Perfect Moment. -Yoseob drabble

~Drabble Collection~

Yoseob plopped down right beside me with a huge smile on his face.

“There we go!~ The movie will be starting in a few minutes.” He said happily. I gave him a shy smile and nodded.  I hope this works. I’ve like Yoseob for so long…and this is the perfect moment.

“SO um…where are the rest of the guys?” I asked looking around me. He just shrugged and started to look around too.

“Well they said they would be here….” He mumbled. I smiled to myself. Good. They kept their promise.

“Well…that’s okay.” He said with a sigh.”I guess it’s just you and me Tiff!~” My heart fluttered.  I felt my cheeks warm up a bit.


“Oh look its starting!” Yoseob smiled. There was an awkward silence…We both stared at the screen silently. I have to think of something! Come on Tiffany…what does it take to get a guy to hug you?....I got it!  I “shivered” slightly and wrapped my arms around myself, hoping he would notice. Yoseob looked at me with concern.

“Oh are you cold?”  No.

“Y-Yes…a little bit.” I stuttered, trying to make it real. He smiled at me.

“Don’t worry. I’ll go get a blanket.” He whispered standing up. NO!!! I just nodded and responded with a simple “okay”. As he left, I groaned in frustration.

“Well that didn’t work…” I muttered. I sighed and looked at the screen. The movie wasn’t scary…it was one of those old movies where Godzilla destroys the city and there’s giant spiders…well it’s worth a try.

“Ah, here we go.~” Yoseob said handing me a fluffy blanket and placing himself next to me again.”Is that enough?”

“Yeah…it’s okay.” I said with a faint smile.

“Alright.” He turned his gaze to the T.V.”Did I miss anything?” I shook my head.

“No, I don’t think so.” A gigantic spider suddenly appeared on the screen. And there’s my cue.

“AH! A spider!” I yelped as I covered my eyes. I hope this works…I felt Yoseob stare at me for a minute but then laugh.

“Oh come on Tiffany. It’s not that scary.~” He says with a light laugh. I mentally face palmed myself. Why isn’t anything working?! I sighed and uncovered my eyes.

“Yeah I guess not…” I muttered under my breath and closed my eyes. I felt him stare at me in pure confusion.

“Um…Tiffany?” I opened my eyes and looked up at him.

“Yes?” He bit his lower lips nervously. OMG…is he going to admit it?!

“Well…uh…” He stammered and stared down at my lips. He is!!!

“Yes oppa?” I asked, blushing. He rubbed the back of his neck.

“You’re…lips are chapped….” He said with an embarrassed smile. My heart dropped.

“Oh…” I sighed in disbelief. He chuckled and pulled out some chap stick from his pocket.

“I stole this from Dongwoon.” He said with a grin.”Here.~” I grabbed it and quickly spread it on my lips. I was kind of irritated. I gave it back to him.

“Yoseob…why do you even care about my lips?” I said getting mad. He laughed softly and leaned closer.

“So I can do this.~” He whispered and gave me a gentle kiss on the lips. My eyes widened but slowly closed in content. He pulled away and smiled.”A perfect moment huh?” I laughed and gave him a small nod.


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so cutee and fuzzy~ ah~ they make me feel so happy :33<br />
keep up the great work buddy *thumbs up* :DD
I'm still writing!! ^^ Haha dont worry I havent forgotten
SHINeeluvsME #3
Hey Mel dont forget mine this time lol