
Project: L i f e


June 22nd, 1930

-Jiyeon POV-

It had been three hours since everyone had gone to bed and I was still wide awake staring at the celing.  I had tried sleeping but I just ended up tossing and turning unable to quiet my thoughts.  I rolled over to my side and squinted at my alarm clock, 3:12 AM stared back at me in bright red.  We were supposed to wake up in two hours.  I sighed and quietly climbed out of bed and then proceeded to tip-toe across the living room to the front door.  It was chilly outside, the air nipped at my thin pajamas I cursed myself for not grabbing a jacket on my way out.  I sat down on the curb and stared up at the starry sky, it was so clear and the stars seemed to stretch for miles.  “Can’t sleep?”  Alice’s voice surprised me.  I looked up at her and nodded, she sat down next to me. “This is all my fault unnie.” Alice said as she buried her face in her knees.  “If I hadn’t come you could probably still live here.”  She mumbled.  I frowned, “That’s nonsense! It’s good you were here now we have a place to go until the economy gets better.”  I replied. “But you’re going to be separated from your parents.”  Alice said looking up at me.  “Then maybe I can finally understand what you have been through all these years.” I watched as tears started to fill Alice’s eyes as she tried to blink them away.  “What are we gonna do?” she asked breaking eye contact.  I reached over and put my arm around her, “I don’t know yet, but we’re gonna be ok as long as we stay together.” We sat in silence for a long time before going back inside, by that time it was time to get ready to leave.


-Alice POV-

I walked to Jiyeon’s room and picked up my suitcase, I walked slowly down the hallway memorizing all the family pictures that lined the walls.  The living room with the mahogany radio and the small kitchen where so many family dinners had taken place.  I turned around and took in the house once more.  “How many more houses am I gonna go through?” I mumbled to myself.  I threw my suitcase into the pick-up bed and squished between Jiho and Jiyeon.  I looked over at Jiho, his eyes were half closed and he had bed head it was kinda cute the way it stuck up in random places.  Jiyeon stared out the window with a solemn expression on her face.  Shin adjusted the review mirror and then turned the key in the ignition.  “Let’s get going then.” He said with a sigh and then pulled out of the driveway.


-Jiho POV-

“Jiho….JIHO” I startled awake from the screech in my ear. “ AAAAHHH” I woke up fast banging my head on the roof of the truck.  “Ow son of a…” I trailed off rubbing the knot forming on top of my head.  “We’re here.” Jiyeon said with a snicker.   “Troll…” I muttered under my breath as I climbed out of the truck and stretched.  We were in what looked like a huge parking lot, but instead of cars strings of planes lined the space.  Dad was talking to a tall thin man; he had wavy brown hair and a moustache.  He was wearing a jumpsuit and goggles hung around his neck; I assumed that he was probably the pilot taking us to England.  “This is my son Jiho.” My father introduced me to the man.  I offered my hand and he shook it firmly; “Nice to meet you, I’m Alistair.” The man said with a thick British accent.  “I’ve been friends with Doohong since university; I’ll take good care of you.” “You don’t get motion sickness do you?” he asked with a chuckle.  “I don’t think so…” I replied not really sure.  “Don’t worry I won’t do too many flips.” He said with a wink.  I felt my eyes grow wide, he must have noticed because he let out a hearty laugh.  “I’m just joking son.” He said as he clapped me on the back.  We all said our goodbyes to dad and then got into the plane.  We all put on our goggles and got settled for the long trip.  Alistair flipped some switches and the plane roared to life, he mumbled a few things into a walkie talkie like device and before I knew it we were off the ground.  It was surreal to be in the air everything was so clear when you’re up that high.  I hadn’t realized how thin clouds really were, but yet we went right through one.  I chatted with Alistair for a long time till evening I’d say; he told me so many interesting stories about England it made me excited to land.  It was evening when I decided to get some sleep since we still had a while to go.


June 23d, 1930

-Alice POV-

I awoke to the sun stinging my eyes as it came up over the horizon to wake up this side of the world.  I stretched my arms out and yawned; “Good morning sleepy head, we will be landing in about 30 minutes.” Alistair shouted cheerfully.  I smiled and gave him a thumbs up.  I took in the scenery it was breathtaking the sky was streaked oranges and pinks; you could see the beautiful greenery and the coastline.  I think I even saw the white cliffs of Dover.  The 30 minutes passed quickly and we quickly made our descent.  We landed on a long strip of asphalt secluded by two long rows of trees on either side.  A black car sat idling at the end of the road; I watched as a man climbed out of it and began to jog over to us.  He wore a hat, a red shirt with a black vest and slacks.  He looked to be about 17-18 years old.  “Alice?” he asked looking at me.  “Yes, it is.” I replied with a smile.  He smiled back and hugged me, “It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, and you’ve grown.” He said looking me up and down.  I wanted to say that I remembered him, but I didn’t; he seemed to catch on and introduced himself.  “I’m Klaus, you’re cousin.” He said with a British accent. “Oh! Pleasure to meet you” I nodded, he had to be from my mom’s side of the family.  He was tall and chestnut brown hair and clear brown eyes. 

