Chapter 15

Star 별
When Sungjae woke up, he realized he was the only one in bed. In a panicky state, he jumped down from his bed onto Eunkwang's and ran out, only to meet 4 pairs of curious eyes staring at him. He felt his face flush. Oh, right, no schedules today, he stood there and blinked stupidly at his hyungs.
"Uh... Good morning Sungjae. Breakfast?" Eunkwang fake coughed and pointed at his egg soup. Ilhoon shuffled over so Sungjae could share his seat with him. He sat down silently, and looked at Peniel who was opposite him and Ilhoon. He was biting into his toast noisily, and waved a little at Sungjae before covering his mouth and coughing.
"Ah Donggeunie, you should eat slowly." Changsub patted Peniel's back while munching on his rice. Sungjae smiled at his adorable hyung as he passed the tissues to Peniel. Peniel nodded and grabbed his cup of water, drinking it all in one go.
"I choked." Peniel said and gave a goofy smile, making everyone giggle and shake their heads, Sungjae in particular. He felt the urge to run up to Peniel and hug him tight.
"Ilhoonie, you have to stay home today with Sungjae. We don't want you two outside spreading your germs." Eunkwang ordered as he took away the dirty bowls and Peniel's empty plate.
"Yes appa." Ilhoon mumbled obediently. Sungjae felt his heart sink. He was looking forward to having the day off with Peniel and the other members, but he couldn't because of the stupid cold Ilhoon has given him. He pouted and shot Peniel a sad look.
"I'll stay too." Peniel said quietly and looked around the table. Sungjae wasn't sure, but he thought he saw Changsub smirk at Peniel.
"Oh good, you can take care of the kids for me. Make sure Ilhoonie takes his medicine on time and Sungjae doesn't have any cold drinks." Eunkwang patted Peniel's back, and left his four kids at the table. Changsub immediately narrowed his distance between Peniel and put his arm around him.
"Donggeunie, is there any reason why you want to stay home on this lovely day?" Changsub smirked, squeezing Peniel's shoulder. Oh goodness, Sungjae thought as he felt his own cheeks reddening while Peniel's were coloring rapidly too.
"Peniel hyung promised he'd play FIFA with me, right?" Ilhoon said casually and got up to put his bowl away. Sungjae quickly glanced at Changsub to check his reaction. Changsub was still smirking, but he had gotten up to grab his backpack.
"Okayyyy well you kids have fun at home, hyung is going home to visit his omoni~" Changsub waved goodbye with his typical full-of-aegyo face and left the dorm. Sungjae sighed out loud in relief and slumped in his seat. Sure, Changsub and Eunkwang were the only members who didn't know about Sungjae and Peniel's relationship, but Sungjae thought it would do more bad than good if they found out.
"You two owe me one~" Ilhoon sang with his bunged up voice and skipped back into the bedroom.
"Thanks Ilhoonie hyung! We won't disturb your beauty sleep." Sungjae giggled, setting his gaze on his beloved Donggeunie hyung.
"Sungjae-ah, you heard Eunkwangie hyung, no cold drinks for you." Sungjae giggled again, not minding Peniel's nagging at all. He actually liked it actually, how protective Peniel got when they were alone.
"I won't as long as you stay with me the whole day." Sungjae gave his sweetest smile and grabbed Peniel's hand. He wasn't full of aegyo like Changsub, but he knew he was irresistible when he did aegyo.
"Okay. You sound a lot better already. It'd be okay to cuddle right?" Peniel nodded and leaned over the table to kiss Sungjae's forehead. Sungjae felt like melting on the spot. One day without Peniel's kisses and cuddles was too long for him. He got up and pulled Peniel into the bedroom with him.
"Ilhoon-ah?" Peniel called as he and Sungjae entered the bedroom. There was thunder like snoring coming from the far end of the room.
"Wah, Ilhoonie hyung's snoring is worse than mine when he's ill." Sungjae giggled as he entered the bedroom and climbed up the ladder to Peniel's bunk.
"If only you could hear your own snoring." Peniel shook his head and climbed up after Sungjae. Ilhoon's snoring was loud, but it was nowhere near Sungjae's. Sungjae sometimes snorted in his sleep, and it was cute for Peniel to watch, until it got loud and annoying.
