Chapter 11

Star 별
Sungjae stared in disbelief at Ilhoon. He was his best friend and he had no idea he had a thing for Minhyuk. Sure, he always joked about getting married with Minhyuk on TV and showing off their skinskip, but he had no idea he felt that way towards Minhyuk.
"Sungjae... I don't know what to do. I like Minhyukie hyung so much, I thought of exposing their secret so I can blackmail them both. But then I got scared... scared of what I'm becoming, Sungjae. I'm scared that I even thought of blackmailing our hyungs. Minhyukie hyung trusted me, that's why he told me before he went to confess to Hyunsikie hyung. Yet I thought of using it against him and Hyunsikie hyung for my own benefit. It's like I would do anything to get Minhyukie hyung, and it scares me because I don't even recognize myself when I'm thinking about these horrible things. Do you know what I mean?" Ilhoon squeezed Sungjae's arm. Sungjae frowned and nodded. He was very, very worried about his Ilhoonie hyung, and he could see how distressed he was by this whole thing. 
"I'm so sorry Ilhoonie hyung." Sungjae didn't know what to do, or what advice to give, so he reached his arm over Ilhoon and patted his back. Ilhoon shook his head, sighed deeply and glanced over at the two in the balcony, Minhyuk was grinning happily while he spoke to Hyunsik. His face lit up even more in the moonlight, and he looked like he couldn't be happier as he looked up at Hyunsik. Sungjae recognized that look in Minhyuk's eyes. It was the same as when Peniel looked at him when they were together. Sungjae missed Peniel all of a sudden. He made a quick glance at the bedroom, where Peniel headed straight to as soon as they got back. He felt like he was going mad. 5 minutes was too long for him to be away from Peniel.
"You like Peniel don't you?" Oh crap. Sungjae was hoping this wouldn't happen. He didn't want to lie to his best friend about his relationship with Peniel, but he felt like it would upset Ilhoon a lot and he might think Sungjae was rubbing it in his face. As Sungjae was in his dilemma, Eunkwang stood up and yawned, then turned around to face the pair on the sofa. 
"Oh our maknae line is getting all cuddly! I want cuddles too!" Eunkwang sat next to Ilhoon and hugged them both. Sungjae thanked Eunkwang silently for saving him the trouble of making a decision. He peeked at Ilhoon, and saw that he was giggling and he seemed to have momentarily forgotten about his worries. Sungjae sighed in relief and laughed along with Changsub, who was joining the group hug and yelling out some comment about Eunkwang losing the game and running away.
Peniel was lying in Eunkwang's bed when Minhyuk and Hyunsik entered, giggling softly at each other. They looked surprised to see Peniel in the room, and stood at the doorway awkwardly, deciding whether to leave or not.
"Uh... I'll go outside." Peniel being the angelic and sensitive person he was, knew right away that the two wanted to be alone. He jumped out of bed right away and left the room before the couple could say anything. He even shut the door behind him for them.
"Peniel!" Sungjae ran up to him right away with a desperate look on his face. He could see that Ilhoon, Eunkwang and Changsub had disappeared. There was someone in the shower and he heard talking in Jihoon's room. He hadn't realized so much had happened for the past ten or so minutes,
"What happened? Where's everyone?" Peniel was confused and anxious to know what had happened. Sungjae held his hand and led him into the dressing room. He sat down in the corner and snuggled up to Peniel.
"Donggeunie hyung, this is really bad! Minhyukie hyung told Ilhoonie hyung he was going to confess to Hyunsikie hyung and Ilhoonie hyung made me promise not to tell anyone, but Ilhoonie hyung likes Minhyukie hyung, and then Ilhoonie hyung asked if I liked you but before I could answer Eunkwangie hyung and Changsubie hyung piled on us, and then I sat on Ilhoonie hyung so he wouldn't see Hyunsikie hyung and Minhyukie hyung come back inside and then I kicked Ilhoonie hyung into the bathroom, and then Jihoonie hyung came back, and then-"
"Woah woah woah! Slow down a little!" Peniel interrupted and ended up even more confused than before. He squeezed Sungjae's hand and his shoulder to calm him down. He could see Sungjae was worried, but he wouldn't be able to help if he couldn't understand a single thing Sungjae was saying. After Sungjae stopped being hysterical Peniel listened to what he had to say again, except this time he understood.
"Poor Ilhoonie. I don't want anything to happen to Hyunsikie hyung and Minhyukie hyung, but If Ilhoonie has to live with this it's too cruel. How will he get over it if he has to face them every day?" Peniel frowned, becoming increasingly worried about Ilhoon. He felt like giving Ilhoonie a big hug, taking him out for the night and spoiling him with anything he wanted. But that would mean telling him Sungjae broke their promise, and Ilhoonie would probably guess that they were together and it would upset him even more.
"I know... What are we going to do?" Sungjae sighed deeply and laid his head on Peniel's shoulder. Just as Peniel was thinking of what to say so he wouldn't worry the boy even more, Ilhoon walked in. The two jumped apart despite not doing anything, but they both know they had just made themselves look suspicious. 
"I was just going to get my pajamas, sorry." Ilhoon grunted and glared at Sungjae first, then Peniel as he went to his wardrobe and pulled out his pajamas. He hurried out of the room, leaving an awkward silence between Sungjae and Peniel. Both of them knew they had made a big mistake and they were unsure of what to say. They looked at each other quietly with their faces coloring rapidly. It was Sungjae who broke the stalemate. He got up and grabbed two coats from his wardrobe with one hand, and wrapped the other around Peniel's wrist.
