New Acquaintances

Beyond Two Souls

So, last post was a bit crowded. Lemme change a bit.


Sehun's POV 

              Even though my eyes are still closed, I could feel the sunlight on my face, shining too bright. It almost felt like it was about to burn me or something. I tried to re-positioned myself to a much more comfortable pose but nope, the sun is still trying to wake me up.

               I noticed a scent, a familiar one though, was it noona's shampoo? I opened my eyes and I saw Yunseo staring at me like 5 inches away. "AH!" I backed away and accidently fell on the floor, head first. Yunseo panicked and helped me up. Gosh, that was embarrassing. Way to go Sehun. Very macho.

               "I'm sorry,  I didn't mean to-" 
               " What? didn't mean to stare like 5 inches from my face and accidently woke me up and making me fall? Yeah, apology 'accepted'" I said sarcastically. Unfortunately, she was a bit high tempered too.
                "It's not my fault you were talking in your dream! Sheesh, I'll just go and mind my own business then." she got up on her feet and went to the kitchen.

               From afar, I could hear her talking to herself. Muttering stupid, crazy, and some other word. I bet she was talking about herself. Well, it wasn't my fault. How should I know I talk in my sleep, I can't simply control it. Like, hey mouth your limit is up until bedtime so shut up. The muttering got louder, so I took a peek, if I were Yunseo I'd notice myself and throw a pan or something. But she didn't. She's walking back and forth semi-slapping herself. "Yah! if you're trying to grab my attention, a little louder would help" I walked away, but then I remembered something about noona. I turned back and saw her doing mehrong at me. She thought I wouldn't see that, she's kinda cute though. She pulled back her tongue with a suprised face. "By the way, my sister is out and breakfast isn't served so I guess we should head out and grab some. In 30 minutes"  I went back to the living room, cleaned the place up and headed to my bedroom.

                I grabbed my phone and dialed a number 

                "Yeoboseyo? Luhan hyung!"


Yunseo's POV


                 Gosh, that was embarassing. I should've not done that. Why is he so annoying? Eventhough he owned this place, and I'm just staying here for a few days doesn't mean he could scold me whenever he wants too! I'm so angry!

                 Suddenly the window behind me cracked and the cabinet doors swung open. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I could feel a cold wind brushing against my skin. 

                  I sighed "Look, Kyung. You can't just simply break things when you're angry. Besides, this isn't our home." The atmosphere seem to calm down a bit. Great, now what am I suppose to do with this mess. I closed the cabinet doors and stared at the window. "Care to clean up your mess?" the room was silent for a moment and then the pieces of the window merged itself on the window, and it was fixed. "Thank you" I bowed.

                  I went to the living room and sat on one of the sofas, took my bag and searched for my purse. I noticed one of the pockets were unusually huge so I opened it and saw money, loads of em. "Did you steal this, Kyungsoo?" I asked, waiting for an answer. My purse opened by itself and I saw a picture of my mom and me. Thanks mom. 

                   Half an hour later, Sehun got out of his bedroom, all dressed up. 

                   "Kaja." he went to the shoe rack and took out his red sneakers. I quickly followed behind and we exited the house. 

                   We took the subway, rode a bus and walked to a snack shop. It's interior design is not the rich style or classy style, it's more to a cozy and with posters of favourite bands and stuffs. Ya know, where teen's would like to chill and grab a Patbingsu. Sehun dragged me to a big table for 6. We sat next to each other and waited patiently for his friends to arrive. 

                   "Can I ask something?" he nudged me with a cliche question when you have nothing to say.
                   "Why. Why were you on the road last night. By yourself. And you were crying, it was like, you were running away from something."
                    Oh crap. I'm dead "Let's just say I have problems."
                    "Everyone does. It's weird, you showed up from no where, searching for a person whom I knew about. And I know NOTHING about YOU!"
                    "Believe me I-" right when I wanted to end my sentence, someone entered the shop and grabbed Sehun's attention.  3 tall men. Not to mention very good looking. 

                     "Oh, hyung! Here!" Sehun waved to grab their attention. They came and took their seat 
                     "So, I see you've brought a 'friend' along. I'm Jongin, 17. Jaeguk High"
                     "I'm Chanyeol, 18,  Jaeguk high"
                     "And I'm Luhan. 19 Hwangjoo University. There was supposed to be another one coming but I guess he couldn't make it. Our schedules are very tight though. "

                      "Oh, I understand. Um, Jongin-ssi. Are you in the same class as Sehun since you're the same age?"
                      "Nope, Sehun here is a smart though. Top 3 in every exam. Not to mention good looking too. If you saw him at school, half of the school would be chasing him. And of course, the other half would be chasing me. Oh and you can call me Kai." He smirked at Sehun. Sehun rolled his eyes, I guess he was annoyed.  

