Chapter 17

Why did I fall in love with you? [sequel to I WANT BOYFRIEND TO BE MY BOYFRIENDS]


Hyun Min’s POV

*Knock Knock* that knock interrupted the three of us inside the principal’s door.

“Please come back later student, the principal is talking with other students.”

The secretary outside is trying to stop the student from barging in.

“Excuse me”

 The student broke off the silence inside when he finally barged in. Surprisingly, it was Minho. My eyes were glued at him.

“Sorry Ma’am. I could not stop him” the secretary said.

“It’s fine. What do you need young boy?” The principal asked Minho.

“I’m sorry for interrupting, but I should be the one explaining.” Minho said.

“What do you mean?” the principal said.

“My friends and I set these things up. I am sorry.” He said and bowed down.

Examining what he said, he politely told... the truth. Then BANG! That ‘truth’ word strikes me. Whats?, Whys?, and Huhs?  are running through my mind. I never imagined that he would admit this. Everybody says he’s a bad guy, a bully, someone who would hurt others and just let them be. Minho is someone who does not care about anything. He is someone I should hate. But this guy in front of me is definitely the opposite of Minho. I was right, I know there is something about him that would always make my heart beat. Those serious eyes, melts me. Right after what happened last night, when he cried to me, I know there is something wrong.

My thoughts were conquering my mind that I can’t listen to what they are saying anymore.

“Hyun Min” Sunwoo said which finally broke me off my thoughts.

“A-ah, yes?” I asked.

My mind was not set.

“The principal said we should go. She’s going to talk to Minho” he said.


I walked pass Minho. My eyes were still glued to him. Heavy pumps of my heart make me nervous for him. *Idiot Minho! You are such an idiot!* I kept on walking and walking while Sunwoo was trailing behind me. My mind was completely separated from my body, that is how I feel right now. *Idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot* those words went through my thoughts, over and over again. Hearing hard bumps in my heart, I saw dark things, everything in black. Then, I saw Sunwoo. He was carrying me bridal stlye. His face were all worried and he was running very fast while carrying me.

“Sunwoo-ah” I whispered.

“Hang in there!” he shouted.

Those words were the last things I heard before my sight became blurry and everything became blank.

Sunwoo’s POV

Hyun Min is completely out of her mind. She was staring widely, and her mind was flying somewhere else.


She hit herself with an open locker, I went nearer to her. Then she suddenly fell down. Luckily, I was able to catch her, avoiding on getting her head hit again by the floor. When I laid her gently, my hand felt wet. Looking at my hand, I realized she was bleeding. I immediately carried her bridal style and ran as fast as I could.

“Sunwoo-ah” she mumbled.

“Hang in there! You will be fine. Just hang on!” I said.

Just then, she passed out. Fortunately, the nurse was in. Then she covered her head with gauze. She said there was not a big damage in her head and bleeding stopped.

I sighed in relief. She really worried me.

“Is she okay? Are you sure we don’t have to bring her to the hospital?” I asked.

“She’s fine here, don’t worry” she replied.

“When will she gain consciousness?”

“Just let her rest for a while”

“Should I leave her here?” I asked once more.

“It would be better. You still have classes.”


I looked at Hyun Min once more and caressed her cheek. When the nurse went out, I stole a gentle kiss on her forehead.

“Get well soon” I whispered.

She then grabbed my hand. I was shocked. Although she did that, she was still fast asleep.

“Minho..” she mumbled clear enough and a tear fell down from her eye.

Hearing Minho’s name from her lips make me feel like I’m drowning. When I heard her, my heart was like sinking in a very deep ocean. I can hardly breathe. It took all my strength to let go of her hand. I wanted to hold her more but I just can’t. Then I turned around. My heart was being hammered by thousands of hammers. Then she said Minho’s name again. *Why do you think about him?* I thought. I went out already without looking back at her. Then I found myself crying outside the clinic, sitting beside the door.

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ChangingPhases #1
Nah. You did a great job so don't worry about it! I <3 the chappie! Yeah I was surprised to see it in my subscription box lol! [:
ChangingPhases #2
Aww don't cry!! Don't worry she'll fall for you soon hopefully. Heh. Update soon!!
1say16 #3
aww poor sunwoo update soon
Oh! Such cute story ! Update soon !! I totally love it ! <3
tralalaHaeRa #5
@ChangingPhases: the cover is new. LOL. Gomawo
ChangingPhases #6
Aww you can do it gurl!! BTW I love the cover it's new right? Or I'm just noticing lol.. I tend to notice things slow... [:
ChangingPhases #7
Aww you can do it gurl!! BTW I love the cover it's new right? Or I'm just noticing lol.. I tend to notice things slow... [:
1say16 #8
just say it already kira it wont hurt
ChangingPhases #9
aha~ So cute! Say Yes!!! [:
1say16 #10
awwww his so sweet ..... say yes kira say yes!!!!!!!!!!!!