Chapter 1 ~

Taeyeon's adventure
--------------- Taeyeon's P.O.V --------------- I was waiting for my friend Jessica to arrive at the mall that we want to meet up.Suddenly I feel my phone vibrate.I answer it without looking at the ID caller."Hello."I said while checking if Jessica come."Taengoo! I'm really sorry! I can't come right now because my boyfriend ask me for a date.Can we go out next time?"Jessica shout.Urgghh,this girl is really loud. "It's okay,just go with your-so-call-twin boyfriend."I said teasingly."Yah,we're not twin! We're lover."Jessica said and I heard a guy shout from the other line."Yeah,we're not twin but we're lover. Right babe."Heechul oppa said.And I heard something disgusting,sound of people kissing,Eeww. "Guys,don't ignore me! You guys always make out everywhere."I said and pout eventhought they doesn't see."Yeah yeah,whatever Taeng. And gtg. Bye!"Jessica said and hung up.Aish,she's really annoying and lovely.I'm not lesbian okay! I walk around the mall and see 'The Hobbit' DVD. Wait.....THE HOBBIT!! OH MY FREAKING BUNNIES!! I have to buy it.RIGHT NOW! I quickly take the DVD and pay it at the cashier.I drive quickly to my aprtment to watch The Hobbit.OH MY GOSH!! Right now I was squealing like crazy.I really loveee 'The Hobbit' it was freaking amazing you know! Okay,I'll stop my fangirl mode but.I CAN'T! When I enter my room,I put on the DVD and quickly get any food that I can stuff in my mouth.I sit on my bed and start to watch.Then suddenly I start to get dizzy.Then I saw nothing but pitch black.
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deermao #1
Chapter 13: make more please...