"But hyung, you can always fall asleep after I do, so my snoring isn't that bad right?" Sungjae chuckled and shuffled over, making space for Peniel. He got in between the railings and Sungjae, and they laid side by side.
"Hyung, let me do this." Sungjae said all of a sudden and pushed himself up from the bed. He pushed Peniel's head gently onto his chest and slid his arm under, holding Peniel tight. Peniel felt so warm and fuzzy inside. He knew Sungjae loved him a lot and he wanted to protect him.
"Hyung, I'm sorry about last night... I've been selfish and immature. I know it's tiring taking care of me, so I want to protect you too." Sungjae whispered and looked deeply into Peniel's eyes. Peniel felt that there was no better reply than a kiss. He planted a kiss on Sungjae's cheek.
"Hyung every time I see you, this is what you do to my heart." Sungjae grabbed Peniel's hand and pressed it against his chest. Peniel felt Sungjae's rapid heartbeat through his palm, and he blushed.
"I want to love you more every day and I want to protect you so you can smile happily and never be sad." Peniel felt Sungjae fit his fingers through his own. Peniel felt so touched and loved, and there were so many emotions stirring up inside him, he felt like his chest was about to explode.
"Hyung, I promise I'll take care of you as much as you take care of me, if not more." Sungjae's innocent smile made Peniel's own heart rate increase and he smiled from the bottom of his heart. He wanted nothing more than the boy's happiness, and he was so happy that the feelings were mutual. Sungjae kissed Peniel's forehead and sighed happily.
"I feel so happy. Don't you, hyung?" Peniel felt Sungjae pat his shoulder lightly, and he nodded with content. If it wasn't for Ilhoon's snoring, everything would have been perfect.
"This feel better right? I mean you leaning on my chest. I am taller after all." Sungjae giggled and continued patting Peniel's back as if he was nursing a child to sleep.
"Yea, but you're my dongsaeng." Peniel said, although he enjoyed hearing Sungjae's heartbeat while he cuddled up under Sungjae's arm. Peniel wasn't that much shorter than Sungjae. He had grown taller than Ilhoon and Hyunsik, and he was catching up with Changsub. Peniel knew he wouldn't be as tall as Sungjae, but he was relieved that he wasn't one of the shorter members.
"Alright, but let me hold you like this once in a while." Peniel smiled and nodded in reply. His eyelids felt heavy with every pat Sungjae gave, and before he drifted off to dreamland he felt a soft warm ness pressing against his forehead, and soft whispering.
"Peniel, I love you."
Hello dear viewers :D
So, short and cheesy chapter XD how was it?
Your author is still ill in bed T_T take care everyone and don't catch a cold like your dumb author here
I'll try and write longer chapters when I feel better
Happy New Year in advance!
RTOTD: Ilhoon's legs look like they could be skinnier than mine... Sigh lol
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Chapter 19: Omg! M new to dis grp hehehe XD BT I can't get enough of it aahhhh authornim watchu did to me...? I want mmmmoooorrrrreeee <33333 kyaaaa~~~ shooo shweet n fluffy GAH!!!!! *drooling*
MizzPeel0007 #2
Chapter 3: New reader and and new to the group but these two have caught my attention whatching their Mtv diary show, like the story alot thus far.
nice story ^^
Chapter 19: My Penjae feels...
Raven_Hatter #5
Chapter 10: Ilhoon should go out with Changsub
ButThatsNotAwkward #6
D'aww guys I would have thought 19 chapters of PenJae cheesiness was enough XD
KwangminYoungmin #7
Chapter 19: Awwwwww its going to finish? Such a pity :-( I loooooooooove your story, alot!!;-)
Bunny-Lu #8
Chapter 19: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T

I don't want this story to end, everything happened so fast!!!!!!!!!! T.T
ButThatsNotAwkward #9
Chapter 18: Okay guys, last chapter going up tonight!!!
Who's excited kekeke
More cheesiness to come with my next story which is EXO BaekYeol and HunHan related, and it'll be a funny one :P
Buing buing byeeee