A Chase in Time

Beyond Two Souls

Author's POV


Baekhyun's words were still ringing in her head. She still couldn't understand why they were related. Her mother never told her anything about having a step-father. Neither did his father. Of course they'd sometime have private conversations, and she would be lying if she never tried eavesdropping. Her thoughts stopped as she remembered a conversation her parents had when she was 6. 

"This isn't going to work, Daeun. We should've just send her back to him"

"No! I'm not sending her back to him! He's married and what would they think about us? They'd think we're not strong enough to even raise one child!"

"Let them think like that! I don't even have time to even write a report! If this thing goes on, my career would've come to an end."


Back then, she couldn't quite understand what they were saying (blame her vocabulary). She didn't notice any mood disturbance in the family either. She grew up trying to be like her father who is now hunting her down. She studied hard, ranked top 10, won first place in a singing competition and became captain of the Taekwondo team. But those things never mattered to his father. Because he was always busy with his research in his lab. He was always afraid of losing his job. 

After a few years of no improvements, he was fired and he lost his mind. Everyday, he would come back home smelling bad, empty pockets and drunk. Sometimes he would scold them  for no reason. Her mother  told Yunseo to go to bed early everynight so that she wouldn't see him in a bad condition. 

Yunseo started to get a headache. All this thinking is making my head spin. She patted her pillow and went to sleep. 



"10 o'clock, wear anything you like. We're going somewhere" 





The next morning, Sehun and his family had breakfast together after a week long without their parents. They came back home last night, after a business trip to Singapore. They even bought him a few souvenirs for him and his sister. Most of them were just, key chains, books and a pen. But Sehun was fortunate his dad bought a nice snapback from his favourite store in Singapore. 

He excused himself from the table and went to his room to prepare for school. Changed into his uniform, wore his cap, grabbed his bag and was about to leave when he remembered about the book he bought at the new book store. He took the book and head to school. 

Like any other school days during winter, students would stop by to various cafe purchasing hot chocolates, teas or just plain coffeee to keep them warm. Sehun remembered a few students spreading a small matter about a cafe giving out warm drink for  500. He inserted his hand in his front pocket of his pants and glad he found some circular shaped metal. 

He arrived at the doorstep of the "Coco" Cafe and made his way to the counter and picked out his desired drink. "One Java with Marshmallows plase" The cashier gladly accepted his order and requested for his payment. He payed and left the cafe with his drink.

His mood was not okay since this morning, or since Yunseo left to be exact. Is she doing fine? Where is she now? Who is Baekhyun-hyung to her? And most importantly, what was that thing that tried to kill her earlier. His mind was full of questions, curious for answers. And then he snapped back to reality when he realised he was already infront of the school gate.

"Yah! Oh Sehun!" shouted Kai from behind. "You're early today" 

Sehun didn't even look at his watch before stepping out of his house, he was half an hour early which was very rare for a boy like him. "I guess I decided to change for the better?" he joked.

"Really? Then how about you accompany me for some breakfast?''


The canteen was quiet, calm and peaceful. Good enough to take a short nap or just admire the scenerey as it was located next to the school field which was full of greens. 

Kai brought the food he bought; black bean noodles. "You're eating Jjajangmyeon early in the morning. Don't you think that's a bit too much?" questioned Sehun. "What? It's like you don't know my stomach" he answered and started eating. 

Sehun ignored his friend's weird habits and shifted his gaze to the field. Admiring the view, he noticed the fog was thickening. And he remembered about the mist that Yunseo told him.


"You saw that thing didn't you? I mean, the thing that attacked me the other day." she asked.

"What, what was that thing."

Yunseo paused for awhile, trying to find the right wordon how to explain the supernatural incident that attacked them.

"That thing is called 'Dark Mist'. Unlike any other mists, this one is alive. And it will hunt any soul that is released in this human world, unchained from it's original body."


He immediately took out the book he bought and flipped through the pages. The story seemed less relevant until he found a folded paper that fell from a page in the book. Unfolding it, he notice a stench and a cold wind blowing from one driection that made him raise goosebumps all over his body. The letters were written neatly using a quill but strangely a few words were boldly written.



Baekhyun brought Yunseo out to the city to enjoy a little bit. They went shopping, eating some famous snacks and went to a doraebang which they now have sore throats for singing too loud. 

They decided to cool down for a bit after using up to much energy during the singing competition. Side to side, they walked down the pathway of a nearby park. Baekhyun rubbed his hands together trying to keep his hands warm. 

"Aish, it's freezing. I wish Summer would come faster. I'm turning into ice." he complained.

"And when it's Summer, you'd complain about how hot it was and wanting Winter to come faster." she added raising an eyebrow. 

"What? You'd agree!" he beamed. He paused for awhile and remembered his main purpose of taking his sister out to a calm place like this.

"Yunseo-ah, how did you, I mean. How did he-"




"It was about 4 years ago, when I first entered junior high. I was interested in music and wanted to continue developing my piano skills, so I joined the music club. There was a boy, whom I had a crush on. I fell in love with his voice, just his voice. We never talked, we never met apart from the music club's activities. Until one day, he noticed I was spying on him during his evening practice. He asked me if I saw anything that wasn't suppose to be seen. And I admitted that I did saw him coughing up blood. He told me to keep it a secret and I did. After that, we started knowing each other, practising pieces. He told me to perform for the Valentine's Day event and I did. After performing he took me out from the hall and dragged me into his classroom. When there was no one around, he stole a kiss and confessed. From that day on, we started dating. I found out he was a third year, leaving junior high the next.  He told me that he stayed near and would always send me home. We continued our relationship for about two years. He was in his last year in high school and I was in mine in junior high. " she paused.


"Why? Did something happened?" he said and continued listening.


Yunseo nodded, her eyes getting teary. "One day, on Valentine's. He told me to meet him at the playground and we did. He told me that the relationship had to end, without any reason. He gave me a necklace and left. That evening, a friend called and told me he was taken to the hospital. Immediately I rushed there to meet him. When I arrive, he was already in a coma, too late to say anything I burst into tears and left the place. That night, I heard strange noises in my room and I heard a voice. As soon as I entered, I saw him "


"You...saw him?"

"He was just there, staring back at me. He came closer and tried to take my hand, but his hand....went through."



Im a soul, there but not there with you. Kyungsoo whispered. 




"He turned, into a soul. A soul enchained with mine."




*bows sorry for not updating in a while. I had emotional problems*







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Chapter 12: update plss this story is intersting
Waffle_Berry #2
Chapter 10: This is soooo awesome, UPDATE SOON PLEASE~~ i need more of this
Chapter 8: AH
this is tooo awesommeee
keep on updating, fighting yaaaa!
ILoveKDramas1 #4
Chapter 8: SO He might Still be Alive But In A Coma!!!
Chapter 7: :-( why :-( are :-( you :-( doing :-( this :-( to :-( me :-( cliffhanger :--------(
Chapter 7: wow, what actually is her curse? Curious, update more@
Chapter 6: BAEKHYUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <333333