Chapter 16

Star 별
"Omigosh!!!" Sungjae was woken up by a loud cry from outside the bedroom. He realized his chest felt cold and empty, and when he looked down he saw that Peniel wasn't in his arms. He jumped up immediately, whacking his head hard on the ceiling,
"Ow!" Sungjae yelped and whined in pain as he climbed down the ladder, ducking his head. Sometimes being so tall wasn't a good thing, Sungjae thought. He was never clever to begin with anyways. So he wasn't worried about his intelligence. It actually hurt a lot when he hit that damn watermelon with his head, but being the prideful maknae he was, he didn't want to chicken out in front of his hyungs and he was determined to break that watermelon with his head. And now his hyungs thought he had a habit of hurting his head and doing damage to his brain. Sungjae grabbed his banana plushie along the way and cuddled it as he walked out of the bedroom. His Donggeunie hyung and Ilhoonie hyung were sitting on the floor in front of the tv, grunting and yelling while smashing at their PS3 controllers.
"Who's winning?" Sungjae threw his banana onto the floor between Peniel and Ilhoon and sat on it, cuddling up to Peniel. Both Ilhoon and Peniel were to stressed out to speak to Sungjae, until Ilhoon cried out as if he was shot and Peniel stood and threw his arms in the air, causing Sungjae to tumble to the floor.
"Yeaaaah!! Oh sorry baby, were you saying something?" Sungjae was about to throw a tantrum, but seeing his adorable Donggeunie hyung blinking innocently at him, all his anger subsided and he smiled and shook his head. Peniel gave his signature goofy smile, sat back down and wrapped his arm around Sungjae.
"Oh puh-lease, you're making a single guy like me weep with all that PDA." Ilhoon pretended to wipe tears off his sour face and pointed at the cuddly two.
"Or not so single." Peniel smirked. Sungjae shot a glance up at Peniel. He had no idea Ilhoon was dating anyone, and he was so surprised that he forgot to get angry at his best friend for not telling him.
"Peniel hyung! You weren't supposed to tell Sungjae just yet!" Ilhoon moved over and threw a light punch at Peniel's arm, but Peniel just chuckled and reached over to tickle Ilhoon's chin in a patronizing way.
"Yah!! How come you never told me you were seeing someone!?" Sungjae boomed and grabbed Ilhoon by the shoulders, shaking him around.
"Well you didn't tell me about Peniel hyung and you either, you poo! I guessed and then Peniel hyung was the one who hinted to me." Ilhoon gave Sungjae a small shove and stuck his tongue out at him. 
"So are you going to tell me about whoever you're seeing or continue acting y?" Sungjae gave Ilhoon a mean stare and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
"Fine... It's Jihoonie hyung." Ilhoon said quietly with his cheeks flushing and a smile crept up onto his face. Sungjae's jaw dropped open, and he let go of Ilhoon, turning to Peniel for confirmation. Peniel smiled happily and nodded.
"Really!? You mean this Jihoonie hyung? Not Jihoonie our dongsaeng?!" Sungjae pointed at Jihoon's bedroom door and yelled.
"Shin Jihoon is 16. I'd be a pedo if I was dating her." Ilhoon rolled his eyes and shook his head at Peniel, giving him a "How are you in love with this idiot?" look. Peniel shrugged and shook his head with a smile.
"Oh yeah." Sungjae blinked stupidly, then broke into and excited grin and threw himself at Ilhoon. He was truly happy for his Ilhoonie hyung, after all the drama with Minhyuk. They were still close friends and bickered all the time, but he was glad Ilhoon found someone he really did like this time instead of just a silly crush.
"That'll explain why you're suddenly so diligent with your practice, Ilhoon-ah." Peniel teased and his bad boy grin surfaced again.
"Yah..." Ilhoon's face was bright red as he elbowed Peniel, but he couldn't hide the happy smile on his face.
"Ohhhh so that's why you were always practicing in the studio! You weren't writing songs at all were you? From now on if we ask you where you're going and you say 'song-writing' I'll take that as meeting Jihoonie hyung." Sungjae giggled and puckered his lips up at Ilhoon, only to receive a small smack on his lips by Ilhoon. Just as Sungjae was about to forcefully give Ilhoon a kiss on the cheek, the front door opened, and Jihoon walked in. He froze in place when he saw Sungjae trying to kiss Ilhoon, and blushed.
"Oh... Uh, I wasn't expecting to see the maknae line at home playing around." Jihoon scratched his head, mumbled and walked straight to his room.
"Yook Sungjae!!" Ilhoon gave Sungjae a death glare before he got up to his feet and ran after Jihoon.
"Jihoonie hyung, it's not like what you saw..." Ilhoon pleaded as he disappeared into Jihoon's room.
"Should I go explain to Jihoonie hyung you sometimes do kiss Ilhoon's face?" Peniel got up and was about to go to Jihoon's room, when Sungjae grabbed Peniel's wrist and yanked him back. As angelic Peniel was, he could be as clueless as Sungjae sometimes and he never realized he wasn't helping at all when all he tried to do was help.
"Hyung, we shouldn't interrupt those two! Let's play FIFA instead." Sungjae gave Peniel a reassuring smile and handed him one of the controllers.
"Alright, if you let me use Barcelona." Peniel nodded and took the controller from Sungjae. Well, Sungjae would let Peniel use any team he wanted. He was sure he could win over Peniel with the crappest team in the game, as Peniel wasn't good at soccer or games.
