Second Family

Project: L i f e


June 21st, 1930
-Alice POV-
I threw my bag over my shoulder and trailed behind Jiyeon to her room, She threw open the door and collapsed onto her mattress as I dropped my bag next to her bed. "Phew i'm beat." Jiyeon said with a sigh."Got all your chores done?" Alice asked as she sat indian style in the floor. "Yup, so we can do whatever you want." Jiyeon said with a smile. "Do you want to hang around here or walk to the beach? Maybe the shopping center?" Jiyeon asked her eyes lighting up with excitement. 
~I was pretty much Jiyeon's only friend and the only excuse to leave her 'boring stuffy house" she would always say. But I preferred her house over mine, it had a very warm atmosphere  and I always felt like I belonged there., sure I had a bigger maybe nicer house you could say, but all I came home to was an empty lonely house.  Jiyeon's family didn't make as much money as us but I didn't care, she was the only friend I had made that wasnt always asking to borrow money or treat them to something. So I always treated her special, she understood me and was supportive of me when my mom got sick. Jiyeon's parents and my dad all grew up together in Korea as well and moved out here together for a better "oppurtunity" they called it. Jiyeon's dad got work at the port helping building ships and sometimes on saturdays he would help at the local fish market. Minsuk made dresses at home and sometimes sold her famous Korean dishes to neighbors to help with extra costs around the house. My dad was able to get into the Society of Higher Inventing and gained an inventing license which made him good money when he got a new invention pattened, my mother on the other hand stayed home and busied herself around the house she also homeschooled me, Jiyeon and Jiho, but we had to go to to public school when she got too sick to teach us. It was hard, we were the only Koreans in the whole school and the rest were either white or hawaiian. We got stared at a lot and people would snicker when we had 'different' lunches than everyone else. Jiho was able to branch out and make other friends with sports, he was a good basketball player and had formed a small team with his friends for fun, but me and Jiyeon were on our own. The girls in our classes were either snobby or to afraid to talk to us because we were different. As far as I was concerned Jiyeon was all I needed anyway. "Less ties to hold us down when we move back to Korea" I would tell her. It was our dream to move back to our country that held our heritage. Jiyeon and Jiho had visited there a few times during holidays, but I had never been... we had no one to visit... well the right way of putting it was no one wanted us to visit. I had never met my fathers parents, all I know is they hated my mom and said my father had disgraced their family. I dont think they were fair at all... just because someone isn't the same skin color as you or religon as you or even the same age as you dosen't mean you shouldn't fall in love with them, how can you help who you love? As for my mothers parents, they both passed away before I was born, apparently. I had been to Cornwall, England to visit my cousin but I was so little that I don't remember it.~
"Aliceeee~" "Earth to Alice?" Jiyeon said waving her hand in front of my face, I snapped back to reality and saw her hopeful eyes staring back at me. "Let's go to the beach." "I want to tell you something." I said. "Alriiiiight!" Jiyeon cheered as she slipped on her sandals and handed me an extra pair, we were the same size. Sometimes I wonder if God made a mistake and I should have been her twin rather than Jiho, the thought made me giggle out loud. "What's so funny?"Jiyeon asked eyeing me suspiciously. "Last one to the door gets thrown in" I yelled as I started to sprint for the door. "Yah! not fair I wasn't even ready." Jiyeon hollered as she ran after me. "I guess i'll spare your life" I said with a wink as I poked her puffed out cheeks. She locked arms with me and we began walking two by two like the animals marching into the ark. "The ants go marching two by two hurrah, hurrah" I sang. Jiyeon snickered and tried to push me over.
