
Sorrow can cause love

Your POV
You were walking towards the supermarket to get some ingredients for dinner, when you suddenly saw D.O. walking on the street at little further away, coming your way. He was looking down, his shoulders were hanging. He looked so fragile and weak, and you were wondering what was up. It wasn’t normal for him to walk around here anyways, as the supermarket was somewhere in the middle between your and his house, and he was supposed to be at home right now, after school.

You walked closer to him. “Kyungsoo.” You said loudly, making him look up in shock. His eyes were red and glassy, his cheeks still wet from the tears that were forming in his eyes. He coughed and looked down again, then walked on, trying to get past you. You blocked his way, making him sigh in annoyance. “Kyungsoo, what’s up?” you asked, a hint of your worry showing through. “it’s nothing.” He softly said. You heard how broken his voice sounded. It was just as much of a wreck as the way he looked. “I’m not buying that Kyungsoo. You can tell me, you know.” You showed a weak smile. You knew he probably wouldn’t tell you anything, since you were still the biggest enemies, but you had a little hope.

“why would you care?” he said, still in his broken voice, but this time he looked at you with disgust. For some reason, you started to get angry. Angry at him, for not wanting to tell you, for not trusting you, for being such a selfish dickhead. But you were also angry at yourself, for never being nice to him, for hating him without any specific reasons. You suddenly were craving for him to be your friend, to get rid of the hatred between the two of you. But then again, you knew that wasn’t going to happen, and you didn’t know where this sudden feeling came from.

You felt all these emotions at the same time, hate, love, desire, anger. You breathed in deeply before starting to speak. “because I do care about you, D.O.. you’re the person I can let out my anger on. You’re my rock when I need to be a to someone. You’re basically my exhaust valve, and without you my life wouldn’t be the same. You cause hate but also satisfaction in my life and you do mean something to me, Kyungsoo. I mean, we’re always in the middle. We’re always the ones left out, but together. We’re both outsiders, inbetweeners, we’re the people that hate each other passionately and that’s exactly why people love to see us together. I care about you D.O., I really do. And to be honest, I’m not even sure why I hate you so much. You just bring out the worst and the best of me. please just trust me. you already seem broken in a million pieces so it’s not like I’m able to break you more.” you had to catch a breath after you long speech.

D.O. just stared at you with his big, round eyes, filled with disbelief and suspicion. “Sorry for that. I know you won’t ever tell me. just forget about this. We’ll just go back to hating each other. Good luck with whatever you were sobbing about.” You said, embarrassed yet hateful, before walking past him, into the shop. You didn’t even know what just happened. you were ashamed of letting your thoughts and feelings slip out of your mouth like that. You didn’t want to face him ever again, wanted to hide behind a million walls and blankets, deep in the ground. You peeked out the shop’s window to see D.O. still standing on the same spot, frowning and smirking at the same time, and you guessed your next encounter was going to be horrible. And you definitely guessed right…


gahh i'm so excited for you to read the next chapters! hope you like this :) thanks for reading x

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Chapter 10: Aww I'm glad D.O found his happiness :D
nadiara #2
Chapter 11: I love it start from 1st chapter until the last chapter!! But I love the last chapter the most! Started from holding your hand.. Dundundun.. Walk to the house together under the same umbrella.. And.. Kiss… huwaah my heart!! Lovelovelove!
Chapter 11: love it <3
InspiritHamster #4
Chapter 11: Omo the cutest story of kyungsoo!! Hahaha i love it <3
Chapter 11: Author-nim you did great! Don't worry so much and have confidence in youself!! ^^
Chapter 8: I love this story!!!!!!!!! Author-nim please update more.
Chapter 6: O.O I wonder what Kyungsoo is thinking...
Chapter 5: Omg!!! I knew it!! I knew Kyungsoo liked Annie that's why he showed up in front of her house when she didn't come to school. XD