Bedside Manner

Project: L i f e

June 22nd, 1930

Warning: This chapter contains strong language

-Alice POV-

I pushed the door slowly open, I saw my mom resting on her bed her eyes were closed I watched as her chest slowly rose and fell. I sat quietly in the chair beside the bed, she looked really thin, too thin for a soon-to-be-mom. My eyes wandered to her nightstand there were a few cards and then a vase of fresh carnations, they were moms favourite. That meant only one thing... Dad had been here. I touched one of the petals I wanted to rip them apart but I wanted to hold one in my hand at the same time. "Pretty aren't they?" my mothers voice starteled me. "Mom your awake!" I said starteled. "Your father brought them." I looked down to hide the grimace on my face. "Did he tell you where he was going?" I asked my head still down. "Back to Korea, he said he needs to work things out with some of his contacts." "What does that even mean?" I asked upset. "I honestly don't know honey." Hannah said, Alice could hear the sadness in her voice. My dad always being on the go and not with her was hard on my mom. I looked up into my moms eyes, I had so many things on my mind but there was one thing that I really wanted to ask her and she knew it. "Mom... do you know what dads whole thing with the artificial human was?" I asked my voice shaky from nerves I wasn't sure how she'd react. I saw my mom stiffen, some of the color drained from her face and she became tight-lipped. I knew immediately something wasn't right, "Mom please I wanna know." I pleaded. My mother became very serious I had never seen her this way.

"At first he had started out as a harmless invention." "Your father had made him for me as a way to make up for not being around." "He had created the perfect voice, and installed it into the homunculus." "He would have me sing songs that I liked to it and the homunculus would store it and sing it back, almost like a parrot." "I thought it was so fascinating." "But your dad didn't stop there, he began to work on making it accomplish more tasks like cleaning since I had a hard time getting around." "I thought that was going to be it, but something changed in your father." " I had start to become worse and he became more desperate." "He started telling me all these plans about this thing called Artifical Intelligence." "He said it was going to be the brain for this homunculus and that it would be able to achieve things impossible to humans." "I was kinda unsettled by this and one night I had ventured into his study." "It was a mess of notes and diagrams, but I noticed a bright red folder that laid on the desk." "The title read Project: Death."

"I continued to read the file and found disturbing information." "He was going to turn this innocent invention into a monster." "I can't even begin to explain all the awful things he had written in there, the plans-" Hannah began to cough violently her face had become more pale. "mom? MOM ARE YOU OK?" I asked starting to panic when she didnt stop. I gripped her hand which had become clammy she yanked her hand away and covered for another cough. I watched as a stream of blood streaked down her wrist from her hand. My eyes grew wide with fear, she was coughing up blood. "NURSE! NURSE!" I screamed tears welling in my eyes. Jiho burst into the room, "What's going on?" he asked alarmed only to be pushed aside by a nurse and a doctor that quickly came into the room. My moms eyes grew wide with fear as the doctor in the white coat approached her, "NO! NO!" "GET AWAY FROM ME!" she screamed as she coughed. "Restrain her." the doctor replied calmly. The nurse went on the other side of the bed and began to hold my moms arm down. I watched as my mom thrashed in the bed and ended up connecting her elbow with the nurses jaw. The nurse cried out in pain and gripped her jaw her lip started to bleed, "Out of control ." she spat. "Alice, Alice please don't let them hurt me!" Hannah cried out her arm stretched out to her daughter.

The doctor roughly grabbed my moms arm and stabbed a needle into it, my mother cried out in pain. Tears welled up into my eyes I didn't even know how to react to the scene that laid out before me. I watched as my moms eyes glazed over and rolled back into her head. "What did you do to her!" I yelled as I ran over to the doctor. "Get the hell out of here this isn't a place for damn kids." the doctor snarled. "What the hell is your problem, ever heard of bedside manner ?" Jiho snapped back. The doctor turned around and faced us his lips turned up into a twisted smile, "It's ok she won't be around much longer." "She's been draining our supplies." he said coldly. The doctor stepped closer and crouched down to my level. "I know how you can pay me back though." he said lustily his hot breath on my face. Fear and anger ran through my body but before I had time to react I heard the sickening sound of bone crunching. I blinked and looked at the doctor now  on the floor where he clutched his nose that was pouring blood. "You ing bastard." Jiho said with gritted teeth. "Jiho" I said breathless. "Were out of here Alice." Jiho said as he grabbed my hand and quickly left the building. Once we were outside we both sat on the bus bench I peered up at Jiho his veins were bulging out of his neck. I reached up and gently touched one, he seemed to tense at my touch. He reached up and took my hand without taking his eyes off the pavement, "I'll always protect you..." he mumbeled. My face flushed hot and I just nodded not knowing what to say.



Sorry for the language just wanted to make the fight more realistic ;-; What did everyone think of this chapter?

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@Jenni- wahaha I love them so what do you think the thing was in his pocket?
well thanks for finally updating! LOL
oh cliffhangers..-.- keep updating, halmeoni <3
Deeeeee <3 Your reading it? :3 <3
whee~ so intense >< im getting excited :D
Hehe thank you love <3 I will hopefully have chap 8 up tommorrow :)
wahh tori~ i really like your story~ and your writing style ;)<br />
its a really good story with a lot of suspense <3<br />
=cant wait for your next update- <3
WiKyoung #7
spammhoe #8
thanks for uploading chapter three! (: <br />
<br />
ahh, it's starting to get a little more interesting than before. i wonder when he would open it, since he already seemed so curious about what's in there, and already wanting to open it. ehh. :D
@Moo- No worries it will be ;D<br />
@spam- Thank you for subscribing :) uploaded chapter 3.