Please? -T.O.P Drabble

~Drabble Collection~

“Come on T.O.P! Please!” I whined pulling on his arm. He groaned in frustration and looked up at the sky.

“Oh dear lord please make her stop.” He whispered.

“Please!” I repeated.”I promise that I’ll make it up to you.”

“The answer is still no, Sierra.” T.O.P said slowly. He smirked, finally looking at me. I crossed my arms over my chest and stared back at him.

“Choi Seung Hyun, you better or I’ll never talk to you again.” I said carefully choosing my words. I didn’t want him to stop talking to me.  Pretty much the opposite.  He chuckled in that deep voice of his and gave me a devilish grin.

“No. It’s fun to watch you beg.~” I groaned and sat down on the park bench. He carefully placed himself next to me.

“You just love to torture me don’t you?” I asked, kicking some leaves. I can feel him stare at me with intensity…like if he’s in deep thought.  There was awkward silence and I heard T.O.P let out a sigh.

“Alright alright fine…” He muttered under his breath. My head snapped in his direction and a smile quickly spread on my lips.


“Yeah…I guess having you sleepover wouldn’t be so bad…” He said rubbing the back of his neck. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and started to dial.”But I’ll have to tell GD first so-“

“Oh thank you thank you thank you!~” I squealed. I hugged him tightly and I could tell he was a little taken back. Well I would be too if someone randomly started attacking me with hugs and saying thank you repeatedly. But I was excited! I get to have a sleepover with Big Bang!

“S-Sierra! Come on! Let go!”He stammered nervously. I quickly let go and smiled brightly at him.

“Sorry. But thank you so much oppa!~” He blushed lightly and gave me a stern nod before he started to dial GD again.

“It’s alright um…your hugs are…nice.” He whispered awkwardly to himself.


“N-Nothing. Just…just go get your stuff ready Sierra.” I giggled softly and nodded eagerly to him.

“Alright! See you at eight!~” I exclaimed cheerfully and started to walk away. I heard T.O.P sigh again.

“What have I done…” He asked himself.  


This was my first ever drabble!'s not that good. ^^"  xD

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so cutee and fuzzy~ ah~ they make me feel so happy :33<br />
keep up the great work buddy *thumbs up* :DD
I'm still writing!! ^^ Haha dont worry I havent forgotten
SHINeeluvsME #3
Hey Mel dont forget mine this time lol