"Wha-? Where are we going?" Peniel was slightly frightened by Sungjae, who was quiet and had a stern expression on his face while he dragged Peniel out of the dorm. He wrapped Peniel up in one of the coats and put on the other, then started pulling him along again. Sungjae's long fingers wrapped tightly around Peniel's thin wrist, so tightly that Peniel could feel how upset Sungjae was and his heart started to ache. He didn't want to see Sungjae like this, so quiet and troubled by other people and his own thoughts. He let Sungjae pull him along and his heart got heavier and heavier, until he saw where Sungjae was taking him. They were approaching the playground where Sungjae kissed him for the first time. Sungjae pushed open the little gate and as soon as the gate closed, he pulled Peniel into his arms and held him close. Peniel returned the hug cautiously and waited for the maknae to spill what was on his mind.
"Peniel... I don't regret kissing you and confessing to you. I don't regret being together with you at all. But I know there'll be a lot of trouble to come with Ilhoonie hyung around, and we can't act like we used to anymore around him because I don't know what a jealous Ilhoonie hyung will do." Sungjae's voice trembled and he sounded hurt. Peniel's heart ached badly as the boy continued.
"I want to be with you like this everyday... I don't ever want to be without you... I don't want us to be separated..." Sungjae started sobbing and he let out a soft cry. Peniel was pretty sure he heard his own heart break along with Sungjae's desperate cries. Peniel pushed Sungjae's head down slightly so he was leaning on his shoulder. Peniel Sungjae's head softly as he felt his shoulder dampen. He started tearing up too as the big maknae cried his heart out. Sungjae held him so tight, it was as if he was afraid that Peniel would run away as soon as he let his guard down. Peniel felt a heart stabbing pain in his chest as he tightened his arms around Sungjae's torso. If he could, he'd never let go of Sungjae.
"Donggeunie hyung, I love you... I love you." Sungjae sobbed, his voice muffled through Peniel's shoulder.
"I love you too... We'll never be apart, we'll always be together okay?" Peniel lifted Sungjae's head slightly and kissed his forehead while wiping away his tears. Sungjae nodded and grabbed his hand, holding it to his face.
"It's okay baby, don't cry." Peniel smiled and Sungjae's damp face lightly before moving in to kiss his lips. He could taste Sungjae's salty tears, and he was determined to get rid of it all. Peniel started on Sungjae's bottom lip, and the boy whimpered almost immediately, then sunk into Peniel's arms. Peniel caught him and held him close, wiping his tears dry with his thumb while his palm cupped his face gently. Peniel felt Sungjae grow limp and weak in his arms, but that wasn't enough. He needed to sweep the boy off his feet and let him know how much he loved him, how much he wanted him for real. Peniel nibbled Sungjae's lip, and as the boy opened his mouth to whimper uncontrollably again, Peniel slid his tongue in. He felt Sungjae's own tongue retract after feeling Peniel's entry. He started kissing the boy passionately, darting his tongue in and out with each movement. Eventually Peniel felt Sungjae's entangle with his while the boy returned the kiss. It was only when Sungjae was out of breath that Peniel pulled away. There was Sungjae's face in front of his, panting with his rosy cheeks and red lips. He looked so precious and irresistible to Peniel.
"Peniel..." Sungjae wheezed and pulled Peniel to the ground. They sat side by side, and Sungjae laid his head on Peniel's shoulder. Peniel wrapped his long arm around Sungjae's and planted a small kiss on his forehead. He knew Sungjae felt it, that his love for the boy could not be extinguished.
"The stars seem to be our lucky charm... We always kiss when they're out." Peniel could feel Sungjae smile on his shoulder, and Peniel started to smile too. He was glad that the boy was okay now, back to his innocent cheerful self. Peniel nodded and sealed their lips together again. If Sungjae asked him for a star, Peniel knew he would do anything to try and reach the stars and bring one to Sungjae. His love for the boy was larger than the starry night skies, and he was sure no one would be able to bring them apart.
Anyeoooong viewers
Merry Christmas!! <3
Hope this chapter wasn't too depressing >_<
Keep calm and love PenJae everyone hehe
RTOTD: Feliz navidad, Feliz navidad XD
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Chapter 19: Omg! M new to dis grp hehehe XD BT I can't get enough of it aahhhh authornim watchu did to me...? I want mmmmoooorrrrreeee <33333 kyaaaa~~~ shooo shweet n fluffy GAH!!!!! *drooling*
MizzPeel0007 #2
Chapter 3: New reader and and new to the group but these two have caught my attention whatching their Mtv diary show, like the story alot thus far.
nice story ^^
Chapter 19: My Penjae feels...
Raven_Hatter #5
Chapter 10: Ilhoon should go out with Changsub
ButThatsNotAwkward #6
D'aww guys I would have thought 19 chapters of PenJae cheesiness was enough XD
KwangminYoungmin #7
Chapter 19: Awwwwww its going to finish? Such a pity :-( I loooooooooove your story, alot!!;-)
Bunny-Lu #8
Chapter 19: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T

I don't want this story to end, everything happened so fast!!!!!!!!!! T.T
ButThatsNotAwkward #9
Chapter 18: Okay guys, last chapter going up tonight!!!
Who's excited kekeke
More cheesiness to come with my next story which is EXO BaekYeol and HunHan related, and it'll be a funny one :P
Buing buing byeeee