Chapter 10

Star 별
Peniel wiped his sweaty forehead with the back of his hand and sat down on the wooden floors of the studio. He was probably training too hard, and feeling a little dizzy. He looked up and saw through his hazy vision that s were all either lying on the floor or sitting by the side of the room. He could see that Sungjae was absolutely exhausted, curled up into a ball in the corner. There were rarely times when the maknae didn't feel like bursting into song, or running around being hyper, or concentrating with one hundred percent focus. He loved that Sungjae was hyper and crazy at the right time, and when he had to work he gave it his all. Sungjae was very professional and dedicated. But the downside is, he tired himself out. He was still a growing teenager and the busy lifestyle wasn't helping. Peniel's heart ached as he watched the boy catch up on precious sleep.
"Kids, the chairman is happy with your progress today so you're free to go back to the dorm. You should all grab something to eat before the cafe closes, but remember low carbs! See you all tomorrow!" Manager Jiyong poked his head through the door, made his announcements and left in a hurry.
"Thanks Jiyong hyung!" Eunkwang sat up a little and yelled out at the door, then collapsed back onto the floor.
"Ugh... I'm too tired to eat, I'm going back to the dorm." Hyunsik was the first to get up. He brushed the dust off his clothes before holding his hand out at Minhyuk, who was lying on the floor next to him. After helping Minhyuk up, he supported him with one arm and grabbed their bags with the other. As Hyunsik took the stumbling Minhyuk out of the door, Peniel smiled to himself. Hyunsik was always following Minhyuk around and watching him when he's not near him. He knew Hyunsik's best friend was Changsub, but the way he looked at Minhyuk was different. Similarly, Sungjae's best friend was Ilhoon, but the way he looked at Peniel was loving and comforting, and that was different. Peniel thought to himself that he might confront Hyunsik later. He got up and made his way over to the maknae.
"Sungjae-ah..." He knelt down beside Sungjae and called softly. The boy didn't seem to hear him, as he continued to snore lightly. Peniel looked up at the huge mirror to check that Eunkwang, Changsub and Ilhoon were leaving too, before laying his hand on Sungjae's face.
"Baby, we can go now..." Peniel called again and Sungjae's face lightly. Finally the boy stirred a little before stretching out and making baby dinosaur noises. Peniel smiled and ruffled Sungjae's hair.
"Peniel?" Sungjae opened his eyes and reached his arms out at Peniel. Peniel gladly leant down and pulled the boy into an embrace, then carried his upper body upwards.
"Come on baby, let's go home." Peniel patted Sungjae's back before letting go and standing up. He retrieved his backpack and Sungjae's tote bag that were lying next to the drum kit.
"Okay..." Sungjae mumbled as he walked over to Peniel, rubbing his eyes and taking his bag from Peniel.
"Do you want anything to eat before we head back?" Peniel held out his arm to let Sungjae link his through. It has become Sungjae's habit to link arms with Peniel and put his hand inside Peniel's coat pocket so he could hold his hand. Perfect for the cold weather. The boy looked so adorable with his messy hair and half closed eyes, and his mumbling voice made Peniel want to take him in his arms and cuddle him and never let go. 
"No, I just want to go back..." Sungjae shut his eyes again and laid his head on Peniel's shoulder. Peniel nodded and led the maknae out of the studio. They went down the stairs, and when they got to the ground floor Peniel saw that it was snowing outside. It's too cold outside for Sungjae to be wearing a flimsy shirt, Peniel decided and halted. He took their hands out and got out of his jacket.
"Put this on, it's cold outside." Peniel covered Sungjae up with his jacket and ignored his protests, pulling his arms through the sleeves.
"Donggeunie hyung, you won't be warm enough..." Sungjae looked worriedly at Peniel, but Peniel shook his head as he zipped his hoodie up. 
"It's okay, Chicago gets a lot colder. I'm used to it." Peniel patted his chest and smiled reassuringly, then held his arm out again. Sungjae nodded with his brows still furrowed, and linked his arm through Peniel's then held his hand.
"Let's go." Peniel smoothed the crease between Sungjae's eyebrows with his thumb, then walked out into the cold together with Sungjae. Peniel walked slightly up front so he could block out a bit of snow for Sungjae, and he turned his head occasionally to check if the boy was alright, smiling each time their eyes met. He felt his own body shivering, but his right hand was warm thanks to Sungjae. They walked on for a few minutes before Sungjae stopped. Peniel turned around in surprise, and was greeted by Sungjae's warm smile.
"Hyung, I'll give you a piggyback home." Sungjae squatted down and pat his back. Peniel hesitated. The boy was lying on the floor in the studio only a while ago. He didn't want to tire Sungjae out.
