She Receives Some Advice

Before 6:00

Age 16

There's an empty existence that falls between them as Jongin looks Young In the eye.  He feels pressured to say the right thing.  He figures that this is why they turned sixteen--to make way for complicated relationships and difficult decisions.  Growing up is all just a big puzzle and the last few pieces that missing will be found once Jongin does the right thing.

The sincerity in Young In's voice when she says she doesn't want to break Sehun's heart...breaks Jongin's heart.  This is one of the few times Young In tells him what to do instead of asking him a question, but somehow it feels like she was wrong to do so.  Jongin doesn't want to be involved in a situation like this, but because Young In is involved, he should be, too.  

Young In's mother would call this the desire to be included.


“You don’t even have to like him.  Just as long as you don’t hate him, everything will be fine.”

Young In nods, contemplating this response.  Jongin's reasonable voice is slowly making her uneasiness disappear.  

That's right, she doesn't have to like Sehun, or say yes to going to the dance.  As long as she doesn't hate him, everything will be fine.  Quote.

"Right," she says.  "I can just say no."

"Right.  Just say no."

"He'll understand."

"Sehun will understand."

Young In nods again, satisfied.  Everything seems to be alright now.  Jongin says it's alright, so it's going to be alright.

She stands up to go put the remaining candles and the white box away.  Jongin stays behind, trying to concentrate on his math homework again, but there's something that still wants to bother him, something that he hasn't set straight.  Yet.

He will eventually, though.  He'll set things straight and everything will fall into the right place.  Easy.  Young In will know every single thing going on inside his head, and he'll tell her everything, no matter how embarrassing it will be and no matter how hard his voice shakes.  He'll tell her something different from saying no to boys or that he'll grant her wishes.

He'll tell her three words.

Three words that will change everything.  

But for now, he'll save everything for the very best moment.


15:01 pm

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Chapter 35: OMG i am crying so hard he couldnt even say he loved so sad...i love this story....but its so hard to not cry...<3
lollipopaline #2
Chapter 35: This story is one of my favorites so far. I like how the story took place, every single detail you wrote made the story special. You are a talented person :) keep working hard and don't give up :).