Chapter 1

Star 별
Sungjae loved being the maknae in the group. All his hyungs spoilt him, and he could always get away with being so cheeky because his craziness was so adorable none of his hyungs could really get angry at him. He loved being the one that everyone loves, the one who'd catch everyone's attention whenever he spoke or laughed. Of course, even though Sungjae loved being everyone's favorite, he didn't like everyone the same. He himself had favorites too. So when he catches his favorite Donggeunie hyung holding hands with Minhyuk, his usual cheeky smile disappeared from his face and he felt more than mildly annoyed. His eyes were glued to Peniel and Minhyuk's intertwined fingers, and he felt as if someone shot him in the chest when he saw Peniel's thumb scratching Minhyuk's palm. He watched as Minhyuk smiled at Peniel, and hearing Minhyuk's soft chuckle, Peniel looked at him and flashed him his goofy smile. All too lovey dovey for the only teenager in the group. He would not have any of this.
"Yah!" He took huge quick strides with his long legs towards his two hyungs. Peniel and Minhyuk were used to Sungjae being loud, but the maknae rarely yelled, and Sungjae secretly felt smug as it caught them by surprise and their hands fell apart. Then he almost immediately regretted it. Peniel and Minhyuk both stared at him with confusion and surprise written across their faces. Crap. What was he gonna tell them?
"I-I'm hungry!" Sungjae blurted out the first thing he could think of. He let out a sigh of relief when Peniel started giggling.
"I ran out of snacks too. Let's get some food and go to the American supermarket nearby. Minhyukie hyung, do you want to come?" Peniel pulled his black beanie out from his pocket and over his head.
"Nah, I'll go check on Changsub and Hyunsik next door. See you guys back at the dorm!" Minhyuk disappeared from the tv room.
"Let's go." Peniel turned to Sungjae and reached out his hand, offering Sungjae to hold it. Sungjae felt like holding his head up high and walking away to show him he wasn't easy like Minhyuk, but he couldn't resist the dorky smile on his favorite hyung's face, and he gladly reached out and laid his head on his shoulder.
"What do you want to eat?" Peniel wobbled slightly as the tall but not so lanky maknae leant on him with all his weight.
"Hmmm... I wanna eat tteokboki! Tteokboki tteokboki!! I wanna eat tteokboki now Penieeeeeel!!" Sungjae started jumping up and down as they went down the stairs. He felt really happy that he had his favorite Donggeunie hyung all to himself for a while, and decided to become hyper.
"Sungjae-ah, the tteokboki shop we go to is a long walk away. And the supermarket is in the opposite direction...""
"But I'm hungry!!! Donggeunie hyung do you want to starve me to death?? You're my hyung you're supposed to take care of me!! This is child abuse!!" Sungjae started flaying his free arm around while the other was still clutching onto Peniel's hand. 
"Okay okay! We'll go buy tteokboki first and then go to the supermarket." Peniel wasn't annoyed in the slightest at how loud the maknae was being, and without realizing it he held his hand tighter. Sungjae felt butterflies fluttering in his stomach. A sudden thought crossed his mind, and he wondered if he should say it out loud. He bit his lip, then opened his mouth.
"P-plus... You get to spend more time with me if we take a detour."
"I spend every day with you right?" Peniel's expression was hard for Sungjae to read. He looked as if he didn't care much for what Sungjae just said, but the yawn he did was so obviously fake and it was to hide what he really felt. Sungjae didn't like how little affection Peniel was showing him, and he knew deep inside he wanted to spend more time with Sungjae too.
"Yeah, but I know you want to spend more time with me!" Sungjae let go of Peniel's hand and raced ahead into the cold dark night outside. After pacing quickly for a couple of seconds, Sungjae realized Peniel wasn't catching up with him. He stopped and turned around to see Peniel trailing behind him with a confused look on his face. He felt guilty, like he was bullying his hyung.
