
Inheritor kids

                   Chapter four 

"Soojung ah I've reached school already. Where are you?" 
Jessica called up her sis. 
"Unnie, I just ended class. I'm heading to the carpark now." Krystal walking with her bag and piles of files on her hand.
Krystal meet Jessica at the carpark in front of Jessica 's BMW. 
"Hey krys, wanna put your stuffs in the car first?" Krystal raised her brows and asked "unnie, wae?" 
"Oh I wanna walk around the school. It's been long since I graduated and I miss this school" 
"Okay let me put my stuffs in first" Jessica then opened the door to let krystal put her bag and files.

"Unnie, where's yuri unnie?" Krystal asked as usually Jessica is with yuri to fetch her. 
"Oh she's here too. She's playing basketball now" Jessica linked her arm with Krystal's and head to the sports hall especially for basketball players since their school's most well known sport is basketball. 

Jessica has been dating with yuri for almost 3 years. Jessica know her because of work. Since the Jung owns a entertainment company just like yuri's family. They have join together for a project and they slowly start to get to know each other and eventually fall for one another. 
Yuri was also from this school. Since she's rich as well and SKKU is well known for rich kids to attend. 
As they went in the basketball hall, there's a large crowds. Crowds as in basketballers but majority of the people there are fan girls. 
There were screamings and cheering going on as if there's a competition even through it's just a normal training day.  
Yuri was in the court playing with kris and amber. 
"Amber, catch!" Yuri dribbled the ball and passed it to amber. 
Amber got hold of the ball and dribbled pass 2 defenders then she jumped and shoot a 3pointer. 
"Yeah man!" Yuri came over and brofisted with amber and did a chest bump with her. 
The game ended and they head towards their bag areas where we were sat on. 
"Aww.. Baby, you played well " Jessica leaned in and gave yuri a kiss. 
Amber chuckled at both of them. 
"Hi Am!" Krystal decided to talk first 
"Oh hi krys! " amber smiled dorky 
"You played well!" 
"Haha of course who am I ? Amber the great!" Amber placed her hands on her waist giving a mighty look. 

Krystal rolled her eyes and chuckled at her childish crush. 

Amber sat down with yuri and the Jung sisters on the bench while resting. Yuri and Jessica was busying chatting and laughing while amber was resting and gulping down lots of water, krystal just sat beside her stealing glance at amber awkwardly. 
Suddenly two girls approached amber. Both girls hand out a letter on their hand. "Hi amber, please accept out love letter." 
Amber smiled and chuckled and accepted the letters and stuff them in his bag. 
"Amber we hope you will read our letters and accept to date us" one of the girl shyly stated. 
Amber rubbed her neck awkwardly different from how she acted just now being all smiley and charming .
Then amber chuckled. 

"You can't expect me to date more than one girl at a time right? I couldn't give you an answer that both of u expect, sorry." 

"No it's okay amber but can we ask for a hug from our crush?" 

What the hell is wrong with these fangirls? Didn't amber nicely rejected them and now they want to have skinship with her. I didn't even get a hug from amber before. Krystal mentally thought and pout.

The both girls gotten what they want from amber and they wanted to stay on and linger for awhile more to interact with amber but Krystal's constant scary glares scared them off. 

"Hey buddy! Wanna go grab some dinner with us? There's this really nice Mexican restaurant that I bet you will like it!" Yuri asked amber. 
"Oh Mexican food? Sure why not!" Amber exclaimed 
Amber was busying packing his bag. Yuri walked close to krystal and whispered. "Take note, your crush likes Mexican food " and gave a wink at the end. Krystal blushed .

"Krystal, wanna to have a bite of my tacos? It's really nice!" Amber offered to feed her some of hers. 
Krystal shyly opened and let amber feed her. 
Amber noticed that there's  a stain on krystal mouth. She leaned in without a warning and wiped using her thumb "there! You're all clean!" 

Amber noticed that krystal always blush no matter what she does when she interact with her. Does krystal likes her?  Does she feel the same way as her? Amber admitted she liked krystal. Krystal was the first girl or should I say first person who gave amber's heart a long marathon.

Yuri on the another hand noticed how sweet and caring amber has been to krystal. She wanted to give a helping hand to her dongsangs. 
The Jung sisters excused themselves to the washroom leaving only yuri and amber. 
"Hey amber, you like krystal?" 
"Er yea.. Is it that obvious?" 
Yuri chuckled" I know you for a long time buddy I can see it. Well let me tell you something." 
Amber looked up at yuri and waited for her to tell her. 
"Krystal feels the same way as you" and winked at amber slyly. 

