It was all a dream...?

Project: L i f e


June 24th, 1930

-Phoebe POV-

I shot awake the scream still escaping my lips, my body soaked with sweat.  I try to calm my shaky breathing as I hear thudding footsteps rapidly coming down the hallway and wince as Klaus bursts through my door.  “Phoebe what’s wrong?” he asks winded from his sprint.  I slowly look up at him his features are creased with worry and his eyes tinged with concern. “I-I…” I croak out my mouth dry.  “Did you have the dream again?” he asked his tone soft but serious as he takes in my pale features.  I drop my gaze to the floor and nod slowly unable to form words.  His face softens and he pads over and sits on the bed next to me.  He gently brushed the matted hair out of my face; I look into his kind eyes and lose it.  I begin to sob uncontrollably as I bury my face into his chest.  “Shhhh it’s gonna be okay, I’m here now…I won’t let it ever happen to you again.” He says quietly as he holds me tight and rubs my back. I grip his shirt tightly just trying to hold onto anything “I’m sorry…” I say between sobs.  He pushes my shoulders back to arm’s length, “You have nothing to be sorry for.” He says firmly but kindly.  I nod and begin to wipe my tears.  Klaus catches my wrist and leans in closer and wipes my tears away caressing my cheek.  I freeze not wanting the moment to end, his hands were so warm and gentle, they had light callouses on his fingertips; he might look rich to others on the outside, but I know that he’s worked hard for every penny.  I peeked up and caught him staring me right in the eye, his soft brown eyes pulling me in.  Klaus leaned in closer, I could feel his breath lightly on my face I closed my eyes, when I heard a snicker.  I opened my eyes wide and saw a now smirking Klaus staring at me, I stuck out my lower lip in frustration, I was so done with him! But before I could get up he quickly connected his lips to mine.  I inhaled sharply surprised by his sudden move, but suddenly relaxed into it and kissed him back.  His lips were soft and inviting, it made me feel safe to be like this in his arms.  As sweet as the moment was the last scene from my dream flashed into my mind and I quickly broke away.  Klaus looked a little confused so I smiled as I felt the heat rush to my cheeks.  “I should get ready.” I stammered, he chuckled a little and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear “okay.” He said with a small smile as he rose from the bed and walked to the doorframe. “Phoebe…”  Klaus began. “Hmm?” I asked making eye contact. “I will make sure that dosen’t happen again.” He said with sudden seriousness.  I could tell that he meant it by the determination is his eyes.  “I know.”  I said genuinely as I offered him a warm smile.  He returned it and started down the hallway.  “After all I owe my life to you.” I say softly.

-Jiyeon POV-

Jiyeon sat up in bed startled, “Did someone just scream?” she whispered to herself she felt a chill go down her spine. She turned and placed her bare feet on the floor and let out a squeak, the floorboards were like ice.  “Ugh it’s freezing in here!” she mumbled to herself as she stepped into her slippers and wrapped up tightly in a cozy sweater.  She shuffled quietly to the door and exited her room to the hallway. Jiyeon looked both ways down the hallway before shuddering, “This place gives me the creeps.” She muttered with a grimace as she kept a vigilant eye out.  Jiyeon squinted hard in the dark trying to make out shapes in the hallway and constantly ran her hand against the wall so she could keep her bearings.  She heard a pair of voices discussing something in a hushed tone and began to wander toward the sound.  A couple doors down she could see a sliver of light coming from door that had been cracked open.  Silently she got closer to she could make out the conversation. “Did you have the dream again?” she heard a male voice ask, it sounded like it was Klaus, but who was he talking to?  Jiyeon leaned in closer to try and hear the other person when a strong hand clapped her on the shoulder.  Jiyeon jumped nearly half a foot away biting down on her lip hard to avoid a scream.  Jiho stared back her wide-eyed, “Why are you up this early?” he said in a normal tone.  Jiyeon let out a string of curses under breath, she could taste metallic flavor in where she had bitten her lip.  She lifted a finger to her lips and narrowed her eyes at him as she shuffled over to where he was standing.  “Be quiet I’m trying to hear what they are saying.” She hissed as she pressed her ear against the wall, but it was no good whoever was talking their voice was too low.  “I will make sure that dosen’t happen again.” Klaus said, his tone seemed serious.  “Won’t let what-“ Jiyeon started but quickly grabbed her brother by the arm and yanked him down the hall, she could tell that Klaus was going to exit the room.  “Start walking with me so we don’t seem suspicious.” She instructed and Jiho nodded.  “What are you guys doing up so early?” Klaus called down the hallway to them.  “Crap!” Jiyeon muttered under her breath as the twins turned to face him.  “Jiyeon didn’t want to go to the bathroom alone cause she was scared.” Jiho snickered.  Jiyeon opened to deny it, but thought better of it not to draw attention to it.  Klaus glanced at her and raised an eyebrow, “You know there’s a bathroom across from your rooms right?” he said  suspicion tinging his voice.  “Ohh uhhh I guess I’m just not used to the layout of the house.” Jiyeon laughed nervously as she elbowed her brother to go along with it.  Jiho looked over at his sister and laughed forcedly, “Yeah I mean it is a big place after all.” Klaus nodded seeming satisfied with their answer, “I’ll see if Phoebe can show you around today, I have to get ready to leave for town in an hour.” He explained pulling out his pocket watch and squinting at it.  “Breakfast will be in about 30 minutes.” Klaus snapped his pocket watch shut and looked up with a smile.  Jiyeon became curious,  “To be honest I thought I heard something earlier.” She mentioned.  Klaus’s expression became a little anxious, “Oh Phoebe just got scared I came to check on her, she’s fine” He said waving the matter off as he turned and walked down the hallway.  The twins looked at each other confused and then started down the hall back to their rooms.