"Fine, but the loser has to treat everyone to dinner tonight when our hyungs are back." Sungjae smirked. He said a silent thank you to Peniel in advance for treating everyone to dinner.
"Thanks for the dinner, Sungjae-ah~~~" Peniel cooed across the table at the maknae. Sungjae had a grin plastered across his face, but Peniel knew how annoyed he really was. Losing to Peniel at arm wrestling was one thing, but losing to him at FIFA? That's the biggest insult a BTOB member could carry. Peniel was pleased with himself. He had to save money to buy his beloved snacks, and they weren't cheap in Korea.
"Thanks for the dinner and sorry for ordering so much~" Ilhoon giggled and purposefully picked up the last piece of kimbap, shoving it into his mouth with a loud "ah~" and munching loudly. Ouch, it was like Ilhoonie hyung was munching onto his wallet, Sungjae thought, his fake grin growing larger.
"Well, now that we're done, shall we go?" Eunkwang, being the leader he was, got up first and hurried s and Jihoon to pack up and leave. Peniel glanced at Sungjae. He had given up fake smiling, and he sat there sulking, refusing to move. Peniel felt bad, although Sungjae did lose to him and he was the one who came up with the bet.
"You guys go first, Sungjae and I are going to the American supermarket nearby." Peniel announced, and turned to Sungjae to wink at him. A happy smile finally appeared on Sungjae's face, and Peniel felt relieved.
"Alright, we'll be back at the dorm waiting for you!" Minhyukie umma called, hurrying his children out of the restaurant. Peniel got up and walked around the table to Sungjae and held out his arm.
"I'll buy you anything you want, let's go." Peniel smiled lovingly at Sungjae as he looped his arm around Peniel's and slipped his hand inside his pocket, holding his hand. The two walked slowly out of the restaurant, allowing time for their hyungs and Ilhoon to walk ahead for some distance. They shared a comfortable silence as they walked to the supermarket, holding hands while Sungjae laid his head onto Peniel's shoulder. Peniel was glad that there weren't many people around their area at night, so they could walk around freely like this. It felt like they were a normal couple. He liked letting Sungjae run ahead sometimes so he could watch the boy from behind, but he felt safer if he was next to him holding his hand. Peniel wanted to make sure Sungjae was safe at all times. Although Sungjae had a habit of running ahead whenever he saw something exciting ahead, Peniel would always be watching from behind, making sure Sungjae was okay.
"Donggeunie hyung, mango candy!" Sungjae let go of Peniel's hand and ran into the supermarket. Peniel smiled at the easily satisfied Sungjae as he entered and nodded at the shopkeeper. He knew Sungjae would want to get  lots of his favorite candy, so he grabbed a shopping basket, walked over to Sungjae and held out the basket. Sungjae smiled gratefully and piled packets of candy into the basket, rambling on about his and Peniel's favorite snacks. It always took a long time shopping with Sungjae, as he wanted a bit of everything and so he always took longer than any other member.
"Thanks hyung~" Sungjae sang as he carried his candy in his arms and skipped towards the playground, plopping himself down happily on the ground. Peniel sat down next to him. 
"Ah, it stopped snowing." Sungjae looked up at the sky. His eyes looked so beautiful under the moonlight, Peniel had to restrain himself from kissing him in public. Screw it, Peniel thought and looked around, making sure there was no one on the street, and kissed Sungjae's eyelids gently. When he pulled away, Sungjae's rosy cheeks and innocent expression made Peniel's heart skip a beat. Sungjae looked so precious. His Sungjae.
"Gah, stop looking at me like this! You're just too damn cute." Peniel exclaimed, pulling Sungjae into his arms. He heard Sungjae's infectious giggle, and started smiling. He looked up and saw that the stars were out tonight. Only one thing left to do, he thought to himself and pressed his lips onto Sungjae's. 
Happy New Year guys!!!
I've been enjoying myself way too much again XD
Sorry for the late update and I hope you enjoyed this fluffy chapter hehe
RTOTD: I totally love Jiyong oppa. He's the coolest manager ever XD
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Chapter 19: Omg! M new to dis grp hehehe XD BT I can't get enough of it aahhhh authornim watchu did to me...? I want mmmmoooorrrrreeee <33333 kyaaaa~~~ shooo shweet n fluffy GAH!!!!! *drooling*
MizzPeel0007 #2
Chapter 3: New reader and and new to the group but these two have caught my attention whatching their Mtv diary show, like the story alot thus far.
nice story ^^
Chapter 19: My Penjae feels...
Raven_Hatter #5
Chapter 10: Ilhoon should go out with Changsub
ButThatsNotAwkward #6
D'aww guys I would have thought 19 chapters of PenJae cheesiness was enough XD
KwangminYoungmin #7
Chapter 19: Awwwwww its going to finish? Such a pity :-( I loooooooooove your story, alot!!;-)
Bunny-Lu #8
Chapter 19: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T

I don't want this story to end, everything happened so fast!!!!!!!!!! T.T
ButThatsNotAwkward #9
Chapter 18: Okay guys, last chapter going up tonight!!!
Who's excited kekeke
More cheesiness to come with my next story which is EXO BaekYeol and HunHan related, and it'll be a funny one :P
Buing buing byeeee