Lesson in Love.- Junsu drabble

~Drabble Collection~

“Now let’s see….” I whispered as I looked over my new schedule. It seems like I’ve done this before…oh wait, I have! I’ve transferred schools so much that every time it’s my first day everything seems like a blur…I shook my head and continued to read the paper. Hm…it said I had English next. I smiled to myself. I’ve lived in America for five years. This should be a piece of cake. I carefully walked into the room.  The teacher looked up from his book and examined my face.

“Ah…you must be our new student, Sarah.” He said with a kind smile. A gave him a small nod.”Please introduce yourself in front of the class.” Oh I knew this all too well. You experience it every time you’re new to a school. I always make a bad impression…I just get so shy…I swallowed and bit my lower lip nervously.

“Um…H-Hello~…” I started. My voice came out weakly.”My name is Sarah. Please treat me well.” I said with a small smile. My eyes wandered around the room of unattentive students but one seemed to stand out. It was a boy. Well…a man. He had broad shoulders, dark brown hair, and eager dark brown eyes. He began to smirk.

“Thank you Sarah. Please take a seat right there.” The teacher said pointing at an available desk at the front. I silently sat down and looked straight ahead….Why do I have the feeling that somebody is staring at me? I felt someone tap on my shoulder and I turned around to face a girl with short hair and a bored expression on her face.

“Here.” She said handing me a neatly folded note. I looked at it with a weird expression on my own face as I turned back around and opened it carefully.

Hi! I noticed that you were a bit nervous when you introduced yourself.” I gasped softly. So they noticed? I continued to read.

Are you scared of English class or something?  ;) Haha!~ Well don’t be!  It’s not so bad. ^_^  I hope we get to be great friends!   -Junsu”  ….Junsu?  Was it that guy I saw smirking at me? I was deciding on whether I should look back at him or just mind my own business. I let out a sigh and dared to glance back. And I was right! He was staring at me! As soon as he noticed I was staring back at him, his eyes widened just a bit but soon relaxed. His smirk returned.  I blushed and quickly turned away from him.

“Now class, today we’re going to work on conversation.” The teacher said as he stood up.”Would anyone like to go first?”

“Me!” A male voice exclaimed. 

“Alright, come up and pick your partner Junsu.”  Junsu?! Junsu slowly came up and smiled. He searched though the class and his eyes landed on me. Oh great.

“I pick Sarah.” He said with a huge grin. My eyes grew large.

“Now Junsu…what did I say about picking on the new students?” The teacher said. He shrugged and laughed a bit.

“Sorry. It’s fun.” He smiled. The teached sighed.

“Okay Sarah. Please stand up.” The teacher said. I heaved a sigh and looked down as I stood up and placed myself next to Junsu. I felt him stare at me. “Now Junsu start a conversation.”

Hello my name is Kim Junsu.” He introduced himself in impressive English. But I still noticed a bit of an accent.”And what is your name?” He grinned. I’m guessing he thought he was better at English than me. Ha! I returned his grin.

Hello my name is Sarah. I was born in Korea but moved to America when I was twelve years old. I lived there for five years in New York City so my English is pretty good!” I exclaimed with a small smile. The class awed and Junsu stood there with his mouth agape for a few seconds but then burst out in laughter.

“Alright no more! No more!” He exclaimed still laughing. The bell suddenly rang making everyone stand up and run out of the classroom. I got my bag and started to walk out but someone grabbed my arm.

“You know you could of at least warned me that you were an English expert.” He grinned. I laughed and shook my head.

“I’m not an English expert…I’m just good at it.”

“Which is an expert.” He said.

“Not really.” I blushed looking down. I felt him grin at me.

“Well you’re not the only expert around here!”  He said patting my shoulder.”You see that guy?” He asked pointing at some random guy. I nodded.”Well he’s the math expert. And that girl-“ He pointed at a pretty girl with long blonde hair.”…Believe it or not she’s the science expert.”

“Really?” I giggled.”And what are you?”  He stood up straight and flashed me deviant smile.

“I’m the love expert.” He winked at me. I felt my cheeks warm up.

“T-That’s not true.”

“It is!” He said.”I am truly the love expert. And I’d be happy to teach you. Lessons are free.” He grinned. I laughed and smiled up at him. Really Junsu? Haha…that’s a silly thought. Is there such thing as a “lesson in love”?  

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so cutee and fuzzy~ ah~ they make me feel so happy :33<br />
keep up the great work buddy *thumbs up* :DD
I'm still writing!! ^^ Haha dont worry I havent forgotten
SHINeeluvsME #3
Hey Mel dont forget mine this time lol