A part of Hyunseong's past

On the flip of my coin



Hyunseong POV

I turn around to see if Minwoo left yet just to see he day dreaming. Then all of the sudden he puts his hands on his cheek and yells, “OMO, I’m acting like Jessica. NOOOOO!”

How did I ever become friends with that guy? How weird.

I did tell him the truth, just not everything I know.

I told Jeongmin to be careful around Kae sa because of Minwoo.


“You know how Minwoo think he’s in love with Kae sa right?”

“Yeah, what about it?” Jeongmin replied.

“Just be careful around her. I really don’t want to see Minwoo’s heart break.”

“Don’t worry. This is just for fun. It’s a game. You know what I really need her for.”

“Playing with love is dangerous. Especially a heart like Kae sa’s and Minwoo. They never loved before and obviously don’t know what love is. Minwoo thinks he’s in love with Kae sa and she thinks she’s in love with you. They haven’t built any walls around their hearts yet, and if they get hurt it goes straight to their hearts. I just hope feelings aren’t developed.”

Jeongmin scoffed,” Whose feelings? Obviously you’re talking about yourself. What’s meant to be will happen.”

~~end of flashback~~

I was partly talking about myself. A girl broke my heart once. I thought she was my girlfriend. I really thought I was in love with her. I let down my guard and she just attacked. (Not literally)


She said I was naïve and don’t know what love is.  To show me she grabbed a random guy (or so I thought) and with passion, kissed him, hard. When the kiss ended, I was tearing. “This is my boyfriend, and this between me and him, is love. To me you are barely a friend. I just hung out with you because he temporarily had to leave and I was lonely, now he’s back so I don’t need you. Hyunseong, you thought I would love you back? I never even liked you. You don’t know what love is, so don’t pretend that there is love between us. Come on Eli, let’s leave.” The guy just smirked. I was just left there alone crying.

~~End flashback~~

From then on, I had walls, and they were built high and strong. This time, I will find out what love is, and prove what she had with Eli wasn’t love.

The only two people I told this story to are Jessica and Yoona. It seems like they really listen. They wanted to know, but I don’t know about Minwoo. I just don’t want him to be so blinded by this infatuation.

I look back to Minwoo and see him talking with Jessica and Yoona.

I just hope that not a lot of feelings are developed, including mine.  At least he has good friends. **sigh** With that in mind I went home.




Jessica’s POV

I was walking down the street with Yoona when I heard Minwoo screaming. Yoona and I heard what about the fight. About how Minwoo punched Jeongmin and Kae sa coming to Jeongmin’s rescue. He must have been heartbroken, but I agree with Hyunseong. This isn’t love that Minwoo’s feeling. Minwoo’s so blind, but I hope he figures out it soon.

About the twins thing. Minwoo didn’t introduce us. They even never showed up, I bet he didn’t even talk to them after that fight, I don’t blame him. I guess we kinda let him off the hook, but we’re still ignoring him for the whole week. Except that it’s no fun if he doesn’t even realize that we’re ignoring him. He’s too engulfed in this whole thing.

“MINWOO!” Yoona yelled.

There goes her temper.

He stopped running and glanced over. “Oh…Hi.”

We walked over to him. By this time Yoona would be screaming at him. Maybe she decide to play it cool today.

“Did you forget something?” Yoona asked innocently.



“But I got you guys a date with them.”

It’s my turn to talk since Yoona’s speechless.


“A date, around next week. I’ll give you details later.” Minwoo replied coolly.

Yoona leaned over to me and whispered. “He’s lying. He just made that up on the spot. Trust me, I can tell when he lies.”

Wow, smart.

“Should we give him a chance?” I whispered.

“Well, all I want is Youngmin, so let’s see how he’s going to get our date.”

“I agree.” I smiled.

We looked back up at Minwoo. He had a What-are-you-guys-up-to-now look on his face.

“Ok, see you then”

Minwoo smiled meekly at us. We turned around and left.

*~Kwangmin, my love♥~*





Woooo bunny-chan00, Thanks for the idea! Haha i totally forgot but I just wrote the confession down and I'll type it up later. 

Are my chapters too short? I think I should make  it longer. This chapter was supposd to be two, Hungseong and Jess' pov are supossed to be differnt chapters. But I think It's better this way. Comment =D I need people to uh, boost up my writing skills? hahaha Some encouragement is what I mean. The chapters are kinda boring right now i know but interesting? haha TY

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What a late update. Haha well at least it's not discontinued. Right? I don;t like those. No.


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Omo Jeongmin, how could you do that to Kae Sa?<br />
Poor Kae Sa, hope Minwoo will make her feel better...
awww :( i wonder what's going to happen next ><
I can sense jealousy...aigoo Jeongmin, could you please forget about the robbery for a moment and have fun with Kae Sa
Oops i know this is late 2 edit but i meant<br />
If i was Kae Sa's friend i would of killed him by now x)"
I'm busy, so sorry. But maybe winter break I'll start again
==; Jeongmin if i was Kae Sa's i would of killed you by now (not literally) <br />
anyways please keep updating ~ ! ;D ♥
Now Jeongmin play with Kae sa heart<br />
If Kae Sa know, she will feel really upset
Even the Jo twins is scared to Minwoo...hahaha
uBae #9
waiting for the updates:)
can't wait for the next chapter ~ ! ^o^ ♥