
Project: L i f e

June 22nd, 1930

-Alice POV-

I stretched my body out on the bed as I roused from my pleasent nap, I peered over at the clock sitting on the night stand. I focused my blurred vision on the numbers 3PM "Was it that late already?" I had only planned to nap and hour but it had been 3 hours instead. I rolled out of bed and shuffeled into the living room, it was eerily quiet. I shuffeled to the kitchen and saw two bright blue notes on the fridge, I walked over and read them, the first on said "Out on errands, won't be home until 6PM, be home by dinner if you go out. Love Mom" That meant Auntie was still gone I glanced at the other note, "Hey Ali, went to the flea market you wouldn't wake up so I went without you, Mianhe, you forgive me right? Love Jiyeon" I frowned and stuck them both on the refridgerator. Well that meant everyone was gone, Uncle was at work and Jiho was probably out since it was so quiet. The realization finally hit me this would be a perfect time to sneak out and see mom, I ran back to the room and got dressed. I grabbed back pack and gathered some fruit and what was left of dinner last night and put them in my pack. I looked in my wallet and stared at the $10 bill my dad had hurriedly given me before he left. "This should be plenty for bus fare and in case of emergency." I slipped on my shoes and checked my watch it was 3:30PM I had just enough time, I reached for the door when a hand clamped around my wrist. "Where do you think your going?" a voice asked annoyed. It was dark in the room with all the blinds closed but as my eyes adjusted I recognized Jiho's facial features. "I think you know where." I said with a huff. Jiho frowned, "Look just let me talk to you about what I heard first." "No. I wanna see for myself I'm tired of always hearing it second or third person." I said as I untangeled my wrist from his grip. Jiho sighed defeated, "Fine but I have to come with you." Alice eyed him up and down and then raised an eyebrow, "Uh no your not." she replied. Annoyance clearly clouded his face, "Why not!?" he demmanded. "Because your still in your boxers." she said as she pointed to his torso. Jiho's eyes widened as he quickly glanced down, his cheeks flushed dark. He made a mad dash fro his room and slipped into his jeans in record time, "Let's go." he mumbeled as he pulled on his baseball cap. Alice snickered as she followed him out the door. They both arrived at the bus stop just before 4PM, they purchased tickets that took them to the left side of the island. They got off in front of a tall brick building the sign read " Hilton Medical Center.". "Were here." Jiho said. I checked the address of the building to the one written on my paper. I nodded and the stuffed the paper in my pocket. "Let's go." I said as I pushed the door open.

-Jiho POV-

As we stepped inside we were hit by a horrible smell, several but they all had blended together to make it practically unbearable. The people were very uncleanly and no one seemed to care about the cleanliness. The nurses and doctors on this floor strode by as if nothing seemed out of the ordinary, I surmised that after being in this enviroment so long they probably had lost the sense of smell. We both ran for the door at the end of the room that was marked stairs. They burst into the stairwell area both breathing heavy. Waves of nausea rolled in my stomach I gagged but managed to keep my meal down. Alice coughed several times before giving a dry heave, thankfully she hadn't eaten anything before we left. We both climbed up the stairs slowly to the top floor, they walked out into what seemed like a different building altogether. The conditions were clean and the air slightly smelled like rubber gloves and cleaning products. "I guess this is for people that shell out the big bucks." Jiho said with a whistle. A nurse came by and greeted us, "How can I help you?" she said with a smile. "I'm here to see a patient her name is Hannah Jung." Alice replied. "Let's walk over here and i'll look her up in our records." they all traveled to the desk in the middle of the room on the far right and left rooms lined the walls. The nurse flipped through the book and finally got to the "J's" "Ah here we go, may I ask your relation to the patient?" "I'm her daughter." Alice replied. "And you?" she said to me. "I'm um a friend of the family." I replied. She frowned a little, "I'm sorry but only immediate relatives can see Mrs. Jung she's in critical condition." the nurse explained. I noticed that Alice flinched when she said critical condition. "There is a chair outside the door though, feel free to wait there." the nurse offered. We walked over to room 12 I noticed Alice's hands were shaking when she reached for the door, I stopped her. "Are you gonna be okay?" I asked with concern. She mustered up what courage she could and nodded as I let her go inside. I Sat down in the chair and rested my head against the cold wall, this is what I hated most about hospitals, the waiting.

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@Jenni- wahaha I love them so what do you think the thing was in his pocket?
well thanks for finally updating! LOL
oh cliffhangers..-.- keep updating, halmeoni <3
Deeeeee <3 Your reading it? :3 <3
whee~ so intense >< im getting excited :D
Hehe thank you love <3 I will hopefully have chap 8 up tommorrow :)
wahh tori~ i really like your story~ and your writing style ;)<br />
its a really good story with a lot of suspense <3<br />
=cant wait for your next update- <3
WiKyoung #7
spammhoe #8
thanks for uploading chapter three! (: <br />
<br />
ahh, it's starting to get a little more interesting than before. i wonder when he would open it, since he already seemed so curious about what's in there, and already wanting to open it. ehh. :D
@Moo- No worries it will be ;D<br />
@spam- Thank you for subscribing :) uploaded chapter 3.