Family Meeting

Project: L i f e

June 22nd, 1930

-Alice POV-

It was a quiet ride home on the bus, I just stared out the window at the blurred trees and houses. Jiho still hadn't let go of my hand, he was napping with his mouth open. I gently removed my hand from his in time to hear the bus driver announce our stop. I shook Jiho awake and he groggrily followed me down the sidewalk to the house. I stopped short and Jiho ran into my back. "Ow, aish why did you stop?" he said rubbing his forehead. I pointed to the familair truck in the driveway.

-Jiho POV-

I looked down at my watch it was only 4pm dad wasn't supposed to be home until six... We both walked through the door, the radio was up loud and the living room was packed. Mom, Dad and sis were sitting on the couch with solemn expressions. Quite a few of our neighbors were seated or standing around the room. I tried to tune into what the radio was saying over everyones voices. I made out a few words "Stock" "Market" "Crash" "Job loss" "Cut Hours" "Economy" "Great Depression". I tried to make sense of all the words, I was confused but I knew whatever it was it was serious. Everyone quieted down as a man began to speak over the radio. He introduced himself as Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He began to explain what he called the "New Deal" his plan to help everyone out of this mess. After the speech was over I watched as one by one our neighbors filed out of our living room some stopping to hug my mom or shake my dads hand and pat him on the back. I caught a few "sorry's" here and "I wish you the best's" there. After everyone had left dad broke the silence, "Family meeting head to the table." he said in a solemn tone. We all exchanged glances and followed him into the kitchen. We all sat down and waited quietly for him to start. "I got let go from my job today." he said slowly. I stared wide eyed at my dad as he continued. "I was thankfully able to connect with one of my old classmates and he's helped me get a job I'm going to be working in the harbor now but due to this event I'm suffering from a huge pay cut." "So everything is gonna be ok right?" Jiyeon said in a strained voice. Shin sunk his head down, "Unfortunately my income won't be able to support our family." I felt my hands begin to sweat what was dad going on about, what was gonna happen to us? "Your mom and I have decided that we are going to be sending you to live in England." "Alice's dad has graciously allowed you and your sister to live with Doohongs nephew Klaus." "It's a large mansion and Doohong has quite a bit of money saved up." "You'll be leaving tomorrow morning, Doohongs friend Alistair will be flying you there." he finished. My mouth felt dry, I wanted to speak but no words came out. I looked over to Alice who was staring into her lap. Jiyeon was fighting back tears I could always tell, she made this face with her eyebrows knit together and she would bite her lip. "You should go pack your things." Mom said in a tight voice I could tell she was trying hard to keep on a brave face. I got up first and the others followed as we all walked down the hallway hearts heavy and minds confused.


Sorry for the short chapter guys ;-;. What do you think of this chapter?

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@Jenni- wahaha I love them so what do you think the thing was in his pocket?
well thanks for finally updating! LOL
oh cliffhangers..-.- keep updating, halmeoni <3
Deeeeee <3 Your reading it? :3 <3
whee~ so intense >< im getting excited :D
Hehe thank you love <3 I will hopefully have chap 8 up tommorrow :)
wahh tori~ i really like your story~ and your writing style ;)<br />
its a really good story with a lot of suspense <3<br />
=cant wait for your next update- <3
WiKyoung #7
spammhoe #8
thanks for uploading chapter three! (: <br />
<br />
ahh, it's starting to get a little more interesting than before. i wonder when he would open it, since he already seemed so curious about what's in there, and already wanting to open it. ehh. :D
@Moo- No worries it will be ;D<br />
@spam- Thank you for subscribing :) uploaded chapter 3.