"Hyung, I'm reaaaaaaally hungry! Hurry up!" He walked back and wrapped his arm around Peniel's shoulder, pulling him gently along.
Peniel sighed as he watched Sungjae wolf down the rest of their food. He shouldn't have agreed to let Sungjae eat tteokboki, because his nose would run whenever he ate spicy food and at night he would snore extra loud.
"Hyung! Donggeunie hyung! Why are you staring? What are you thinking of?" Sungjae felt Peniel's stare, so he lifted his head and asked with a nearly full mouth.
"Nothing. Hurry up and finish, I want to buy snacks." Peniel couldn't help but giggle at Sungjae's adorable face stuffed with food. If he and Sungjae weren't in the same group, he would wish that he could have a mini Sungjae to put in his pocket, and whenever he felt upset he could pull him out and watch him so he'd be happy again. But he didn't need that, because there he was, right in front of him. He could be with Sungjae everyday, his magical 5ft 11 happy charm.
"Donggeunie hyung, can you buy me pepero later? Oh, and that mango candy you gave me last time! It's sour but it's so mango-y! And chocolate! Don't forget chocolate hyung!" Sungjae rambled as he walked out of the shop with Peniel under his arm.
"Yes, yes, I'll buy you all the snacks you want, but you can't tell everyone I've got sour mango candy, especially Changsubie hyung!" Peniel lowered his voice, looked around as if he was watching out for Changsub and moved closer to Sungjae.
"Okay!!" The maknae started doing his high pitched cackles, and Peniel started cackling too. The pair huddled up to each other and went on making the most annoyingly high pitched cackles, ignoring the stares from passerbys until they reached the supermarket.
"Helloooo!" Sungjae greeted the staff at the supermarket loudly in English as they entered.
"Hi." Peniel nodded at the staff who already knew him as he visited so often to stock up on the American food he missed so much. He gossiped with the man a little, before hearing a loud "Peniel!!" coming from the back of the store. He turned his head to see that Sungjae had placed himself in a shopping trolley and was giggling so hard his eyes were barely open. Feeling mischievous, Peniel seized the opportunity and disappeared behind an aisle. He crept stealthily towards Sungjae's direction, his heart beating hard and his mind imagining what a fright he would give the maknae. There was momentary silence, and Peniel knew Sungjae was shocked that Peniel had gone. Before Sungjae could say anything, Peniel jumped out, placed his hands on the handle and started running. Sungjae of course, enjoyed the little surprise, and yelped in delight. He started waving his arms and legs around while Peniel pushed him around the store.
"Sungjae, grab the candy!" Peniel yelled as he pushed Sungjae along the candy aisle.
"Ttaya!!" Sungjae reached his arms out of the trolley and grabbed the mango candy that Peniel only ever shares with him. They both laughed excitedly at the successful "grab-and-run" attempt, and continued food shopping this way until they got everything they wanted.
"Do you want me to carry some of that for you?" Sungjae asked as Peniel tried to shove all the snacks into his backpack.
"It's okay, I can carry them." Peniel loved how much fun he could have with the maknae. He could come out of his usual shy and timid shell, and let loose his crazy funny side under Sungjae's lead. But that wasn't the only thing he liked about Sungjae. As crazy and loud as he was, he was thoughtful and kind, and he never had ill intentions or meant to hurt people on purpose. He also knew where the line between being rude and being cheeky was, and he never crossed it.
"Are you hiding them all in your wardrobe? Can I help myself to the sour mango candy when Changsubie hyung isn't there?"
