First Snow

Beyond Two Souls


Yunseo's POV

The school thought it was better to give me a day off, to clear my mind and calm myself down. But they were wrong, it's worse when you have nothing to do to keep your mind occupied. Those visions of seeing Bomi in that kind of state was too disturbing, I had to bite my tongue to keep me from shouting or screaming. My nails dig deep into my skin and a trail of blood seems to appear. A tear rolled down my cheeks as I surrender to my own fear. I've always hated blood.

A knock was heard and I quickly wiped the tears off my skin. I fixed my hair and got off of the bed and tried putting on a calm expression. But the swollen eyes and the wet face was hard to hide the proof that I had been crying all night. I twisted the door knob and Baekhyun appeared. A worried look plastered on his face. "Are you alright?"

I nod. 

Baekhyun cleared his throat and said "I know what happened yesterday, the school called me just now and told me that they gave you permission to not go to school today" The thought of school made my eyes watery again. Baekhyun panicked and immediately pulled me into a hug. He didn't say anything to put me into calmness, instead he my hair and hushed me. My arms automatically wrapped around his body, appreciating his understanding action. 

He let go of me and invited me to a late lunch. I'm glad he did, skipping breakfast was a bad idea. We went to the kitchen and began searching for something to eat. I opened the fridge and found some eggs, milk, butter and some cans of soda. "This is all you got?" I complained "You really need to do some grocery shopping" 

Baekhyun let out a small laugh and said "I usually eat outside you know, there's flour in the cabinet beside you. How about some pancakes?Eventhough it's lunch now, I mean. We don't pretty much have enough ingredients to cook besides pancake" while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sure, pancakes sounds fun" I said and took out the ingredients needed.



Moments later, the kitchen was already in a mess. A few eggs were on the floor, flour all over the kitchen tables, and milk was still dripping from the counter tops. Baekhyun and I stared at each other and laughed so hard our tummy hurts. We both started cleaning and Baekhyun said "Looks like we have to eat outside"







Author's POV


Sehun brushed his hair back with frustration, trying to understand what he read. It seemed like a short story for children, but his instincts tells him that there is more than that.


There once was a Prince, brave and true
Who seek for his loved one through and through
Among all the land, and all the sea
There is no one but she.

Her golden hair tied up in a bun
Her gorgeous face looks for nothing but fun
But deep inside she knows she's alone
After the death of her parents left her on her own.

To a place where children run free
The two meet and are destined to be
For they once thought that love is always on their side
They forgot how death waits for them day and night.

The Prince sails far to meet his duty
He does not know his love who fell ill terribly
She summons a witch to heal her quickly
So she could be with her Prince for eternity.

The witch agrees to her command
"But a price must be paid for pain to end"


The poem ended as a cliffhanger and it was really frustrating him. But then he realized that the paper was rip off by someone which made him eager to find the missing piece.  He was glad that he too was given a break from yesterday's accident. Quickly, he took his wallet, a snapback, his jacket and rushed out the door.

The streets was not that empty but the number of people wandering were starting to decrease as the sun is slowly setting. He hugged the book close to his chest, making sure it won't slip off. His cheeks were starting to froze as the temperature drops slowly. He quickens his pace and entered the book shop

Feeling the warmth and hearing the sound of crackling fire woods made him felt cozy again. Sehun remembered his purpose, so he looks out for the girl who works here, Jaeun. Walking pass a few shelves and his eyes shifted to the corner of the room. He saw her leaning against a wall while checking her phone. 

Sehun cleared his throat and moved closer. Jaeun startled a little bit as she didn't notice any company. She stood up straight and slipped her phone into her back pocket. "S-Sehun, can I help you?"

He raised the book and raised an eyebrow. "I found a page that was torn, and the other half is missing. Do you happen to see it lying around here?" It sounded so stupid, Sehun felt embarrased by just showing it.

Jaeun frowned and shrugged. "I'm sorry, but there wasn't any torn pieces found lying in the bookstore since you left"



Sehun left the store disappointed. He stared at the book for a few minutes until he realized a faint voice was calling out his name from across the street. The voice was utterly familiar so he searched for the source. Right across the street, his gaze met Yunseo's who was waving her arms, smiling. Next to her, was Baekhyun who was checking his phone.

Sehun cautiously crossed the street to meet the two, greeted and bowed. 

"What were you doing at the book store? Did you bought that book?" she asked.

"Just checking something, I bought this book a few days ago." 

Yunseo nodded and said "I see. Well, we're about to go and have some late lunch. You wanna join?"

Sehun really wants to find out about the missing piece but Yunseo is making it harder to decide. The book can wait, I guess. He nodded and they headed to a diner. 





After the meal, the trio stepped out from the diner with wide eyes as they saw snow falling from the sky. Most of the pedestrians stopped walking and stared above them, tyring to take in what was happening. "It's snowing! We're going to have a white christmas!" cheered Yunseo. 

Baekhyun tilted his head  back and watched as the snow landed on his cheek. Suddenly, he felt a hand grabbing his arm. "Baekhyun, Sehun, let's take a photo together" said Yunseo while searching for her phone in her jacket.

She holds the phone infront of them and instantly snap the photo, even if Baekhyun wasn't ready.  Fortunately, it turned out well. Satisfied she kept her phone and they began to walk along the sidewalk. 

Sehun's mind was full of curiosity about Baekhyun's relationship with Yunseo. He has to admit, he was pretty jealous of Yunseo being all clingy to Baekhyun. Hesitantly, he asked "S-so, are you guys cousins, perhaps?"

Yunseo knew this question was about to come either way she said "Baekhyun, is actually my brother."

"B-brother? Oh." slightly relieved, he let out a small sigh.

"and if you're wondering how are we related, it's a long and complicated story." said Baekhyun

Sehun shook his head and said "No, it's okay."


They continued walking until they reached a junction where they were supposed to split up. It was an awkward moment until Baekhyun decided to break the silence. "We're going to meet someone back in Yunseo's hometown, do you want to follow?" 

Sehun was about to accept the invatation until he remembered that he has a dance practice with the other guys that Saturday.  "I'm not sure, I'll think about it"

Baekhyun nodded and they waved at each other as they seperate.











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Chapter 12: update plss this story is intersting
Waffle_Berry #2
Chapter 10: This is soooo awesome, UPDATE SOON PLEASE~~ i need more of this
Chapter 8: AH
this is tooo awesommeee
keep on updating, fighting yaaaa!
ILoveKDramas1 #4
Chapter 8: SO He might Still be Alive But In A Coma!!!
Chapter 7: :-( why :-( are :-( you :-( doing :-( this :-( to :-( me :-( cliffhanger :--------(
Chapter 7: wow, what actually is her curse? Curious, update more@
Chapter 6: BAEKHYUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <333333