He Dances

Before 6:00

Age 17

Young In once heard Jongin say that he hoped he would never get lost.  He wanted to be the type of person to only move forward and walk as far as he can.  He wanted to wander into the future to see what the future had for him, even if everyone told him to go back.  Jongin wants to be successful because he is Jongin, not because other people tell him to be.  

She thinks this type of approach would be useful for him in the future, because once Jongin grows up and gets a job and starts a family, there isn't going to be time for him to wonder what he should do.  If he wants something done, he'll have to do it on his own, without turning around and being afraid to mess up.  

Young In is glad that Jongin will be prepared to take on the future, just in case she's too busy traveling the world and following her own dreams to nudge him along.

But for now, since she is here, she wants to do all she can to make sure Jongin has support.  She's a fan, of sorts.


Young In watches from the window in the door of the auditorium as Jongin dances for a panel of four judges.  He looks dangerously worried but she can't tell if it's because he's nervous or afraid.  It's one or the other, she supposes.

This is the first time she's seen him dance for real.  Not while he's walking down the sidewalk or waiting for the bus.  But actually dancing--channeling energy and excitement and passion with a simple wave of his hand.  His eyes say watch me and his body says because I can do this.  His feet move easily and lithely like the dreams that Young In has about flying away and living perfectly.  The tips of his fingers reach to touch the longing to be wonderful, as if it hangs in the air.

If Jongin could dance like that for rest of his life, Young In thinks that he wouldn't need anything else.  Even if his last few seconds were used to catch his breath after a long time dancing, he would still be happy.  If his leg broke while he was dancing, Jongin would get up and use his other leg to finish.  

Jongin wouldn't give up even if the world ended.

Young In realizes that she's using so many if's that she's going to doubt herself.  If's will make make her doubt the future, doubt Jongin. Believing in Jongin shouldn't be made of if's, it should be will's.  Jongin will dance for the rest of his life, up until his last breath.  Jongin will be happy because he's doing what he loves most.  

Jongin will never give up.



13: 04 pm

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Chapter 35: OMG i am crying so hard he couldnt even say he loved her...so so sad...i love this story....but its so hard to not cry...<3
lollipopaline #2
Chapter 35: This story is one of my favorites so far. I like how the story took place, every single detail you wrote made the story special. You are a talented person :) keep working hard and don't give up :).