Chapter 6

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"Hyung! Come quickly!" Peniel watched the puppy-like maknae run ahead of him, then stop and turn around to hurry him. It wasn't his idea to come to the zoo, but since Sungjae had pleaded him with huge puppy dog eyes, he complied. Yea, some disguise this was. Peniel was wearing Changsub's long yellow down jacket, sunglasses and a dust mask, Sungjae was dressed in Minhyuk's fluffy hat, sunglasses and a dust mask too.They are so gonna get recognized, Peniel thought as he picked up his pace to catch up with Sungjae.
"Look! Giraffes!" Sungjae raced ahead again and pointed excitedly at the group of giraffes in the grassland. Peniel smiled under his mask and stood at a small distance so he could watch Sungjae. Although he couldn't see under Sungjae's disguise, he knew Sungjae must have had an excited grin on his face. He was waving his hand at the giraffe closest to him too, and that gesture was so cute, Peniel wanted to capture it forever. He immediately pulled out his phone and snapped a quick picture, just in time before Sungjae turned his way.
"Hyung! Look, it's got such a long tongue!" Sungjae raised his arm and pointed up at one of the giraffes eating leaves off a tree. His innocence made Peniel's heart skip a beat. He felt like it wasn't fair how easily Sungjae captured his heart. One little gesture and Peniel felt like nothing in the world could make him happier. The big maknae who had the heart of a young child, whom he wanted to protect more dearly than anything else other than his own family.
"Aaaaa~~aaaaaaaaaaaaah~~~!!" While Peniel was deep in his thought, Sungjae had already moved on to the chimps opposite the grassland animals. He was leaning far over the railings and making Tarzan jungle calls at the chimps. Peniel caught up with Sungjae and stood next to him while they watched the chimps turn around to stare at the intruder Sungjae, then made their way closer to the edge of the cage. 
"Aigoo. Just like Eunkwangie hyung." Peniel said as he watched one chimp that had taken special interest in Sungjae move to the spot right in front of them. Sungjae, being the kissing monster he was, attempted to befriend the chimp the only way he knew how to befriend people: he pulled his mask down and puckered his lips up at it. To Peniel's surprise, the chimp puckered his lips up and made kissing noises at Sungjae, and the maknae squealed excitedly.
"Hyung! It likes me!!" Sungjae grabbed Peniel's arm and shook it around while jumping up and down. Peniel couldn't help but laugh at what happened. He thought that Sungjae really was amazing; it was like he had some kind of happy magic. He was so lovable, even CHIMPS liked him. A warm feeling stirred up inside Peniel, and he felt the need to let Sungjae know how lovely he was. He put his arm around Sungjae's shoulder and pulled him close without a word. Sungjae seemed to appreciate the sudden intimacy, as he wrapped his arm around Peniel's waist.
"What, hyung? Are you jealous of the chimp?" Sungjae asked with a massive grin across his face. Yea, sure, you kissed me last night and I'm jealous of that kiss-blowing chimp, thought Peniel as he rolled his eyes.
"I'm more jealous of you actually, you can communicate with animals." Peniel pulled Sungjae's mask up to cover his face up before anyone recognized them.
"It's okay Donggeunie hyung, I'll only kiss you." Peniel didn't know if Sungjae intended for him to hear it or not, as he said it so quietly, just barely loud enough for Peniel to make out what he said. But Peniel heard it anyway, and when he looked at Sungjae he knew that what he said was meant for Peniel to hear. The usual shameless maknae was looking at the ground, rubbing the sole of his right shoe back and forth against the pebbles on the ground.
Peniel and Sungjae's trip had been pretty successful, until they reached the dessert foxes. Sungjae couldn't wait to see his favorite animal, so he raced ahead again without his hyung. When he got there he leaned over the railings to look at the furry fox family huddling in their cave snoozing away. They're so cute just like me, Sungjae thought happily. Peniel was quite far away, as Sungjae couldn't hold his excitement and ran really quickly. However he had enough self control to not yell for Peniel to come quickly. He didn't want to attract any attention or worse get recognized. Their manager hyungs would shoot them if he knew they went to the zoo. Sungjae stood patiently and waited for Peniel. His eyes were glued to his Donggeunie hyung and he forgot about everyone else in the zoo, but all of a sudden someone blocked his view.
"Excuse me, aren't you Yook Sungjae?" A crowd of girls in school uniform surrounded Sungjae and stood closer to him than he was comfortable with. Sungjae panicked so badly inside, he momentarily forgot how to speak. He  felt like running away, but he was sure the girls would come after him. His eyes darted around, searching for Peniel, but he was nowhere to be seen. Then one of the girls reached her hand out and tried to grab Sungjae's mask. He was about to break down and have a panic attack, when he heard his Donggeunie hyung's voice.
