Chapter 19 (Final)

Star 별
It was 2 in the morning when Sungjae got out of the shower. Eunkwang was stirring in his bed already while Minhyuk snored lightly in Hyunsik's arms and cuddled his chipmunk plushies in his bunk. Ilhoon and Changsub were still in the living room, watching some random chick flick Ilhoon's sister recommended. Peniel was up in his bunk too, and Sungjae knew he was reading on his iPad again by the way his beady eyes scanned from left to right slowly and the way the bright screen illuminated his face. He smiled at how adorable Peniel looked when he had his concentration face on, with his chocolate colored eyes barely blinking and his lips pressed together tightly. With a face like that, he looked more like the maknae than Sungjae did. Sungjae stood there at the doorway admiring his Donggeunie hyung's beautiful face, before he felt Sungjae's gaze on him and turned his head to give Sungjae an innocent and slightly surprised look. Sungjae went over to Peniel's bunk and stepped onto the second step, his chin resting on Peniel's mattress.
"Can I sleep with you tonight, Peniel?" Sungjae whispered, not wanting to wake the hyung line members up. Peniel nodded slowly and moved the pile of clothes, plushies and whatnot aside so Sungjae could climb in. The big maknae climbed in and snuggled up to Peniel, resting his head on the crook of Peniel's neck and stretched one leg across Peniel's body. Peniel still had his nose stuck in his iPad, but Sungjae knew he was paying attention to him as well because he had freed one hand and clasped Sungjae's in it, rubbing his palm with his thumb. He stayed silent and watched Peniel, not wanting to disturb his reading until he put his iPad away.
"I'm tired." Sungjae said as he and Peniel laid side by side, still holding hands. His eyelids felt so heavy that the only thing keeping them from falling was seeing Peniel.
"It's been a long and... eventful day." Peniel sounded quite tired too, Sungjae thought. Although the way Peniel spoke was quite lazy anyway, slurring on his words slowly as he wasn't that good at Korean still. He dragged his words a lot more than usual and grew quieter, and Sungjae knew that Peniel was absolutely exhausted.
"Let's go to bed." Sungjae decided he'd be the pillow tonight. He wrapped his arm around Peniel's body and pulled him closer so his head was resting on his chest. Peniel let him and Sungjae whispered goodnight after kissing Peniel's forehead. He was determined not to fall asleep before Peniel, so he turned his head to watch him. He was perched on top of Sungjae's chest, with his hand beside his face and his breathing in sync with Sungjae's. His shoulder poked out of the covers, with his smooth milky white skin showing. He looked just like an angel, Sungjae thought. Peniel looked so relaxed that Sungjae knew he was keeping his Donggeunie hyung safe. Feeling pleased with himself, he shut his eyelids with a smile on his face.
"Donggeun-ah?" It was Minhyuk who woke Peniel up the next morning, Sungjae wasn't next to him, and Peniel immediately looked around for the maknae, panicking a little.
"Sungjae has school today." Minhyuk gave Peniel a knowing smile, then peeled the covers off of the sleepy man. Peniel slumped his shoulders and climbed down to Minhyuk. He knew he'd see Sungjae again later, but he couldn't help missing Sungjae. It's okay, he thought to himself. Everything would be perfect when he comes home.
"Are you going anywhere today?" Peniel asked as he grabbed a hoodie from his pile of clothes and put it on.
"I have to go to class later. Changsub and Eunkwang have already gone out. I haven't asked Ilhoonie yet." Minhyuk smiled warmly as he led Peniel out of the bedroom and sat him down at the dining table.
"See you kids~" Minhyuk set down a plate of breadrolls and a small carton of milk in front of Peniel, then picked his bag up and left the dorm.
"Good morning Donggeunie~!" Hyunsik sang while sipping his coffee. Peniel smiled in response and nodded at Hyunsik. Then Ilhoon emerged from the bathroom, drying his hair with a towel.