-Jiho POV-

“Wonder what all that was about…” Jiho said as he shoved his hands into his pockets as they stopped in front of Jiyeon’s room.  “Something seemed off… I heard someone scream Ji…” Jiyeon said a little rattled from the event.  “Scream? Sounds like you’ve been listening to too many of those late night mystery radio dramas.” Jiho said with a raised eyebrow.  Jiyeon let out a frustrated sigh, “Nevermind.”  Jiho scratched the back of his head, “It was probably just a insect or a rat or something.” He offered.  Jiyeon frowned not seeming satisfied with his suggestion.  Jiho scoffed, “Or maybe it was a ghost?” he said in a ghoulish voice as he wiggled his fingers in his sisters face.  “Yah shikkeuro.” Jiyeon barked as she swatted his hand away and retreated to her room.  Jiho shrugged and headed down the hallway, but stopped in front of Alice’s door.  He raised his hand and knocked on the door but it had been cracked so it swung open. “Oops!” he said fumbling to close the door, but noticed there was no response.  Jiho blushed “I feel like a creep.” He mumbled embarrassingly as he went to peek around the door, to his surprise the bed was already made and Alice wasn’t in sight. “Huh?” he walked into the room and looked around, he sighed and walked toward the window.  Jiho unlatched the window and surveyed the countryside, it was gonna be a nice day out, and there wasn’t too much fog.  Something shiny caught his eye as he peered down into the garden, there sat Alice at a table with her journal spread out and a cup of tea beside it.  A smile formed on his lips, “Ahoy down there!” he called out to her.  Alice looked up, tipping her straw sun hat back and squinting at him.  A smile crept onto her face as she recognized him, “Ahoy, come on down the weathers fine!” she called back to him waving for him to join her.  Jiho nodded as he closed the window, and jogged down the stairs to the lobby.


So finally some romance eh? I hope it turned out okay rofl, it might have been a little sappy I apologize XD  The rest of the chapter was kind of filler material because I didn't want to end with just Phoebe's scene but I didn't want to make the chapter really long either.  I know it seems like it's moving slow but it's all gearing up for important events.  Don't forget this fanfic follows some events in History (may not be completely accurate) so keeping track of the dates is important ;D  Don't worry some important stuff will come up within the next two chapters, enjoy and please keep reading the best is yet to come!

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@Jenni- wahaha I love them so what do you think the thing was in his pocket?
well thanks for finally updating! LOL
oh cliffhangers..-.- keep updating, halmeoni <3
Deeeeee <3 Your reading it? :3 <3
whee~ so intense >< im getting excited :D
Hehe thank you love <3 I will hopefully have chap 8 up tommorrow :)
wahh tori~ i really like your story~ and your writing style ;)<br />
its a really good story with a lot of suspense <3<br />
=cant wait for your next update- <3
WiKyoung #7
spammhoe #8
thanks for uploading chapter three! (: <br />
<br />
ahh, it's starting to get a little more interesting than before. i wonder when he would open it, since he already seemed so curious about what's in there, and already wanting to open it. ehh. :D
@Moo- No worries it will be ;D<br />
@spam- Thank you for subscribing :) uploaded chapter 3.