to know that just yet.


"Seriously?" Chanyeol uttered back, his eyes gone wide with astonishment, and a little bit of relief to hear that too. "When will he do it?"


"Soon." Baekhyun replied, a tad too quickly. Kyungsoo had been too depressed about the whole Kai is perfect and why the is he not?! thing for Baekhyun to actually bring out the issue. And speaking of Kai....


"Kai, do you know anyone in this school that could help my friend?"




"Yeah. I heard about this love guru thing, because my friend Luhan actually asked for his advice---or her. It could be a girl, but that's beside the point. The point is, my friend Kyungsoo is depressed lately, and he thinks he's ugly, but I think he's squishy, but that's not the point too. I need to find this love guru person and Luhan says you would know who he---or she---is. Ugh. You practically know EVERYONE in school."


Not everyone, Kai thought sadly.


"So could you help him?"


"Yeah. I know the guy, but he doesn't deal in the open. Identity issues or whatever , you know. You just need to give me your friend's locker number and I'll pass it on to him."


"Really? Thanks a lot, man...this means a lot to me. Well, his locker number is 12. Tell your love guru friend I said thanks."




And Baekhyun was gone after that, back to his own table at the farthest corner of the cafeteria where Kyungsoo, Luhan and him were usually seated, enjoying their lunch before fourth period started.




> Is he a member of any clubs in school? I'm sure he is. Try joining the club he's in, or if you're too shy, then find out the days he has club meetings. Study him and his routines. Then you'll get to see him more often.


, I'm already doing that, Kyungsoo thought bitterly.


Kai had soccer practice every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings without fail. On Thursdays, he had dance lessons in a centre near his house. Tuesdays were his extra classes for Geography and Science because those two were his weakest subjects. Kyungsoo hacked the system and found his trial results last year, so the extra classes were inevitable. On weekends, Kai occasionally returned home to see his parents, and since they practically lived all the way in Daegu, he didn't go back much. Maybe once or twice in a month.


His classes on Mondays ended at 1pm, because he was in the 10th grade, whereas Kyungsoo was in the 11th grade, and the school's retarded because there were 14 grades altogether, but once the students graduated, they could proceed into a degree program straight away, instead of applying for a pre-university program.


On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thurdays, his classes ended at 2pm and then he was off, doing extra classes or soccer practice. By the time he was done, he'd either go back to the dorm, or hang out with his friends. And he enjoyed sitting in Genie Cafe for hours, sipping his Americano slowly over a good book. Friday evenings were the best, of course. Right after soccer, he would hang out with his friends until the next morning, and probably return home -faced from god-knows-what.


Kyungsoo had yet to discover what Kim Jongin usually did on a regular Friday night.


Maybe this was his chance.


He didn't want to take the message to heart, but since the advice said so, he might as well do it. After all, he'd been stalking the boy for more than a year, and he'd do it for another year, maybe even until the day he graduates.


"Fine, I'll do just that, Mr Love Guru." He said bitterly. "I ought to give you a name. I will call you dip from now on because this is stupid and I can't believe I'm actually listening to this . Kim Jongin is still too perfect for me and this is stupid. So stupid."


He threw away the paper after that and walked home to prepare for his Friday-night expedition. He was doing it because he planned to do it anyway. It was either now or never some time in the future. He wasn't doing it because of a stupid note. Nu uh! No ing way!


"'s not an advice when I'm already observing Kai from far. Useless love monkey and his--or her---useless advice." Ugh. He really needed to start pinning a temporary gender on this said guru.




> Is he a member of any clubs in school? I'm sure he is. Try joining the club he's in, or if you're too shy, then find out the days he has club meetings. Study him and his routines. Then you'll get to see him more often.


Language Bomb! In Malaysian bahasa, 'guru' means 'teacher'. I don't know what it means in other languages. Another word that has the same meaning is 'cikgu', pronounced chek-gu. And headmaster/headmistress is called 'guru besar'. No, 'besar' is not 'kiss'. That's Spanish. This 'besar' means 'big'. So....big teacher. Hahahahahaha. Another word is 'pengetua', pronounced as pe-nge-tu-a.


I won't use bahasa in this fic. It's just FYI.

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next update is this weekend.


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Chapter 23: This must be the cutest ever fic that i have ever read! Gud job author! This is so good! I would recommended this to new reader. Thanks =)
Chapter 26: Second time of reading and damn, I still find it funny and so sweet.. I'm gonna puke rainbows and unicorns. Hahaha!!! :3
LunnyLynne #3
Chapter 13: hahaha Baek Again for Yeol... I love this title. In case you can't tell I love cheesy puns, and this is the best I've seen so far! loving the fic so far too, I can't stop reading!!! send help :P
DevilNextToYou #4
Chapter 10: In chapter 10 u stated that kyungsoo doesn't like classical music but during the performance itself u said he loved it
DevilNextToYou #5
Do I see xiuhannnnnnn XD
Chapter 26: OMG!!!!! This fic is soooo much fluff.. I love it so much! And when I saw the Sequel thing, I screamed!! Too much happiness!!!! Thank you authornim!!!! Muah!
Chapter 26: i totally love this fic cos i could relate.. I'm so kyungie the one who will just stares from the distance. who will get through everything just to get info about my apple of my eye! and ny crush is so jongin!! as in!!! he's the most popular guy in the campus!!! i just love this oh gosh!!!
but the sad thing is I'm not as smart as Kyung nor attractive and definitely will not reciprocate my feelings for him ha.. ha..

thank u for this gonna more of ur stories :)
Chapter 26: i totally love this fic cos i could relate.. I'm so kyungie the one who will just stares from the distance. who will get through everything just to get info about my apple of my eye! and ny crush is so jongin!! as in!!! he's the most popular guy in the campus!!! i just love this oh gosh!!!
but the sad thing is I'm not as smart as Kyung nor attractive and definitely will not reciprocate my feelings for him ha.. ha..

thank u for this gonna more of ur stories :)
365dancejongin #9
Chapter 21: Finished this in one day. Can I do something to this author to get my 4 hours back?! I'm supposed to be doing homework but this fanfic had to be a birch. -.-" Sequel? I'll die.