"Sure, you can have anything you want." Peniel slung his backpack over his shoulder and said absentmindedly, then turned away to leave the store quickly. He could feel his cheeks burning thinking about Sungjae. From the day he joined their dorm, Sungjae has been nothing but nice to Peniel. He was always helpful, and he stuck around a lot in case Peniel needed anything. Peniel liked him right away, but he only found out that he like liked him when he laid in Sungjae's arm while the members watched their mothers' messages to them. Everyone thought Peniel wasn't going to get a message because his parents weren't in Korea. Peniel acted as if he didn't care, but it was killing him inside. He was probably the person out of all the members who loved his family the most, even before he left America. It was Sungjae who saw past his disguise, and moved over to pull his favorite hyung into an embrace. The other members were too shocked to think about anyone but their families, yet Sungjae remembered Peniel and moved over to throw his arms around him. Peniel knew he wasn't doing it just for the camera, as he gripped onto his shoulder tightly and whispered "Are you okay?" to him, and when his parents' message finally came on, he could feel Sungjae's hand patting his back even though it was hidden from the camera, as though he was saying "See? It's okay now." Peniel felt the warmth in his chest as he recalled how he fell for the boy, the same way he felt it that day. Then he remembered Sungjae. He turned around but Sungjae was nowhere to be seen.
"Sungjae?" He called, feeling panicky as his head whipped around to search for Sungjae. Finally, he saw that Sungjae had crossed the road into the little playground opposite the store. He was standing on his own, looking up at the sky. It was such a beautiful sight to Peniel, with Sungjae's moonlit face in the dark and his eyes glistening. He didn't want to disturb that perfect image in front of him, but he had to get Sungjae back to the dorm, so he blinked a few times to remember it all, then jogged across the road.
"Sungjae-ah?" Peniel approached Sungjae. He looked at Peniel as if he forgot why he was there, then broke into a smile and grabbed his hyung's arm.
"Donggeunie hyung! There was a shooting star! You missed it though..." Sungjae pointed at the now empty sky, but his smile remained.
"Really? What did you wish for?" Peniel looked up at the sky. He felt his heart rate increase as Sungjae linked his arm with Peniel's.
"Peniel, you said I could have anything I wanted right?" Sungjae slipped his hand into Peniel's pocket and held his hand inside. Peniel couldn't help but stare at the maknae, feeling his cheeks coloring rapidly. The look on Sungjae's face was driving him mad. He looked as if... as if he wanted him. In that way.
"You did, didn't you hyung?"
"Uh...... Uh... Yeah..." Peniel stuttered, unable to pull his gaze away from Sungjae's. The anticipation was killing him. What did Sungjae want? Peniel got his answer right away after he replied. Sungjae moved forward and planted a soft kiss on Peniel's lips.
"I wished for this." Sungjae broke into a mischievous grin, and ran away laughing like a 5 year old, leaving Peniel stunned and more confused than ever.
Hellooo dear readers!
If you are reading this it means you've finished reading my first chapter muahahaha
My penjae feels keep coming back no matter how many times I've watched those penjae videos on YT so it's fanfic time
Woohoo!! Stay tuned people!
Beeteedubs, much appreciated if anyone wants to make a banner for the story :P
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Chapter 19: Omg! M new to dis grp hehehe XD BT I can't get enough of it aahhhh authornim watchu did to me...? I want mmmmoooorrrrreeee <33333 kyaaaa~~~ shooo shweet n fluffy GAH!!!!! *drooling*
MizzPeel0007 #2
Chapter 3: New reader and and new to the group but these two have caught my attention whatching their Mtv diary show, like the story alot thus far.
nice story ^^
Chapter 19: My Penjae feels...
Raven_Hatter #5
Chapter 10: Ilhoon should go out with Changsub
ButThatsNotAwkward #6
D'aww guys I would have thought 19 chapters of PenJae cheesiness was enough XD
KwangminYoungmin #7
Chapter 19: Awwwwww its going to finish? Such a pity :-( I loooooooooove your story, alot!!;-)
Bunny-Lu #8
Chapter 19: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T

I don't want this story to end, everything happened so fast!!!!!!!!!! T.T
ButThatsNotAwkward #9
Chapter 18: Okay guys, last chapter going up tonight!!!
Who's excited kekeke
More cheesiness to come with my next story which is EXO BaekYeol and HunHan related, and it'll be a funny one :P
Buing buing byeeee