Hyun Min's Weekend

Why did I fall in love with you? [sequel to I WANT BOYFRIEND TO BE MY BOYFRIENDS]

Hyun Min's POV

It's my first weekend here. I decided to clean my room and read my notes. I'm not that skilled in doing the chores so i finished cleaning and arranging at 7:30pm. Augghh, so tiring, so this is what maids feel when i always mess my room before. Maybe they are taking their revenge on me, aughh. After eating my dinner. I read my notes and beacause of my tiring day, i fell asleep early.

The next day, the girls and i chitchatted. They share the things that happened yesterday. I was really happy for them. We talked for a little while until they already need to go. I decided to go shopping. As i went at the train station, i saw Minho. He was sitting at the seats reserved for aged people. An old man went in but he didn't lend his sit. He really has no respect, that guy is getting on my nerves. Eh? What's that? He gave up his seat to the old lady. Did he sit there to reserve it for women and not for men? HAHA, so, he has that side of him after all. I rode the train and made sure that he will not see me. I reached the mall and looked for cute bags and accessories.

I went back to the dorm immediately before it got dark. I ate sundae for dinner then arranged my bag for tomorrow's class again. I checked the time in my cellphone, it was already 9:30. While lying on my bed, i realized that I haven't talked to Sun Woo, aughh, how can i forget him. For 2 days, i haven't seen him nor i tried to contact him. I think i should avoid him, but still act normal. I can't fall in love with him like what happened to Hye Rin and Ki Ra. We promised each other. I'm also afraid that i might hurt myself. I have this feeling that i'm the only one who's having a hard time about that promise. I do love him, does he? Aughh, stop it Hyun Min, you can't! I closed my eyes and fell asleep already.

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ChangingPhases #1
Nah. You did a great job so don't worry about it! I <3 the chappie! Yeah I was surprised to see it in my subscription box lol! [:
ChangingPhases #2
Aww don't cry!! Don't worry she'll fall for you soon hopefully. Heh. Update soon!!
1say16 #3
aww poor sunwoo update soon
Oh! Such cute story ! Update soon !! I totally love it ! <3
tralalaHaeRa #5
@ChangingPhases: the cover is new. LOL. Gomawo
ChangingPhases #6
Aww you can do it gurl!! BTW I love the cover it's new right? Or I'm just noticing lol.. I tend to notice things slow... [:
ChangingPhases #7
Aww you can do it gurl!! BTW I love the cover it's new right? Or I'm just noticing lol.. I tend to notice things slow... [:
1say16 #8
just say it already kira it wont hurt
ChangingPhases #9
aha~ So cute! Say Yes!!! [:
1say16 #10
awwww his so sweet ..... say yes kira say yes!!!!!!!!!!!!