chapter 7 ~

Taeyeon's adventure
-------------- Taeyeon P.O.V -------------- I follow them and see they get drag by the Elf people to a castle? They have a castle? But i'ts not a castle.Just infront of it look pretty with diamond and jewelry.I see two guards was guaiding the door.Then I see the jerk that was full of himself.Just as he want to enter.I follow him. I step at the dry leaves just to make him scared.He look behind and jerk his eyebrow.Then he said something to the guard.I quickly follow him enter the so-call-castle. As soon as I enter the place,it was like in the underground.It just like you are in the cave but it was so spacious but it's not fill with stones or whatever that you find in the cave but it was like made from soil. I follow the jerk and he go to a kitchen? Well it was because the room has many wine.I search for them and found them in a place that look like a jail.But 1 or 2 person in the room that look like jail. -------------- Author P.O.V -------------- The woman like Elf was looking for Hoya.Then she found him playing with a stone."Hey,what are you doing?"The Elf like girl said."Just playing with this stone."Hoya answered."What does it write on the stone?"The Elf girl ask while taking a peek to read it."Just Korean words."Hoya said. "Okay then."The Elf girl said."What is your name."Hoya ask putting the stone inside his pocket."Tuerilla."Tuerilla said."T-Tu....what?"Hoya ask."Tuerilla."Tuerilla said while chuckling (I just made up this name)."What with the noise above?"Hoya ask.Tuerilla sit beside the door and look above. "Well,they do that to celebrate the first star."Hoya look at her questioning."Why? Doesn't star always come out at night?"Hoya ask."At here,it's rare to see stars.So,they can make wish at the stars."Tuerilla said finally standing and looking at Hoya. "That's ridiculous."Hoya mumble."I know right."Tuerilla said while smiling."Tuerilla,go upstair."The Elf guy jerk that Taeyeon said call Tuerilla Tuerilla nod and smile at Hoya before go. Luhan was going back and forth in a small room that Taeyeon call jail.'Where is Taeyeon? Aish,that midget.Always making people worry.We are not in Seoul,but in The Blue freaking Kingdom.Wait....why am I worry of that girl?'Luhan thought and sigh. ------------- Taeyeon P.O.V ------------- I see the jail room and see someone holding keys in his hand.Wait......KEYS!! Yes,this is your opportunity Taeyeon! I follow that guy and see he go to the kitchen.I go to the kitchen and see the guy that was holding the keys was talking with....THAT JERK!! Ha! I have an idea.. "Hey! Why does you kick me?!?!"The jerk shout at the guy infront of him.They start to bickering.HAHAHAHAHA,serve you right!I take the key slowly and go to the place that they get arrested.Then I see a guy that look like that jerk but more mature than him standing beside all of the small jail. I was looking at him far away praying for him to go from here."I know you are there."The guy said.I widen my eyes.He can see me? I start to panic.But then the jerk appear from behind me.Woah,I thought I was busted.I peek to hear what they were talking. "So,how is the people?"The guy ask to the jerk."They already in the jail dad."Oh so that guy is that jerk dad."You have to kill them."WHAT!! PLEASE SAY NO!!! "Yes dad."YOU JERK!!! "When will I have to kill them?"That jerk ask."Tomorrow."That jerk's dad said shortly.Like father like son.A JERK!! I quickly sneak to their place.Before that I take out my ring and put it in my pocket.I found Luhan's room/jail,and start to unlock it.Luhan look at me suprise."I'll tell you later."I said and quickly unlock the 7 guys jail. "Where will we go?"Sunggyu ask."Just follow me"I said and they follow me.We arrive at the kitchen and I tell them to enter the box? Ah,whatever."Are you mad?"Luhan said irritatedly."Nope,if you want to survive,just do as what I tell you."I said firmly. They all just nod and enter the box.
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deermao #1
Chapter 13: make more please...