Confession p.1

Sorrow can cause love

Nobody’s POV
-- 3 months later --
It was December; snow decorated the trees of the city and the only people out were wrapped in warm clothes. In the past 3 months you, Annie, Kyungsoo and Lay had been hanging out quite a lot. Lay became Kyungsoo’s best friend, as Kyungsoo didn’t seem to like Chanyeol anymore, but Lay also got really good friends with you and Annie, which meant you had to spend time with Kyungsoo again. You still hated him, but since Annie didn’t have anyone to constantly make out with it was alright.  

School just ended, and you wanted to go home by bus quickly because you had to look after your brother, though Annie wanted to walk home. She needed some time on her own and she thought it was best to do that by taking a walk, so you just took the bus by yourself after hugging Annie. D.O. saw everything from a distance and decided to walk with Annie, as their houses were quite close to each other and he felt like walking home as well.

Annie started walking and soon, D.O. caught up on her. “hey”  he happily exclaimed. He loved being around her. She was a bit shocked at his sudden appearance but quickly got herself together and smiled softly at him. “hi” “are you okay?” he looked at her so caringly that she couldn’t help but to trust him. She had been walking around with some things on her mind that she really wanted to tell someone, but she never wanted to tell you because she was afraid that you wouldn’t be able to keep it to yourself. Kyungsoo was always so caring and nice to Annie. He was her best friend and she really did trust him, so she decided to just tell him now.” Yeah, I’m fine. I need to tell you something.” Annie hesitatingly said. A fire lit inside of Kyungsoo, thinking that she might be confessing to him.

Annie and D.O. sat down on a bench in a little park. “so, what’s up?” “I… I think I’m in love?” Annie said, or actually kind of asked. She couldn’t believe that she was speaking out her feelings like this to a guy. “omo… with who?”  D.O. excitedly asked, hoping it was him. “guess. You have 3 questions and I can only answer with yes or no.” Annie challenged him. “oh. Umm… is he in our school?”  “yes” “do you hang out with him a lot?” “yep” Kyungsoo’s hope started to rise more and more, afraid of the answer to the last question.  He knew it was either him or Lay, since Annie never hung out with other boys. “eh… is he Korean?” “…” “well?” “no…” Annie said while an awkward smile broke through her face and she giggled a bit.

Kyungsoo’s heart sank. Or no, it just disappeared. The girl he’d loved for 2 years again loved someone else. First it was his best friend, Chanyeol, who got her heart, then broke it. Now his new best friend, Yixing, got her heart, and he was too late again to capture her. He was convinced he never had a chance to get to her. To make her fall in love with him. To be with her, to hold her in his arms. And that thought made him feel weak, sad, broken.

“eh… D.O., are you okay?” her voice broke through his thoughts, bringing him back to the harsh reality. “yeah, I’m fine! You two would look really great together, honestly. You should confess to him as soon as possible, Annie, because I’m sure he likes you too.” He faked a smile, and patted her shoulder encouragingly. “thanks so much, Kyungsoo. I will!” she smiled at him brightly before hugging him. He was about to burst into tears, so he pulled away from her soft embrace that he was actually longing for so bad. He again smiled at her. “I have to go now, sorry. Thanks for trusting me, Annie. I won’t tell anyone. See you tomorrow!” and before she could say anything, he walked away and the tears started rolling down his face.


so sad :( hope you enjoyed it! please comment and leave feedback! thank you so much for reading :)

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Chapter 10: Aww I'm glad D.O found his happiness :D
nadiara #2
Chapter 11: I love it start from 1st chapter until the last chapter!! But I love the last chapter the most! Started from holding your hand.. Dundundun.. Walk to the house together under the same umbrella.. And.. Kiss… huwaah my heart!! Lovelovelove!
Chapter 11: love it <3
InspiritHamster #4
Chapter 11: Omo the cutest story of kyungsoo!! Hahaha i love it <3
Chapter 11: Author-nim you did great! Don't worry so much and have confidence in youself!! ^^
Chapter 8: I love this story!!!!!!!!! Author-nim please update more.
Chapter 6: O.O I wonder what Kyungsoo is thinking...
Chapter 5: Omg!!! I knew it!! I knew Kyungsoo liked Annie that's why he showed up in front of her house when she didn't come to school. XD