chapter 4 ~

Taeyeon's adventure
We were walking trought the forest.Suddenly we heard a sound like a wolf.I hide behind Luhan and we keep walking.Then I see with my own eyes more than 10 maybe.It was Orc! It was like in 'The Hobbit'.An Orc is a monster that has an ugly face and each of them maybe has 2 or 1 wolf. I hide behind Luhan but still take a peek to see the Orc.Then we see a cave,a big cave.We go there and rest a bit."What is that?"I ask while drink my water."It was the Orc."I knew it! After that I enter the cave while Luhan was sleeping.Then I see another way.I enter the way and see a lake? Woah,am I in the hobbit movie right now? The I hear someone running.I look behind and see nobody."Hey,whoever you are please come out. I want to see who are you."I said then I see a creature come out from behind the rock."You!"I shout then point at that creature."You know me?"The creature or Goblin said."Yes,you are Goblin right?"I see and she/he nod."Well,you must come from the future right?" the Goblin ask. I just nod."Well if you want to escape,you must play this with me."She/he said and I nod."It was rock paper scissor!"The Goblin shout and I laugh loudly."I thought you will ask me to play words or whatever but,it end up you want to play rock paper scissor."I said and laugh."Whatever,if you want to escape play the game with me."The Goblin said and I nod. We play for three round and I win."Eerr....let's play for another round."The Goblin said and I just nod.We play for three round again and I win! "Yeah,I win!"I shout and jumping."Not fair!!"The Goblin shout with a scary voice.I quickly hide behind the stones and The Goblin search for me."Here you are."The Goblin said when she/he jump infront of me. Then The Goblin choke me.I quickly struggle and when he finally get thrown because of me,I found a ring beside me.I quickly look around and put it in my pocket.I run from that place and I hear someone shout."Stop there!"I look around and see The Goblin chase me.Maybe because of the ring.When I see Luhan still sleeping I shout."Xi Luhan!!! Get your out of here and run for your life!" I shout and he quickly get up and look at me."Wae?"I take my bag and said."Look behind me!" I run and hide behind the tree. When I look back I see Luhan running to me panting."Why do you go there?! It's dangerous!"Luhan shout furiously to me.I just hang my head down."I know I'm sorry."I said and glare at him.We continue our journey to the Lonely mountain.At night,we found a small house beside the river.Luhan knock the door and an old man open the door.Wait.....his face is familiar.He's Gandalf!! "Wait,you are Gandalf right?"I said." name is Gondalf."Gondalf said. I nod.Well I spell the name wrongly."But,how do you know my name?"Gondalf."Easy,I am a fan of a movie 'The Hobbit',then there is an old man look like you that name Gondalf."I said and giggle.He nod."I thought Luhan here bring a special girlfriend."He said and I just blush."Luhan here like a girl that has a great voice.So....can you sing for us? I know you are from the future and you can sing any song from your era."Gondalf said. I think of any song and came up with a song.Take a bow."Well I'll sing an English song,Take a bow."I said and start to sing.After I finish singing the song,I look at them.Gondalf was smiling non stop.And Luhan look at me with a shock face."Wae? Is it bad?" I ask Luhan.Luhan shook his head."No,it was amazing,fantastic and Daebak!" Luhan said and thumbs up.I just chuckle. "Well you guys should sleep now,you have to go to a long journey."Gondalf said and led us to a bedroom.It was small and had 1 bed.Wait.....1 BED!! OMG I don't want to sleep with him! "What are you waiting for? A red carpet? Go to sleep now" Luhan said annoyingly and sleep on the bed. I just sleep on the floor.I lay on the floor and stare at the ceiling.What will happen tomorrow? That's what I'm curious right now.
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deermao #1
Chapter 13: make more please...