"My roots are showing..." Ilhoon said, pouting and rubbing his hair roughly with the towel. He sat down next to Peniel and smiled brightly at him. Peniel blinked innocently in the awkward silence. Then Ilhoon rolled his eyes and slapped Peniel's shoulder.
"Yah! Peniel hyung, Sungjae was so happy when he woke up this morning, saying it was your one month anniversary with him! Don't tell me you forgot!" Ilhoon gave Peniel an annoyed pout and crossed his arms. Oh, that. Ilhoon could get so protective over Sungjae sometimes and Peniel thought it was pretty cute, but not when he was hitting Peniel.
"Of course not." Peniel smirked. How could he forgot their one month anniversary? He loved his big maknae so much, and he'd never ever forget something as important as that. Peniel wolfed his breakfast down and announced that no one was to enter the balcony, then disappeared into the bedroom. He hurriedly gathered all his things that he had been preparing for the past week, shoved them all in a cardboard box and went into the balcony. The sun was shining bright and it was obviously too early for Peniel to start preparing, but he couldn't contain his excitement. He smiled uncontrollably as he thought of Sungjae, how surprised he'd be to see what he had prepared and how happy he would be. Suddenly there was a knock on the sliding door. He turned around and saw Ilhoon and Jihoon. Ilhoon waved, pointed at the taller man, then the doorway. Peniel nodded and mouthed "have fun!" before returning to his box. Humming quietly to himself, he opened the box and dug through the contents.
"How was school?" Manager Jiyong asked as Sungjae silently climbed into the front seat with a deadpan expression.
"I think I'm going to fail math." Sungjae mumbled, then held out the test he took this morning which had a big fat "30" scrawled across the top. Jiyong chuckled before pulling the van out onto the road.
"Well, you're lucky I'm not your mom!" Jiyong gave Sungjae a pat on the shoulder before turning around to reverse the van. Sungjae slumped into his seat and gave a half hearted snicker. He had been checking his phone so much the whole day it ran out of battery just after lunch. No good morning texts or calls from his Donggeunie hyung. Sungjae did panic and was worried. What if Peniel had forgotten about their one month anniversary? Okay, he didn't mention anything about it and didn't give Peniel any hints, but he should remember right? Sungjae trusted Peniel to remember their big day, but he couldn't help but worry after hearing nothing from him.
"Hey, it's just a test! Chill out!" Jiyong nudged Sungjae with his elbow, turned the music up and rolled down the windows. Sungjae strapped up in his seatbelt and clung to the armrest, fearing for his life as Jiyong brought the van way over the speed limit. If Jiyong hyung had a bad habit besides singing out loud in the van, it was speeding when he didn't have a whole van full of kidults. Sungjae was convinced he was going to die soon, so he pulled out his phone and sent Ilhoon a text.
"Ilhoonie hyung, Jiyong hyung is going at 120km/h. I hope you're happy with being the maknae in BTOB after Jiyong hyung throws us off the bridge. Farewell my best friend."
"I'm on a date. Don't be a ."
Sungjae bit his lip and sniffed. So that's how much his Ilhoonie hyung loves him. Feeling defeated and drained, Sungjae shut his eyes and his mind wandered off to dreamland, until he felt a sharp poke in his ribs.
"Sungjae, get out." Sungjae opened his eyes to Jiyong hyung jabbing him, shaking his fist with the other hand pretending to beat him. Sungjae got out of the car with half opened eyes, and Jiyong tossed him his school bag before driving off at 100km/h. Sungjae shook his head and wondered why Jiyong hyung was still allowed to drive after all this. He stumbled slowly up the stairs, wanting nothing more than to see Peniel. When he got to the front door, he was very surprised to see a red ribbon with a note on the door handle. Sungjae flipped it over and saw a bright yellow star on the note, with an arrow pointing towards the doorway. A smile spread across Sungjae's face as he untied the note and opened the door, then gasped in delight. The lights were off, but there was a trail of glow in the dark stars on the floor. The stars on each little step of the path were shaped into hearts, and Sungjae followed the path slowly until he reached the last step. He looked up and saw Peniel through the sliding glass doors of the balcony. He was dressed in a full suit and bow tie, and his smile was brighter than any star he had seen. Sungjae immediately opened the door and as he walked out into the balcony, he felt like he was dreaming. There were dark red velvet drapes on the railings and ceiling with glow in the dark stars. Then Sungjae spotted Hyunsik in the corner. He was wearing a full suit and was carrying his acoustic guitar and a candle, but he had googly eye glasses on and he smiled goofily as Sungjae giggled at him.
