Chapter 16

Just the right song

You look at yourself in the mirror. The dress did look okay... It was the dress that your dad had sent you. It was a nice light blue one peice. The dress wasn't too long yet it wasn't too short. You smile as you lightly tie up you hair. You took out a small peice of paper that had their unit number on it. You walked out and went up the stairs. It wasn't too far up... You stopped at the door and smiled before knocking. The door opened and Taemin was there smiling widely.

"Hi! Wow! You sure look lovely~" Taemin said as he ushered you in.

"Thanks it was a present from my dad..." you said smiling and blushing.

You enter the living room where everyone was seated. They all had party food out and a ton of DVDs. You smiled, you never felt so happy in your whole life. You were celebrating your birthday... with Shinee! It was a fangirl's best dream.

"Oi! The Birthday girl is here!" Taemin announced as he walked in.

Everyone turns around and you swear you could hear several gasps. Oh gosh do I look that wierd in this? you thought to yourself looking down, embarrassed. In fact, everyone was completely red... except for the manager who was smiling widely. Key couldn't take his eyes off you. He hadn't seen you this pretty since the last time before your TV program. Minho and Onew were now practically beetroots and Onew quickly looked down in embarrassment when he saw you had his pin on. Jonghyun was just gaping at you. Finally after one minute of silence the manager started talking.

"Well! Time to officially celebrate!" he shouted smliing as he handed you a can of soft drink,"Here! Enjoy!" he said smiling. You smile back and the awkwardness immediately disappeared. Everyone was talking happily and when you took a glance at Key he was actually laughing with Minho and Onew. You smile and look at the can of soft drink you were holding. You were just glad that Key was happy again... you still weren't sure about your feelings about Key... You blushed as you thought of his confession... it wasn't that romantic you had to admit... but it still got your heart going whenever you thought about it. Suddenly Minho reaches over and hands you something.

"Here... sorry for the late present..." he said looking away as he handed you a package. You grin and open it to find a pretty cupcake in a box. You open in and your eyes gleam.

"Oh my gosh! I love cakes! And it's so cute!" You take a bite and it tastes amazing. You grin up at him,"Thanks!"

You start hearing a few sniggers and you look around to find everyone practically trying to hold thier laughter in.

"Heh? What?" You asked confused. Your manager smiles as he hands you a mirror, obviously trying his best to keep in his laughter. You look to find white cream all over your upper lip so you looked like you had a moustache. You blush and quickly get a napkin before wiping it away.

"You should've told me..." you said blushing, embarrassed.

Everyone just burst into laughter and Onew reached over for a DVD.

"C'mon let's watch something!" he exclaimed as he stood up and walked over to the DVD player. He the TV and started playing the movie. Taemin went over and switched off the lights.

"Perfect movie mood," You hear Jonghyun say as everyone settled into their seats. You sat on the corner, kind of isolated, but you didn't mind. You smiled as you watched the TV. Everything seemed fine, for once there was no heavy weight weighing down on you. SUddenly you get pushed and you look around to see Key leaning on you.

"Sorry..." he whispered,"Taemin pushed me..."

You blush and you were glad it was dark. As you continued to watch the movie you started getting uncomfortable as Key was now sitting next to you. You try to concentrate on the movie but your eyes trail to Key. You shook your head vigourously. What was wrong with me? you thought. You decided to get some water and left for the kitchen.

Getting a cup of water you drank it all down and fanned yourself. Was the heater on?


You turn around to see Key walk in, you immediately blush and look away.

"What's wrong? I just saw you walk out on the movie.... at the .." he said.

"N...nothing, just water..." you said fidgeting with the cup.

"Uh..." Key looked away awkwardly,"About... about that... confession... I ... made..."

Your heartbeat quickened and you blushed as you squeezed the cup, hard.

"Sorry… Sorry if I made it awkward… I just want us to be friends… so just forget it…”


“So yeah… I know you just like me as a friend, so I don’t want thinks to be strange and all that…”

No that’s not how you wanted it… no…

“Okay, well I’m going off to watch the movie now…”

You hear Key turn around. You felt a strong pain in your chest and on impulse you dropped the cup and ran over to him before hugging him.


“_________!” Key exclaimed blushing.

“No! That’s not how I want it…” you said looking to the ground.

"Yah..." Key looked at you blushing,"Then.. how do you want it?"

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JovwyLove #1
kyahhhhh great ending ^^
puppyrawr #2
such a sweet FF! ^O^
Ahhhhhhhh! I love the ending!! Love it, love it, love it! gggggrrrrreeeeaaaattt job!
Omg!! Near the end Minho is so...... Nice, caring and supportive! Hehehe~
:) Nice story! hahaha... <3
Yay, I finished it! Sweet story..hehe.. :)<br />
I'm not really against sequel but I'm kinda phobia with bad sequel story. No offense. Hwaiting!
great story!<br />
I feel so sorry for Onew and Minho and Jjong :( they're left heartbroken D:<br />
<br />
please write more stories in the future ;)
cute :) i missed this story :)
omo~ it's sooo cute!! :D
Cute :) Just a little rushed I think, but other than that, I love it <3