Chapter 8

Star 별
Peniel was the one to wake up first when he heard the front door lock click. He was always a light sleeper, and Sungjae was the opposite. The boy's snores had drowned out the voices from outside so Peniel couldn't tell who was back, but soon he picked out Minhyuk, Hyunsik and Changsub's voices as they got closer to the bedroom.
"Oh? Looks like Sungjae and Donggeun didn't go out." Peniel could hear his hyungs moving around. He wondered what he should do if they came into the bedroom.
"I don't think so. Look, my down jacket is here. One of them wore it." All of a sudden the lights flicked on, and Peniel shut his eyes just before Hyunsik noticed them.
"D'awww! Hyung, just look at them!" Peniel was kind of expecting Hyunsik to go all cutesy on them, and he was thankful that the boy was asleep because otherwise he'd be giggling.
"Well they've obviously had a long day out. Let's leave them be and go out to the living room. I'll make dinner so my kids don't starve when they wake up." Peniel could feel Minhyuk sit next to his thigh on the bed, and the covers were pulled up from his chest and placed snugly under his chin. Peniel said a silent thank you to his Minhyukie hyung. The bed springs croaked a little when Minhyuk got up and a while later the lights went out again. Peniel let out a little sigh of relief, then noticed there wasn't snoring coming from Sungjae.
"Baby, are you awake?" Peniel twirled Sungjae's smooth black locks in his fingers and whispered. Sungjae whined a little before nodding and moving his hand from Peniel's waist to his chest. Peniel smiled at the cute gesture and kissed the maknae's forehead while holding his hand to his chest, locking their fingers together.
"Hyung, do we have to get up?" Sungjae opened his eyes and pouted. Peniel knew Sungjae rarely got any time off his busy schedule, and the chance of them both getting a day off at the same time was even rarer.
"No, no, we don't have to..." Peniel held Sungjae closer. His heart melted at the sight of the poor boy throwing a little tantrum, and he decided that he deserved to have some rest and alone time together.
"Good." Sungjae smiled and began to shut his eyes, but they sprang open again. Peniel looked down and met Sungjae's curious eyes.
"W-what?" Peniel felt uncomfortable all of a sudden, with the boy gazing at him with a wide grin on his face. He knew the boy was up to no good with that Cheshire Cat grin, and he swallowed nervously. Sungjae moved a little closer to Peniel and lifted his face up. Peniel stared with wide eyes, unsure of what to do, even though he had a hunch of what was going to happen next. Sungjae closed his eyes and brushed his lips against Peniel's, and Peniel knew he was right. The boy did want a kiss, and of course Peniel was going to give it to him. He was prepared to give the boy anything he wanted. He tilted Sungjae's chin up a little more with two fingers and kissed Sungjae's soft warm lips slowly. Peniel cupped Sungjae's face carefully with one hand and squeezed the hand that was still pressed against his chest with the other. He felt Sungjae move in closer and kiss him deeply. Everything in the world felt perfect, with Sungjae in his arms and their lips locked together. Peniel never wanted this moment to end, because he felt like the happiest man on earth.
"Kids, come and have some dinner~" Sungjae quickly pulled himself away from Peniel when he heard Minhyuk call them. He mouthed to Peniel that he'd go out first, then quickly gave him a peck on the lips before leaving the bedroom.
"Oh? Donggeun is still asleep? I'll go and get him." Hyunsik got up from the dining table and walked past Sungjae into their bedroom. Sungjae was greeted by Changsub who was wolfing down everything in front of him, Minhyuk's warm smile and the bowl of rice in his hand. Sungjae took it gratefully and munched quietly, watching the doorway to their bedroom.
"The soup is getting cold, have some while it's still warm." Hyunsik returned shortly with Peniel under his arm. Sungjae blushed slightly as Peniel winked at him while he was faking a yawn. Peniel sat down silently at the table and nodded while Minhyukie Umma piled food into his bowl and urged him to drink his soup. 
"Peniel, say ah~" Minhyuk was holding Peniel's spoon with soup in it and carefully bringing it to Peniel's mouth. Sungjae immediately shot a glance at Peniel, but Peniel wasn't the only person to notice that.
"Oh, our maknae is jealous?" Changsub stopped shoveling food into his mouth and giggled, leaning forward to take a closer look at Sungjae's face. Everyone turned to look at Sungjae, and he felt like digging a hole in the ground and hiding.