-Jiyeons POV-
"So you'll never guess what happened the other day." Jiyeon began "Jiho was showing off his basketball skills for the girl next door and he was going up for the shot but tripped and fell flat on his face and then she started laughing at him." Jiyeon said as she started laughing. "His face was priceless" she said wiping her eyes. She noticed her friend wasn't laughing along with her but staring at the sand instead. "Hey, is everything ok?" she asked concern tinted her voice. Alice perked her head up her eyes looked lost in thought, "Sorry I was just thinking." she said distracted. "About what?" Jiyeon asked curiously.  "Well you know how I told you my dad was working on a new invention?" Alice began. Jiyeon nodded in reply. "Well it's a person." Alice said. Jiyeon's eyes grew wide, "Mwo!?" "You mean like Frankenstein or something?" she said pointing at her temples. Alice laughed out loud, "No, he called it a Homunculus, it's like a artifical person." Alice explained. "It can walk and talk and stuff?" Jiyeon asked intrigued. "Yeah."  "Wooow that's so weird." Jiyeon said eyes still wide. Jiyeon lowered her voice "Can it uh y'know use the bathroom?" "Your retarded!" Alice laughed as she playfully slapped her friend on the shoulder. "Whaaat I'm just curious." she said laughing along. Alice just smiled at her friend but in her own mind she was contemplating, "I wonder if he really can go to the bathroom?" She shook away the thought, embarassed she was even asking herself. "So is it a guy or a girl?" Jiyeon asked brining Alice back from her thoughts. "It's a boy." she replied. "Is he cute?" Jiyeon gushed. "Cute isn't even the word Ji, he's downright beautiful." Alice sighed as she remembered his facial features. Jiyeon smirked, "Someones crushing." she said playfully. "Yah! I am not, he isn't even human." Alice mumbeled feeling her cheeks tinge pink. Jiyeon noticed and snickered to herself, "Whatever you say." she sing-songed. "So is this guy just called Homunculus or what?" Alice smiled proudly, "I named him Yonghwa." Jiyeon smiled impressed, "Meaning harmonious face right?" "Exactly." Alice replied. "Now i've got see this." Jiyeon said laughing. "You seem to be picking up more on your Korean now." Jiyeon smiled as she ruffeled Alice's hair. Alice swatted her hand away, "Yes, I am and I thought he deserved a proper Korean name." Alice remarked as she stuck out her tounge but quickly replaced it with a smile.  "I swear sometimes I forget your even half British." Jiyeon said with a smile, "So can I see him or is this like top secret business?" Jiyeon asked making a quoting gesture and raising her eyebrows. Alice's smile faltered, "Dad took him with him when he went on his business trip, he didn't even say where he was going." Alice said as she stared back down at the sand.  Jiyeon's brows knitted together, "That's weird I wonder why he's being so secretive about it, I figured out of all people he'd tell you at least." "I know, i'm just kind of confused I don't know what's really going on right now." Alice said. Jiyeon rubbed Alice's back "It'll be ok, things will get better don't worry."  Alice smiled on the outside but she felt numb on the inside, "I really hope your right..." she practically whispered.
So Sorry I'm behind! I just started my first week of College and I'm trying to get the feel of my classes I'll try and post two chapters on Saturday. Hope everyone is having a smooth week at school for those of you who just got back. How is everyone liking the story so far? I promise Yonghwa will be more in the story soon guys I just have to go through all the important stuff first so you don't end up lost halfway through the story ;D Anyway Thanks to my new subscribers, you guys are awesome and I look forward to your comments and input <3
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@Jenni- wahaha I love them so what do you think the thing was in his pocket?
well thanks for finally updating! LOL
oh cliffhangers..-.- keep updating, halmeoni <3
Deeeeee <3 Your reading it? :3 <3
whee~ so intense >< im getting excited :D
Hehe thank you love <3 I will hopefully have chap 8 up tommorrow :)
wahh tori~ i really like your story~ and your writing style ;)<br />
its a really good story with a lot of suspense <3<br />
=cant wait for your next update- <3
WiKyoung #7
spammhoe #8
thanks for uploading chapter three! (: <br />
<br />
ahh, it's starting to get a little more interesting than before. i wonder when he would open it, since he already seemed so curious about what's in there, and already wanting to open it. ehh. :D
@Moo- No worries it will be ;D<br />
@spam- Thank you for subscribing :) uploaded chapter 3.