
Sorrow can cause love

--2 months later—
it was the end of February, and rain was pouring down outside while you, Annie, Lay and D.O. sat in your usual café, chatting and laughing like you did every week. After that day at the theme park Annie and Lay started dating and they were still full on. They were a perfect couple and you felt very happy for them. You and Kyungsoo had become a lot closer too. You still made mean comments on each other, but this time they were sarcastic and with a good meaning. The challenging/competition feeling between the two of you would probably never disappear, but you didn’t mind anymore, because now it only brought out the best in you and him and teasing him like that made you happy.

You were surprised at your passionate feelings for him. You couldn’t believe that you had developed such a huge crush on the person that you hated so much, in just two months. You wasn’t expecting anything of it, though, since you didn’t think D.O. would be able to see you as a girlfriend 2 months after having his heart broken, twice, by the same girl, and you hadn’t really shown him your best sides in the years that the two of you had known each other.

Though a week ago, Annie told you she totally shipped “___soo”, and when you asked why she had said “don’t you notice it? He’s constantly flirting with you. Can’t stop staring at you. I’m telling you, ___, he’s over the moon about you and I know you like him too.” You had never told her about how Kyungsoo used to love her, because you didn’t think he would want her to know, so she was clueless about how hurt he truly was and how unlikely it was for him to fall in love with you. But since Annie had told you about how he was “constantly flirting with you”, you started paying attention to it, and you had to say, the way he treated you didn’t seem very usual for just friends, which gave you hope deep inside.

So there you sat, next to you best friend who was leaning over the table, being all loved up with her boyfriend, who was leaning over the table as well, and you, opposite of the person you loved, a lot. He was playing games on his phone, while you just stared at his face. You loved to see how his expression changed from concentrated while playing, to victorious when he won a game, to disappointed when he lost one. You thought the way the look in his eyes changed along with the things happening on his screen was the most fascinating thing ever. From time to time he would look up, and your eyes would meet, making you blush a bit.

At some point, Lay and Annie broke away from whatever they were doing together, and Lay stood up first. “I’m going to the toilet, be right back.” he said before smiling and walking away. Right after that, Annie stood up as well, saying she was going to get some more coffee. You and Kyungsoo both didn’t say anything, him being caught up in his game, you being caught up in him. As soon as Annie and Lay were gone, he looked up to you, but this time he locked his gaze on you. He put his phone next to him and scooted a bit closer to the table. You wanted to look away, feeling shy at his intimidating look, but you couldn’t. You were locked in the moment, couldn’t control your thoughts, your actions.

Apparently your senses decided it would be a good idea to challenge him, so you stared back at him with a teasing look in your eyes. You didn’t break eye contact, even when D.O. leaned in closer, resting his elbow on the table in front of him, his face on his fist. You leaned back in your chair, not giving into his little game. He stretched his legs and brushed along yours, making you shiver at the contact. He smirked at your reaction, you blushed at his.

You’d been holding the stare-off for a few minutes when a loud voice shocked the both of you. “Yah, you look like you’re going to kill each other!” Lay said with his eyebrows furrowed. Blood rose to your cheeks and you looked down in embarrassment. D.O. coughed shortly and did the same. When Lay sat, Kyungsoo and him started a conversation about football. Soon Annie came back and luckily didn’t know anything of what had just happened moments before. You and Annie started talking about a new idol group that was soon going to debut, but your thought, and eyes, drifted off to Kyungsoo, that was now ruffling his hair, making him look more attractive than ever. When you stopped responding to Annie, she followed your gaze to find D.O. now flattening his hair, while still chatting to Lay. Annie leaned over to you, whispering in your ear, “honey, you should really stop staring. You’re making it too obvious.”, and without thinking you answered “I don’t care”. Annie just smirked at you. You realized you had basically confessed your crush on Kyungsoo to Annie… now there was only one person left.


hope you liked this, finally a bit fluffy :) tomorrow i'll post the final chapter so please look forward to that! thank you for reading x

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Chapter 10: Aww I'm glad D.O found his happiness :D
nadiara #2
Chapter 11: I love it start from 1st chapter until the last chapter!! But I love the last chapter the most! Started from holding your hand.. Dundundun.. Walk to the house together under the same umbrella.. And.. Kiss… huwaah my heart!! Lovelovelove!
Chapter 11: love it <3
InspiritHamster #4
Chapter 11: Omo the cutest story of kyungsoo!! Hahaha i love it <3
Chapter 11: Author-nim you did great! Don't worry so much and have confidence in youself!! ^^
Chapter 8: I love this story!!!!!!!!! Author-nim please update more.
Chapter 6: O.O I wonder what Kyungsoo is thinking...
Chapter 5: Omg!!! I knew it!! I knew Kyungsoo liked Annie that's why he showed up in front of her house when she didn't come to school. XD