First Date

Marry Me, Again.

"Himchan's POV

"Wow! Himchan hyung. It's been a long time that I see you like this.So, where are you going?" Zelo look so suprise when he see me wearing smartly. 


"Well, Zelo. He is going on a date with your noona." Yongguk hyung seem so excited when I told him yesterday.

"Noona? My noona? Which noona?" Does Zelo has many noona until he can't remember the one and the only noona that he really like. Gosh. I know a lot of noona fans that love him. Everytime when we have fansigning, noona fans will always take care of Zelo. 

"Ya! Junhong-ah. Of course  noona. She is your favourite noona and how could you forget about her." Youngjae smack Zelo's head and make Zelo groan.

"Youngjae hyung, I know it's noona. I'm just joking around. It hurt you know." Poor Zelo. He always being bully by us. Just because he is maknae. 

"Ok you guys. Stop fighting. Please don't spoil Himchan's mood before he go to date. Himchan, I wish you guys all the best and have fun during date. Don't be naughty." Yongguk hyung, jinjja mwoya? He stare naughtily at me. 

"Hyung, please don't think anything else. I'm just going to play at the amusement park only. There's nothing else that we're going to do." 

"Ok. Make sure your cheeks don't get red like this." What the.... My cheeks suddenly become red. Am I blush? Like seriously. 

"Whatever hyung. I'm going out. Bye. See you guys later." I walk out and go to my car. Why my heart beat so fast? Am I nervous? Himchan relax. I cross my finger and hope that this date is going to be work just as plan. 


's POV

Today I'm going out with Himchan oppa after we reconcile. I hope that I'm not overdress. Am I look too y? Am I look too casual? What if Himchan doesn't like my outfit for today? Please , relax. Don't think too much. We're just going to hang out as a friend. Please don't be too overexcited. 

"Knock, knock." That must be Himchan oppa. Wait. Be cool .

"Hi." You looks so handsome today oppa. I like see you smile like this.

"Hi." We look quite awkward. 

"Well, I brought you this." You bring me my favourite flower, Rose. 

"Thank you." I can see that you try your best.

"Where are we going today?"

"Well, I'm going to bring you to somewhere that we used to go. Is that okay?"  

"Where to?" I'm quite curious. You didn't even say anything. We arrive to the amusement park. Why and What are we going to do here? 

"Do you remember? This place is where we were first time meet."

"Yeah. I remember. That time you were sitting on that bench and just being alone. Then you save me from a bunch of gangster that try to disturb me. Right?" You just stare at me when I try to remember back our sweet memories. 

What should I do? You stare at me for so long. 


"Oh.. Yeah. RIght." You make me nervous.

We have fun with riding a lot of roller coaster. As usual, you will always throw up after we go for a ride. I rub at your back like usual because I know you will feel much better when people rub your back. After that, you go and play some game. You win for the first prize and you give me that prize. It is a huge teddy bear. So cute. 

After that, we go for a dinner. 

"Thank you for spending time with me today." You send me home after that.

"Me too. I had a lot of fun today and thank you for the teddy bear. I will take good care of Channie."

"Channie? Nugu Channie?" You look jealous when I say Channie.

"Well. Channie is my second lover." I say this while I point to this teddy bear.

"Ah~~ This Channie. I thought there's another guy. Thank god it's just a teddy bear." I can see how relief you are. Suddenly it become awkward when you realise that I just stare at you. 

"Ehem..... Well I should go now. Goodbye. Sleep well. Bye." You want to hug me but you do realise that right now we still have boundaries. 

"Bye oppa. Good night." I wave to you and you wave to me back.

That date end well. I hope we can go out like this again.








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NawalNajihah #1
Chapter 18: Omg... it been ages ... thank you for updating... shakey... and love u a lot because of the happy ending :-)
Chapter 17: Yaaay a happy ending, thanks for making this authornim, see you again someday *bye bye*
Chapter 15: They're scared to lose each other and promise not to make a same mistake, this couple is so sweet *squeal*
Chapter 14: Whaat a cliffhanger one but it's okay i like how the things going right now and i agree someone must learn from the past mistake not repeat it, thanks for the update and welcome back authornim :D
NawalNajihah #5
Chapter 12: I miss youu shakey!!! Why so long have u not update the stories!!?? Lol:)))
Chapter 12: This date look pretty cool for the first time and i am curious how himchan look like when he blushing, now why i'm dreaming the impossible hehe ^_^
Chapter 11: Yeah finally just forgive each other and i like with being a friend first and learn and care more about each other btw thanks for the update ;)
Chapter 11: Welcome back authornim and i still love this story so thanks for the update too :D
shakeywakey #9
Hello... thanks for subscribe my story....
I'm sorry if my story is boring... I still lack in writing fanfic...
Whatever it is....
Have fun read my fanfic....
Thank you... :) :) :)
Imanewwww readerrr :)))