Unwritten. -Siwon drabble

~Drabble Collection~

“Hey Siwon oppa? How come we never hang out anymore?” I asked. He gave me a curious look and shrugged. He always did that when he didn’t have an answer…or if he didn’t want to answer. But still, I loved it.

“I don’t know. I guess I’m just too busy…” His voice trailed on.

“So you’re busyall the time?” I asked leaning on him.”That’s not fair.~” I yawned. He laughed and pats my head.

“Go to sleep Desi.”

“No, not until you tell me a story.” I said stubbornly crossing my arms. He laughed again and let out a tired sigh.

“Alright…” he cleared his throat.”Once upon a time, there was a princess named-“

“Desi!~” I exclaimed. He chuckled softly and gave me a small nod.

“Yes.~ And the princess was very pretty.~” He stated. This made me blush a bit.”…But very stubborn.” He said with a sly grin.

“Hey!”  I snapped at him, but returned the grin.

“Anyways, the princess was cheerful and joyful…and very beautiful.” He whispered softly.”…But there was one problem.”

“What was it oppa?” I asked, completely absorbed in this “story”. He look away from me and closed his eyes. He did this when he was very deep in thought.

“…She was in love.” He replied sadly. I shot him a confused look. I saw nothing wrong with someone being in love….It was actually kind of nice.

“Why is that a problem?”  I said looking up at him. I saw a slight blush his cheeks.

“Well when someone is in love…” He started.”Um…it’s…” He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. He seemed like he was having a hard time with this.”…I just don’t know how to explain it.”

“That’s what I don’t like about love.” I sighed.”It’s so…weird.” Siwon chuckled and rested his chin on the top of my head.

“I know, Desi.” Siwon wrapped one arm protectively around me.

“And that’s why I hate love stories.” I grumbled to myself. Well it’s true. Love is so…messed up sometimes.

“Aw Desi don’t say that.” Siwon said.”Love stories can be…interesting.”

“Well alright then Mr. Love Expert. Tell me an interesting love story.”  I said in a teasing tone that he couldn’t resist. And he didn’t. He smirked at me, which in his language meant “Are you ready?”

“Okay, ready for the best love story in HISTORY?” He asked dramatically raising his eyebrow.

“I’m pretty sure it doesn’t exist, but go ahead.” I said. He leaned in closely to meet my eyes. I started to blush like crazy as our noses touched.

“You and me.” He simply said, with a killer smile. “Too bad that story is unwritten…yet.”  


Ugh, this one came out so bad. >.<    I'm sorry...

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so cutee and fuzzy~ ah~ they make me feel so happy :33<br />
keep up the great work buddy *thumbs up* :DD
I'm still writing!! ^^ Haha dont worry I havent forgotten
SHINeeluvsME #3
Hey Mel dont forget mine this time lol