And Now Mother Knows

Before 6:00

Age 18

Mother is crying.  This is the first time Young In has seen Mother cry in a long time.  It scares her.

Jongin stands silently by the bed.  His head is hung low and he won't look at anyone.  Young In wants to know what he's thinking, if he's as afraid as she is.

Mother grips the hospital papers between her shaking fingers and covers with one hand and cries harder.  Tears stream down her cheeks like flowing rivers and Young In's eyes start to burn, too.

Young In blinks slowly, her eyelids heavy.  Mother reaches out and her cheek and hands.  Mother's hands are cold against Young In's skin.  She misses when Mother used to baby her like this.  She never liked it but now she craves it, wishing she was young all over again and Mother could pull her into her arms and hold her and rock her to sleep.  

She wishes that Jongin would say something.


7: 24 am

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Chapter 35: OMG i am crying so hard he couldnt even say he loved so sad...i love this story....but its so hard to not cry...<3
lollipopaline #2
Chapter 35: This story is one of my favorites so far. I like how the story took place, every single detail you wrote made the story special. You are a talented person :) keep working hard and don't give up :).