"It's okay hyung, I'm awake now. It's snowing and it's so pretty, I have to see it right?" It was as if Sungjae could read Peniel's mind. Peniel sighed with a smile on his face and got onto the big maknae's back. Sungjae started walking slowly, and Peniel was worried if his weight was too much for him. Maybe he should carry Sungjae in his arms instead, he thought. He often let Minhyuk jump into his arms and carried him around like a princess as a joke. But then Sungjae started talking, and Peniel relaxed a little.
"This is so romantic right? Like the dramas you see on tv. Boyfriend carrying girlfriend on his back at night in the snow."
"Wait a sec! You should be the girlfriend!" Peniel protested and stuck his head out front so he could see Sungjae. The maknae of course, was smirking and he snickered a little when he heard Peniel complain.
"Well who's carrying who right now?" Sungjae did a little hop and Peniel gripped tightly onto Sungjae, afraid that he was going to fall off. Then he heard Sungjae giggle. Time to teach the boy a lesson, Peniel thought and leaned in closer.
"We'll see who's bottom when we get home." Peniel whispered and had his bad boy grin on his face. He watched Sungjae's face redden right away, and he fell quiet. Peniel laughed at the bashful boy and kissed his cheek.
"Just kidding. That'll have to wait." Peniel retracted one hand and ruffled Sungjae's hair. He laughed again when Sungjae starting making a huge fuss about how he thought he was serious. Well, Peniel kinda was.
"NOOOO! That was so not offside!" Eunkwang's high pitched wails greeted Sungjae and Peniel as they entered their dorm. The leader was sitting on the floor with Changsub, and each had a PS3 controller in their hands. Ilhoon was sprawled out on the sofa, laughing both with excitement and exhaustion at the two gamers. Sungjae spotted Minhyuk and Hyunsik in the balcony facing outside. They were standing close to each other, and even though Sungjae could only see their backs, he felt like there was something up with those two. He was about to walk behind the two gamers and into the balcony, when Ilhoon stuck one leg out to block his way. He looked at Ilhoon with confusion, and Ilhoon simply shook his head with a blank expression. Sungjae sat down on the sofa next to Ilhoon.
"What's up with those two?" Sungjae whispered to Ilhoon, feeling like it was something secretive and other people shouldn't know.
"Minhyukie hyung just told me... He's going to confess to Hyunsikie hyung." Ilhoon said with a hint of sadness in his voice. Sungjae jumped up a little and stared at Ilhoon with wide eyes.
"No way! But... Ilhoonie hyung, why do you look so sad?" Sungjae glanced at Ilhoon. He already had a terrible hunch and he was dreading what Ilhoon would tell him, but he was worried about his best friend so he had to ask.
"Sungjae, you're my best friend right?" Sungjae nodded immediately when Ilhoon sat up straight and laid his hand on Sungjae's arm.
"Promise me you won't tell anyone." Ilhoon held his pinky out with his other hand, and Sungjae locked his with Ilhoon's without question. Ilhoon stared at their pinky promise for a second, then released it and sighed heavily.
"I... I like Minhyukie hyung..."
Sorry gaiiiiz XD
I know some people like fluffy stuff and some people like drama, so why not both :P
Except the drama isn't between PenJae cuz they're too happily married for that LOL
Sorry for the short chapters, I'll try and write more!
RTOTD: Am I the only person who feels like gouging their eyes out and punching a hole in their laptop watching BTOB as girls lol... Anyways, when they're not dressed like girls there's lots of PenJae going on hehe
Maknae <3 Why is he so good looking aaaaah
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Chapter 19: Omg! M new to dis grp hehehe XD BT I can't get enough of it aahhhh authornim watchu did to me...? I want mmmmoooorrrrreeee <33333 kyaaaa~~~ shooo shweet n fluffy GAH!!!!! *drooling*
MizzPeel0007 #2
Chapter 3: New reader and and new to the group but these two have caught my attention whatching their Mtv diary show, like the story alot thus far.
nice story ^^
Chapter 19: My Penjae feels...
Raven_Hatter #5
Chapter 10: Ilhoon should go out with Changsub
ButThatsNotAwkward #6
D'aww guys I would have thought 19 chapters of PenJae cheesiness was enough XD
KwangminYoungmin #7
Chapter 19: Awwwwww its going to finish? Such a pity :-( I loooooooooove your story, alot!!;-)
Bunny-Lu #8
Chapter 19: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T

I don't want this story to end, everything happened so fast!!!!!!!!!! T.T
ButThatsNotAwkward #9
Chapter 18: Okay guys, last chapter going up tonight!!!
Who's excited kekeke
More cheesiness to come with my next story which is EXO BaekYeol and HunHan related, and it'll be a funny one :P
Buing buing byeeee