Secret Admirer. -Seunghyun drabble

~Drabble Collection~

“Alright guys, one more and we’re done.” Our manager said texting on his Blackberry. Hakkyu and Daeho groaned.

“Can we please take a break?” Hakkyu pleaded. Our manager looked at us for a brief second and went back to texting.

“Alright. You get ten minutes.” He said. We all smiled and walked off the set. 

“Ughh I hate photo shoots.”  Daeho grumbled rubbing his eyes furiously.”I swear I’m getting blind because of them.”

“Stop being a drama queen Daeho.” Sunghwa snickered. Daeho shot him a glare.

“I’m just glad they gave us a mini buffet.” I said with a small smile.”I’m starving.”

“Aw you’re hungry Angie?~” Daeho cooed as he placed his arm around my shoulder.”Well, why don’t you take a bite out of me.” He winked. I rolled my eyes at him and grimaced. In your dreams Daeho.

“Deaho that doesn’t even make sense. Now let go…you’re creeping her out.”Sunghwa said.

“Oh my gosh they have cookies!~” Hakkyu exclaimed as he ran towards the buffet.

“Hakkyu!” Daeho immediately let go of me and ran after him.”Leave some for me!” Sunghwa and I laughed at both of them as they raided the food table.

“So…got any plans after the photo shoot squirt?” Sunghwa grinned. I gave him a look.

“First of all, my name is Andrea. I’ve been telling you that since day one!” I exclaimed. He just laughed.

“Whatever.” Sunghwa said.

“And second…yes I do have plans.”  I said casually.”Why do you ask?”

“Well I overheard you talking to someone about a possible date.” He said with a raised eyebrow.”Is that true?”  I felt my cheeks grow warm and I gasped.

“Who do you know?!”

“Well…” Sunghwa pulled something blue and familiar out of his pocket. “You just received a text saying I can’t wait to see you.” He said with a smile as he looked at my phone. I snatched my phone away and blushed.

“I heard date!” Daeho sang as he placed himself between me and Sunghwa.

“Gasp! And I see blushing!~” Hakkyu chirped as he walked behind him.”I knew this day would come!”

“Do you have a date with the leader of something?” Daeho asked.

“It’s not with me idiots.” Sunghwa groaned in frustration.

“Then who?”

“It’s none of your business!” I yelled getting a bit irritated. I hated when the boys tried to get into my personal…stuff. Hakkyu grabbed the phone out of my hand and started looking through it.”Hey!”

“Now let’s see…” He mumbled.”There’s Heechul, Henry….Henry?” He asked. They all gave me a weird look.

“…What? I like his violin skills.” I said with a shrug. It’s true. When Henry plays violin it’s like I’m in a whole different world.~

“Whatever.” He turned his gaze back to my phone.”Jaejin, Minhyuk, Seunghyun, and Sungmin…”

“It’s definitely Heechul!” Daeho said.

“Nah, Heechul cares more about his hair than Angie.” Sunghwa pointed out.

“That’s a lie!” I said.

“I say it’s Henry.” Sunghwa grinned.”She just admitted that she’s by his violin skills.”

“WHAT?!” I felt myself blushing even more. I never said that!

“Plus…he speaks English.”

“Hey Angie.” I heard a sweet voice call. I turned around and saw it was a guy with brown light brown hair covering one of his dark brown eyes.  I knew that he had came back from a photo shoot of his own. I smiled at him.

“Hey Seunghyun.~”  I heard the boys gasp. There was an awkward silence after that.

“…I knew it!”  Hakkyu exclaimed.  Sunghwa rolled his eyes at him as Daeho just scoffed.  Seunghyun chuckled and took my hand.

“Ready for our date?” He whispered into my ear sending shivers up my spine and making butterflies appear in my stomach. I simply smiled.


“Angie you can’t leave yet!” Hakkyu said giving me his adorable puppy eyes and small pout.”We still have the photo shoot!” Oh right…


“Just go on without me.” I said slightly rolling my eyes.”You guys can manage without me right?”

“And what if he notices?” Sunghwa said raising his eyebrow and crossing his arms. Of course…being the leader he is he would never allow it. Ughh…

“Then make up something…tell him I’m sick and I had to go home!” Seunghyun grinned at me.

“Such a bad girl.~” He teased squeezing my hand. I felt my cheeks heat up quickly.”Sorry boys but she’s all mine today.” He said with a smile and pulled me away from them as we started to walk away. I heard the others mutter their goodbyes and with that we were out the door.  I let out a sigh of relief.

“Thank god that’s over.” I mumbled. Seunghyun laughed cheerfully and smiled at me.


“Well the guys were looking through my stuff and…” I pulled out my phone and showed him the text. He read it over and his lips formed a perfect “O”.

“Ah…I see…”

“So they thought you were like my secret admirer or something silly like that.” I said adding a small nervous laugh at the end. Something I always did when I thought something would be awkward or weird. Seunghyun smirked and leaned a bit closer to me.

“Secret lovers huh?~” He whispered seductively into my ear. I felt my heart pound faster.”Now what’s so bad about that?” He smiled turning his gaze away from me and staring straight ahead.”I don’t mind. I kind of like it actually.”

“You just don’t really care because you’re not the one who has to explain it.” I muttered under my breath.

“And what do I have to explain Angie?”  He asked stopping right in his tracks. I stopped too and shrugged.

“I don’t know, maybe that we aren’t secret lovers.”  He gave me a small pout and hugged my waist.

“Aw but I like being lovers.” He admitted with a little sparkle in his eye.”It makes everything more interesting.~”

“How?!” I exclaimed. I honestly didn’t know how being in a “relationship” or just being friends…with benefits made things different between us. But apparently Seunghyun did. He smirked again and inched closer to me.

“Like this.” He whispered before kissing me sweetly on the lips. I stood there for a second, not knowing what to do. All of a sudden my lips reacted and started to kiss him back. Whoa…forget being friends.

“Oh…my…gosh…Guys get over here!” I heard someone yell.  Both of us pulled away surprised and stared at the three boys…who just stared right back in shock.

“Whoa…looks like squirt has a boyfriend!~” Daeho whistled.”And she isn’t wasting time either!”

“HA! I told you!” Hakkyu said pointing at Sunghwa.”Take that hyung! Now you owe me twenty dollars!~”  Sunghwa groaned and cursed under his breath as he dug in his pocket to give Hakkyu the money. I laughed calmly…even though I was still a little startled and surprised that my band members had just caught me kissing. But other than that I’m fine.

“I guess our secret is out huh?” Seunghyun whispered in my ear softly. I nodded and let a small smile slip on my face. Yeah…and somehow I’m okay with it. 


All the male characters (and the female one) are fictional except for Seunghyun.~

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so cutee and fuzzy~ ah~ they make me feel so happy :33<br />
keep up the great work buddy *thumbs up* :DD
I'm still writing!! ^^ Haha dont worry I havent forgotten
SHINeeluvsME #3
Hey Mel dont forget mine this time lol