While the Jung sisters who are in the bathroom. "Ya krys, when are you going to confess to amber?" 

"What unnie are you crazy? No I'm not going to confess. Didn't you see how she reject the two fangirls just now?" 

" Do you think amber likes you sis?" 

Before krystal reply, Jessica 's phone BEEP.
Jessica unlocked it immediately as if she has been waiting to receive a text. She chuckled upon reading and said "will I know whether she likes you anot." 
Jessica held her phone up in front of Krystal's face. 
Krystal was jumping for joy after reading the text which was yuri who send it secretly after having that secret talk with amber.
After dinner, they walked home together since amber stayed quite near to kwon and Jung 's house. 
Amber and yuri being the "gentleman" offered to walk the jung to their house. 

"Hey baby, I've something to show you in my room!" Jessica opened the door and told yuri quickly leaving amber and krystal outside the house. 
"Erm krys, I guess it's goodbye. See you in school tomorrow!" Amber was adjusting his bag and about to turn her head and head home. 
"Amber wait" krystal grabbed her wist and made amber turn to face her.
Krystal was fiddling her fingers and looks down on the floor "Amber, I -I love youu...." She sighed loudly and decided to look up at amber. "I love you Am" she looked straight into amber's eyes braver this time round.
Amber looked at her with a emotionless face and didn't bother to open . 
"I guess you couldn't return my feelings right?" Krystal broke in tears. Thinking that amber doesn't like her the way she does. 
"Hey don't cry" amber opened her arms and pull krystal and gave her a long hug. Krystal buried her face in amber's chest still crying.amber trying to calm her down by her hair gently. As soon as krystal manage to stop crying and calm herself down she broke the hug. "Amber it's okay I understand you don't love me." 
Amber then chuckled "you didn't wait for me to reply" 
Krystal looked up and amber say "I love you too krys. Just like the way you do" 
Krystal still looked shocked and amber was busying waving her hand in front of her" hey krys? You heard me?"
Then krystal start crying again.
Krystal pulled herself towards amber an cried on her chest. 
"Amber thank you so much. I love you too. Alot.." Mumbling on her chest. 
Amber tighten the hug "me too princess." 
They broke the hug and both of them were smiling to each other. 
"I like that.." Krystal said 
"Huh like what?" Amber raised one of her brow. 
"I like being called princess by you. You can only call me that don't call other girls princess." 
Amber chuckled and nodded at her childish girlfriend. 

"Goodnight princess" 
Krystal stood in front of her house not moving. 
"Get going now princess. I will leave after you go in." Amber wondering why krystal still standing there not moving. 
Krystal had her head held down looking at the floor. "Amber, can I have a goodbye kiss?" 
"You don't have to be shy princess. Come here" amber pulled her arm to close their gap in between. 
Their lips touched one another. Amber was about to break the kiss but krystal wrapped her arms around her neck deepening the kiss. The kiss lasted for about two minutes. 
"Goodnight baby" krystal ran into the house without looking back.  

I didn't know my princess is so shy-amber chuckled-

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glorya #1
Chapter 15: Next chapter pleasee !!!!
Chapter 15: why does jiyeon can not forget suzy is there something bad happen to her that the one who cause it is suzy??? update soon author!!!
elivalle #3
Chapter 15: gosh sooo intense XD !! update plzzz
kryberlover_12 #4
hehehe author-ssi! update ;)
Chapter 6: I mean pie not poe hehe my bad
Chapter 6: I felt this chapter is quite similiar to yes or no thai movie where kim is sick and then jane came to her dorm while kim is sleeping jane took the chance and kiss her. Kim didn't know it was jane and thought of poe. When pie opened the door she was shock like krystal here, knowing their girlfriend is kissing someone. But th diff. Is she didn't slap kim. That's my observation in this chapter. Hehe I just thougt of that while reading this chap
Chapter 2: Is amber a girl or a boy here? Im confuse since u always say "he"
Chapter 14: Yaay!!! I've been waiting for the update for so long!!! Please update soon
Chapter 12: Is this the last chapter?? Plss write more cuz I wanna read more heheeh
15 streak #10
Chapter 12: grandma liu is kryber shipper.. haha!!!