“C’mon let’s get you to the mansion.” He said collected me and Jiyeon’s suitcases.  We waved goodbye to Alistair and followed Klaus to the car; he made idle chit-chat as we drove along asking us about our plane ride and how we liked the scenery.  He stopped the car in front of a large rod iron gate it was connected to massive red brick walls that were overgrown with ivy.  He pushed the gate open with a grunt and then drove us inside to a circular driveway in front of the mansion.  He began to unload our bags and set them on the porch as I took in the scenery.  The mansion was enormous and elegant; it was painted white with red accents.  There were two large pillars on the porch that supported part of upstairs.  There was a fountain in the middle of the circular drive way, and on the opposite sides of the driveway there were two gardens.  A petite woman stood at the door she wore a uniform so I assumed she was the maid.  We all followed Klaus inside; “Phoebe?” Klaus called out as he set down the luggage.  “Yes, Master?” she answered.  Klaus seemed to flinch at the word, “Uhm do you mind cooking breakfast?” he asked.  “Yes, of course.” She replied cheerily and curtsied before she retreated to the kitchen.  “While Phoebe is making breakfast why don’t you go ahead and pick out your rooms; they are straight up the stairs.” He said distracted.  I looked over at Jiyeon and we both raced up the stairs taking two at a time.  “Yah! Just leave me with the bags why don’t you!” Jiho yelled annoyed.  “Thanks.” We called back in unison.  I ran for the first room down the right hallway and burst through the door the room was gorgeous.  The walls were a pale rose color, it had a canopy bed too I had always wanted one.  The bedspread was cream with roses on it, there was a mahogany night stand next to it and a vanity in the same wood color at the back of the room.  Next to the vanity was what I assumed was the closet, on the other wall there was a window.  I unclasped the latch and pushed the windows out, a fresh breeze blew through my room it was slightly misty from the fog.  I heard squeals of delight come from the room next to mine, I wandered over and saw Jiyeon flop onto a canopy bed like mine.  The rooms were practically identical but hers appeared to have a lily theme.  “This is amazing.” Jiyeon sighed sinking into her sheets.  Jiho popped his head into the doorway and whistled “These are pretty fancy.” He said surveying the room.  “Let’s go see your room.” I said pushing past him to walk down to the third and final room.  I opened the door, it was the same as the previous two rooms but with a sunflower theme; “Oh hell no…” Jiho said with a disgusted look on his face.  I burst out laughing, “Why not it’s so pretty Jiho.” I said mockingly. “I will sleep on the hallway floor before I sleep in here.” He said backing up. " I think there is another hallway on the other side of the stairs." I offered.  We both wandered down the hallway and sure enough there was another hallway on the other side of the stairs.  Jiho opened the first door, the walls were a royal blue color, the bed was just as large as the others we had seen, but instead of a canopy a large oak headboard sat in its place.  “This is more like it.” He said a smile of satisfaction spread across his face as he set his suitcase on the bed.  “Well I’m gonna go unpack.” I announced, but I don’t think he heard me as he sunk into his bed.  I rolled my eyes and walked back to my room.  I folded my clothes and put them away neatly.  I set my jewelry box on the vanity along with my toiletries. I sat on the window seat in front of the window and looked out at my view as I my necklace.  I heard feet shuffle up the stairs and then an abrupt stop at my room, I turned around to see Klaus staring into my room wide-eyed.  “Oh hi Klaus?” I said almost a question.  He seemed unsettled, “I thought I locked this room.” He laughed nervously.  I cocked my head to the side confused; his eyes flitted between me and the closet and then rested finally on the floor.  “Breakfast is ready.” He said distracted like before, scratching the back of his head.  “Oh uh okay, I’ll tell the others.” I said slowly intrigued by his odd behavior.  He nodded and then left, I listened to his steps as we descended the stairs. “What’s with him…” I muttered under my breath a weird feeling rising in my stomach. 


So finally a long chapter eh? So what do you think of this chapter? Whats up with Klaus he's being weird @.@

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@Jenni- wahaha I love them so what do you think the thing was in his pocket?
well thanks for finally updating! LOL
oh cliffhangers..-.- keep updating, halmeoni <3
Deeeeee <3 Your reading it? :3 <3
whee~ so intense >< im getting excited :D
Hehe thank you love <3 I will hopefully have chap 8 up tommorrow :)
wahh tori~ i really like your story~ and your writing style ;)<br />
its a really good story with a lot of suspense <3<br />
=cant wait for your next update- <3
WiKyoung #7
spammhoe #8
thanks for uploading chapter three! (: <br />
<br />
ahh, it's starting to get a little more interesting than before. i wonder when he would open it, since he already seemed so curious about what's in there, and already wanting to open it. ehh. :D
@Moo- No worries it will be ;D<br />
@spam- Thank you for subscribing :) uploaded chapter 3.