The same

The Sun's Voices

"Sugohaesseo .... You've worked hard , thank you everyone ...." Jisook bowed to the other doctors and nurses , "Another operation ?" Jongsuk come out from nowhere. "Ahh , jinjja ... Why there's so many boys seeing me performing the surgery ...." Jisook muttered , "Wae ? Nugu ? Yah , I'm your brother" Jongsuk said and she just laughed. "Aniya hahaha .... Anyway , why are you here oppa ? You don't have anything to do  in the office ?" Jisook asked him as they walking to her room. "Ani ... Let's have a meal , in your cafe. You know I miss your coffee~~" he nagged at her , "Aigoo oppa , grown up , grown up ... Arrasseo , I have to go there anyway" Jisook said and Jongsuk just laughing at her.


"Yah , hyung" Baekhyun shown up in front of Xiumin when he's making a coffee , "Ah ! Yah , neo ... Jinjja ..." Xiumin gasped and put his hand on his chest. "Do you have any time ?" Baekhyun asked and the older just nodded.

"So , what are you doing here , hyung ? Spying what ?" Baekhyun asked him as Xiumin come with a cup of expresso , "Well , I just help my father-in-law to watch his daughter ...." Xiumin laughed. "Ah , Serin's cafe ?" Baekhyun asked and Xiumin nodding. "She's right there ..." Xiumin pointing at Serin who stand near the coffee maker and smiled at the two. Baekhyun waved at him slightly , "Woahh , this is a real mission then ...." Baekhyun and the older one just laughing at his words.

But then , someone catched his eyes. "Hyung ... Are that girl also work here ?" Baekhyun asked him as he pointing at Jisook who just entered the cafe and come to greet Serin. "Ah , Jisook ? Ani , she owned this cafe together with Serin" Xiumin said , "Jinjja ? Lee Jisook ?" Baekhyun asked again and he nodding. "That one is her older brother , Lee Jongsuk. Serin is Jisook's best friend. Wae ? She's pretty , rigth ?" Xiumin joked , "Yeah ... It just happened that she's pretty and she's someone who come up in my spy list" Baekhyun said. "Oh , jiinjja ?" Xiumin asked and the younger one nodded. "Well then.... I'm going now ... See you later , I busy too" Xiumin said and Baekhyun nodding as he keep watching Jisook's movement.

Then Baekhyun felt someone poke his shoulder , he looked back and almost fel from his seat. 'Hyung , annyeong ....' that boy-ghost waving at him. "Ah ... You , jinjja ...." Baekhyun shocked , then he just let that ghost sit in front of him. "Drink this ...." Baekhyun said to him and give him the other coffee he ordered before.  The two have a conversation together then.

Jisok frowned as she looked at Baekhyun who talking with the ghost , she walked up to him. "What are you doing ?" Jisook asked him and the boy ghost waving at her too. "You know her too ?" Baekhyun asked the ghost and he nodding , tehn he told him that Jisook always bought him coffee too. "You ..... can speak with them too ?" Jisook asked him. "Ah , well ... That's .... Yeah ...." Baekhyun rubbed his back awkwardly. "So , we're the same ?" Baekhyun asked her back and she nodding. "Anyway , I know you , Lee Jisook .... I'm the security team leader in EMPIRE" he said and she nodding. "Well then , you get involved with Krystal so many times huh ?" Jisook joked.

"Pardon ? What ?" Baekhyun asked her , "You don't know ? Go see the article , your photos with Krystal all over the internet" Jisook said and leave. "Ah , jinjja ...." Baekhyun hit himself and sighed. "Krystal .... You're crazy celebrity" he shook himself and look at the articles in the internet.



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zoomaru #1
Chapter 12: i like your story!
Chapter 11: You're story is cool! ^^ update soon!
But can you please correct some words because there's many typos. ^^