"Ehem." Peniel fake coughed, and Sungjae turned his gaze back to his boyfriend. Peniel nodded at Hyunsik and Hyunsik put his candle down and started playing a familiar tune on the guitar. It was none other than the song he wrote, Star. Hyunsik started singing, and Peniel was there swaying sideways, looking over dramatically emotional. Sungjae giggled, and giggled even more when they got to the rap parts and Peniel whipped out a red rose from his back and used it as a microphone as he rapped. He was surprised that he learnt Minhyuk and Ilhoon's parts too. He found himself swaying along happily to the song, and when it ended Peniel got down on one knee and presented the rose to Sungjae with both hands.
"I will love you until this rose wilts." Peniel said in a serious tone. Sungjae took the rose with a confused smile on his face, then as he inspected the rose he saw that it was the same plastic one Minhyuk and Changsub used in their WOW choreography.
"Oh Peniel!" Sungjae snickered and took the rose. All the cheesiness was sending shivers across his body, yet his chest felt warm and fuzzy. Peniel giggled and got up, then pulled Sungjae into his arms. The googly eyed musician in the corner took his little plastic chair and left the balcony quickly. Sungjae felt his eyes tearing up as he hit Peniel's chest lightly.
"What the heck is all this~ I'm a guy you can't serenade me." Sungjae whined with a smile on his face. He couldn't contain how happy he was inside and all the love he had for Peniel.
"Happy one month, baby." Peniel wasted no time in pulling Sungjae closer and pressing their lips together. Sungjae smiled and wrapped his arms around Peniel's shoulders, playing with his hair as he lovingly returned the kiss. He hadn't expected this, and this was the cutest thing Peniel has ever done for him. Peniel pulled away after a good couple of minutes, and cupped Sungjae's face with his hands.
"I love you." Peniel looked straight into Sungjae's eyes and whispered. Sungjae felt like he was melting as he told Peniel he loved him too and leant into Peniel's arms. He looked up and saw that the stars were out, but then he smiled and shook his head. Who needs the stars when he had his own shining star here with him?
Anyeong viewers!!
Final chapter gah so much love
My PenJae feels ㅜㅜ
Hope you guys enjoyed my story!!
See you in my new EXO story hehehe
Buing buing k thx bai
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Chapter 19: Omg! M new to dis grp hehehe XD BT I can't get enough of it aahhhh authornim watchu did to me...? I want mmmmoooorrrrreeee <33333 kyaaaa~~~ shooo shweet n fluffy GAH!!!!! *drooling*
MizzPeel0007 #2
Chapter 3: New reader and and new to the group but these two have caught my attention whatching their Mtv diary show, like the story alot thus far.
nice story ^^
Chapter 19: My Penjae feels...
Raven_Hatter #5
Chapter 10: Ilhoon should go out with Changsub
ButThatsNotAwkward #6
D'aww guys I would have thought 19 chapters of PenJae cheesiness was enough XD
KwangminYoungmin #7
Chapter 19: Awwwwww its going to finish? Such a pity :-( I loooooooooove your story, alot!!;-)
Bunny-Lu #8
Chapter 19: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T

I don't want this story to end, everything happened so fast!!!!!!!!!! T.T
ButThatsNotAwkward #9
Chapter 18: Okay guys, last chapter going up tonight!!!
Who's excited kekeke
More cheesiness to come with my next story which is EXO BaekYeol and HunHan related, and it'll be a funny one :P
Buing buing byeeee