"Steven! Que estas haciendo? (Steven! What are you doing?)" Peniel appeared behind the group of girls. They all turned around and stared at him, looking as if they had seen an alien.
"Ah, no no no, no es famoso! El no es un cantante, es mi amigo Steven! (Ah, no no no, he isn't famous! He isn't a singer, he's my friend Steven!)" Peniel displayed excessive and exaggerated body language, shaking his hands and head around.
"Feliz! Feliz navidad prospero anos y felicidad!" Sungjae started mimicking Peniel's actions and spewing out all the Spanish words he knew. He wasn't sure if Peniel's tactic was going to work. The normal Sungjae would have thought this was the stupidest thing to do if they got recognized as much as he trusted Peniel, but he was panicking so much he went along with it. He started shaking his head and pointing to both of them.
"Si si si! No... Speak... Korean." Peniel shook his head and made a big cross with his arms.
"Si si!" Sungjae followed Peniel's actions and watched the girls anxiously. Please go away, he prayed in his head.
"Oh, they're foreigners. I thought he was Sungjae oppa..." To his surprise, they all turned around and walked away. Sungjae made sure the group were well out of their sight before sighing heavily. Then he looked at Peniel and saw that he was wiping cold sweat off his forehead. Their eyes met and they held their gaze for a second before bursting out in laughter. Sungjae threw his arm around Peniel, and they ran out of the zoo giggling like a pair of hyenas. When they were finally out of the zoo, Sungjae dragged Peniel into a quiet park and collapsed on the ground, still giggling like he had laughing gas.
"Hyung, what the hell just happened?" Sungjae asked as he took his sunglasses and mask off.
"I can't believe they thought you spoke Spanish, you were saying the lyrics of the Christmas carol I taught you!" Peniel wheezed and held his stomach as he sat down next to Sungjae.
"You pretending you didn't know Korean was bad enough in the first place, I just played along and I don't speak Spanish! And what the hell, who's Steven!? You should have just spoken in English!" Sungjae immediately sprang up and pointed an accusing finger at Peniel. Okay, it DID save them both from being recognized and all the potential trouble, but now that Sungjae thought of it it was a pretty stupid thing to do.
"Your English isn't good though!" Peniel answered back as he got out of the heavy down jacket and ripped his disguise off.
"Is too! MY ENGLEESH IS BERRY BERRY GOOD!" Sungjae yelled and grabbed Peniel's collar. Peniel placed his hands over Sungjae's and made whining noises before pretending to choke. Sungjae had fun shaking his Donggeunie hyung around for a bit, before deciding to drop himself onto him.
Peniel caught the big maknae in his arms as he fell limp onto him. He steadied himself and chuckled a little. He liked that Sungjae would be hyperactive and loud one second and the next he'd be completely exhausted and silent. He felt like he was with a giant baby rather than a teenager, but he was comfortable with both going completely crazy with Sungjae or sharing a comfortable silence with him. It felt like everything would be okay as long as he was with Sungjae. He looked down at Sungjae. He had his eyes closed and was leaning on Peniel's chest, breathing lightly. He looked so perfect to Peniel, he could feel his heart race and he had to fight the urge to Sungjae's face.
"Donggeunie hyung..." Sungjae said all of a sudden, although his eyes remained shut. Peniel was a little disappointed that the silence which he was enjoying was broken. He didn't answer, and waited patiently for Sungjae to say what he wanted to say.
"Your heart is beating so fast... Do you like me?"
Anyeong viewerrrrrrrrs :D
Finally a good lengthy chapter
Howddya like it?
I quite like Peniel in this chapter hehehehe
Updates will be back to normal tomorrow night hopefully!
RTOTD: Saw Beast's Flower MV today. Maknaeeeeeeee <3
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Chapter 19: Omg! M new to dis grp hehehe XD BT I can't get enough of it aahhhh authornim watchu did to me...? I want mmmmoooorrrrreeee <33333 kyaaaa~~~ shooo shweet n fluffy GAH!!!!! *drooling*
MizzPeel0007 #2
Chapter 3: New reader and and new to the group but these two have caught my attention whatching their Mtv diary show, like the story alot thus far.
nice story ^^
Chapter 19: My Penjae feels...
Raven_Hatter #5
Chapter 10: Ilhoon should go out with Changsub
ButThatsNotAwkward #6
D'aww guys I would have thought 19 chapters of PenJae cheesiness was enough XD
KwangminYoungmin #7
Chapter 19: Awwwwww its going to finish? Such a pity :-( I loooooooooove your story, alot!!;-)
Bunny-Lu #8
Chapter 19: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T

I don't want this story to end, everything happened so fast!!!!!!!!!! T.T
ButThatsNotAwkward #9
Chapter 18: Okay guys, last chapter going up tonight!!!
Who's excited kekeke
More cheesiness to come with my next story which is EXO BaekYeol and HunHan related, and it'll be a funny one :P
Buing buing byeeee