"Come on Sungjae, you've spent the whole day with Peniel, let Minhyukie hyung bond with him a little." Changsub continued giggling and he elbowed Sungjae. Sungjae gave him a mean stare and pouted. If only he could tell the others that Peniel belonged to him and him only.
"It's okay, Sungjae you can feed Peniel instead, and I'll feed Hyunsikie~" Minhyuk cooed and brought the soup to Hyunsik instead, who gulped it down gladly and gave a derpy eye smile. Oh, yes please, Sungjae thought and picked up another spoon to feed Peniel. No one else should be able to feed Peniel like this other than him.
"Donggeunie hyung." Sungjae called and watched Peniel as he sipped the soup from the spoon in his hand. How amazing would it be if he and Peniel were living alone and he could feed Peniel like this everyday, thought Sungjae dreamily as he fed more soup to Peniel. He seemed to appreciate that Sungjae was feeding him even though he was silent, and that made Sungjae want to jump up and down with joy.
"Eunkwangie and Ilhoonie should be coming back soon, so get to the shower as soon as you guys are done eating okay?" Minhyuk said as he took two towels into the bathroom. Hyunsik got up hurriedly and followed Minhyuk into the bathroom. 
"Yes umma!" Changsub shouted, spitting rice everywhere. Sungjae yelped and started giggling with his high pitched voice. Feeling playful, he grabbed the box of tissues next to him, stood on his chair and started throwing tissues at Chansub from above.
"Yah! Don't throw tissues at me Sungjae!" Changsub got up and reached out to stop Sungjae, but before he could grab him, Sungjae jumped out of his chair and ran around the living room throwing tissues behind him to block Changsub's way. Sungjae was feeling particularly hyper and laughed excitedly as he turned around to face Changsub in a warrior stance with his box of tissues tucked under his arm. He was met by Changsub's tackle and the box of tissues was wrestled out of his hand in less than a second, so he laid there on the floor giggling.
"I'm gonna have no tissues left to blow my nose with now! Thanks a lot, dummy." Changsub stuck his tongue out at Sungjae before going into the changing room to get more tissues. Sungjae lifted his upper body to find that Peniel was smiling at him goofily. Sungjae flashed him a wide grin before getting up and walking over to the sliding glass door. He turned around and looked at Peniel invitingly, then stepped out into the balcony. He looked up at the clear sky and took a deep breath.
"The stars are out tonight." Sungjae smiled and said when he saw that Peniel had joined him.
"Yea, just like that night when you kissed me." Sungjae's heart skipped a beat when the scene replayed in his head, of how he kissed Peniel under the stars and ran away feeling like the happiest boy on earth. He turned to face Peniel, and saw that he was blushing and looking at him with longing eyes. He felt his own cheeks burning and his heart rate increasing as he gazed at Peniel's adorable face. Their faces came closer and closer, before Changsub crashed into the balcony.
"Yah, don't ruin our Donggeunie's innocence, you kissing monster!" Changsub threw his arms around Peniel and dragged him back inside, leaving Sungjae standing alone under the stars, dumbfounded. He wished there was another shooting star around so he could make another wish that he could be with his Donggeunie hyung forever alone without any s. 
Anyeoooong readers :D
I hope the chapter is easier to read now!
Our Yook maknae is adorable isn't he hehe
Let me know in the comments if you want more of other members or anything else :P
RTOTD: Has everyone seen Peniel's Park Tae Hwan imitation? XD
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Chapter 19: Omg! M new to dis grp hehehe XD BT I can't get enough of it aahhhh authornim watchu did to me...? I want mmmmoooorrrrreeee <33333 kyaaaa~~~ shooo shweet n fluffy GAH!!!!! *drooling*
MizzPeel0007 #2
Chapter 3: New reader and and new to the group but these two have caught my attention whatching their Mtv diary show, like the story alot thus far.
nice story ^^
Chapter 19: My Penjae feels...
Raven_Hatter #5
Chapter 10: Ilhoon should go out with Changsub
ButThatsNotAwkward #6
D'aww guys I would have thought 19 chapters of PenJae cheesiness was enough XD
KwangminYoungmin #7
Chapter 19: Awwwwww its going to finish? Such a pity :-( I loooooooooove your story, alot!!;-)
Bunny-Lu #8
Chapter 19: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T

I don't want this story to end, everything happened so fast!!!!!!!!!! T.T
ButThatsNotAwkward #9
Chapter 18: Okay guys, last chapter going up tonight!!!
Who's excited kekeke
More cheesiness to come with my next story which is EXO BaekYeol and HunHan related, and it'll be a funny one :P
Buing buing byeeee