                       Suddenly, a brown haired guy came and pulled a chair beside Luhan "sorry I'm late, Rin had some trouble with her notes. Oh? Who is this?" he said as he sat down. "Sehun-ah, another "study-mate"?" He winked.

                       "Yah! Don't simply jump to conclusions. This is Cha Yunseo, she umm, was kinda lost yesterday. Suho hyung told noona that she should stay for my house while waiting for Baekhyun-hyung to come back. " Sehun said and I bowed.

                        "Ooooh, under one roof? I bet Seohyun noona flipped out yesterday." Chanyeol said jokingly. Kai punched (playfully though)Chanyeol's arm and laughed.

                         "Ah, I understand. I'm Zhang Yixing by the way. Lay is fine too. I'm currently 19 and attending Hwangjoo University. Nice to meet you." He smiled, showing his cute dimple on the right side of his cheek. I have to admit, he seem nicer than the others. 

                         "But, Yunseo-ssi. Which school are you going to attend?" asked Luhan. , I forgot about school.

                         "She's transferring to our school, noona is working on the papers." said Sehun.

                          What?! I didn't say anything about transferring. Suddendly the sound of a gun from yesterday reminded me to stay away from home for a while. I bet my father is hunting for me right now. 

                         "okay, okay. Enough chit chat. I'm starving!" complained Chanyeol, I guess he thought i was uncomfortable. Then we started ordering our meals and ate breakfast. 



Sehun's POV


                       After our breakfast, Kai said that a dance competition was coming and the prize was quite big. Even without informing us, he signed up anyway. I wasn't suprise though, Kai always had his passion for performing especially dancing. His singing skills are not bad though. He can rap too. I wish I was as good as him, I have to admit, I am pretty jealous. He always has his ways with girls. But me? Nope, I've dated a girl before and she said I was too cold. I don't understand girls. 

                       So, about the dance competition. We headed to our practice room where we always practice our dance number. This time, Kai picked out "Maxstep" by younique unit. It has a sick beat though. I agreed right away. 

                        "So, I thought of a few steps that could go with this song. Try to keep up this time." he said and immediately played the song. The four of us followed dilligently without missing any steps. And it felt good. 

                        From the reflection of the mirror, I could see Yunseo staring at Lay with slightly open. I bet she's mesmerized by Lay's sharp moves. Lay was always a good dancer. Even though he learned dancing by himself I think everyone doubt that. He even learned the piano by ear! He's a really talented hyung. 

                       After a few hours of trying to make the dance choreography right. It was finally finished. Tired, we sat on the floor to rest. Everyone was really sweaty and I bet Yunseo was already used to the smell. 

                      Suddenly, Yunseo got up and said "I bet you guys are very tired. I'll go and grab some drinks and snacks." 

                      "I'll follow!" volunteered Chanyeol.

                      "No, it's okay I'm fine alone. Sit, rest. You'll need it" She eyed Chanyeol and left the room. 



Yunseo's POV


                I went out from the practice room and it was pretty cold. Autumn is coming fast and I have no warm clothes with me. Great. I searched around the area for any convenience store and there was one about 30 meters away. Without hesitating I headed to it. I entered the store and man, they have pretty much every snack in here. I grabbed a few bag of chips and 6 cans of soda. Payed at the cashier and left the store. The atmosphere was pretty weird though. I could feel someone watching me from behind. I tried looking back and saw two men wearing sunglasses a few meters away. Suddenly I felt like someone was pulling my plastic bag. It was a sign from Kyungsoo saying, RUN! 

                Immediately I ran from the two men and as I expected, they chased me. The streets was buzzing with people and it made it harder for me to escape. I tried squeezing myself between people so the two men could lost sight of me. But I mistook a step and fell on the road. I noticed a car coming. Is this really the end? I shut my eyes close. Praying. 












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Chapter 12: update plss this story is intersting
Waffle_Berry #2
Chapter 10: This is soooo awesome, UPDATE SOON PLEASE~~ i need more of this
Chapter 8: AH
this is tooo awesommeee
keep on updating, fighting yaaaa!
ILoveKDramas1 #4
Chapter 8: SO He might Still be Alive But In A Coma!!!
Chapter 7: :-( why :-( are :-( you :-( doing :-( this :-( to :-( me :-( cliffhanger :--------(
Chapter 7: wow, what actually is her curse? Curious, update more@
Chapter 6: BAEKHYUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <333333