Broken Wings

You are Cupid?
Cold nights, hitted Sehun again. It's been weeks since he last saw Luhan, he couldn't comprehend what had he done that Luhan needed to leave.
He wasen't doing so well in college, he had lost motivation. His apearence was nothing beautiful to talk about, eyes lifeless from lack of sleep. He felt exhausted, he haden't bathe in days, he couldn't even remember when did he have his last meal nor when did he last see the sunlight.
Luhan could only turn him this way and Luhan could only reverse it.
Apparently Luhan's trial was backed up. Luhan wondered how Sehun was doing, did he miss me?, did he even noticed that I was gone?, those questions ached the back of Luhan's head, the elder paced trough the four thin walls of his room.
He started to remember back when he was suposses to make Sehun fall in love with another person. It seemed so easy back then what he wanted to do, when he wanted to spend every second with the freshman. He could have said those words that lingered on his mouth until now, he could-should- have said the truth instead of hiding it from Sehun's back.
Now he is here, not even knowing when he is going to see the latter again. He felt tears welling up at the corner of his eyes, he tried to brush them away but they kept pouring.
"Luhan, come now."
Luhan stood up and harshly wiped the tears earlier lingering in his waterline.
Luhan made his way trough the door and followed the young man trough the long halls supported by long pillars of marbles.
When they reached the destined place, the young man motioned to Luhan to continue by himself, Luhan obliged, he found his seat and let the higher authority say what the had to say.
As they explained the case, Luhan manteined seated and with his head hung low.
"The punishment will be ripping off his wings, and 100 wips."
Luhan felt his body tremble at the judges words. Luhan soon was took to the punishment cells, when reached the cell there stood a man with a black bag on his head, only two holes for his eyes too see.
The man forcely made Luhan kneel in the rock covered ground, it hurted but not as much as the next.
Luhan felt the man grabbing one of his wings, his eyes already shut tightly in anticipation of the pain.
He heard the sound of the sword being stabbed against the ground Luhan felt his body tremble, there were already tears coming out of his bloodshot eyes.
The said man d Luhan's left wing tighter, he got the sword from the ground and pierced it trough the skin and the wing. His piercing scream vibrated within the four walls.
Luhan couldn't handle it, he dropped on his hand as he saw the blood trickling from his back, he had to be strong for Sehun, he then got on his knees again, took a deep breath and wiped the tears from his blurry eyes.
He saw how his wing was tossed to the side, he felt weaker by every drop of blood his back spilled. 
The laugh of the man echoed trough his skull, he then again felt the said man harshly take his right wing, there was no warning, he pierced trough the skin. His mouth quivered to scream.
The elders eyesight became unsteady he couldn't even feel the rock covered ground now his body felt numb. The said man took out the wip, soon after it started becoming one with Luhan's skin. 
His back looked as if a beast ran his nails trough it, Luhan winced as the wip came in contact with his skin, he had lost count of how many times the man had hitted him. His body tembreled in denial, as if telling Luhan to stop. 
What could Luhan do, he deserved this after all, he knew what was coming. Soon after the man gathered his things  and left Luhan laying on the hard ground. He stared blindly at the ceilings cracks.
His back ached and his knees were scraped they stinged but nothing hurt more than his heart.
"Sehun ah."
A/N: Omg what
Im so sorry Lu
;-; forgive me guys.
Thanks for reading
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I'll update tommorow I SWEARS IT


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deer_exotic46 #1
Chapter 17: thank you so much for continuing this story authornim. i love you hehe oh poor lulu. i must be really hurt seeing sehun being ed by jongin. could you??? you dont even know what happened actually. you have to make up!
deer_exotic46 #2
Chapter 16: oh nooo...why???
Chapter 16: What?! No!!!!!!!!! Why????.....*crying*
kris_jaemin #4
Chapter 16: What :( why I mean I like this fic tho. :( aww
Luhanwife #5
Chapter 15: AWWW poor Lulu and Sehunnie, Hope they dont break up
deer_exotic46 #6
Chapter 14: i hope sehunie wont get mad to lulu, when he found out what happened to lulu while he's gone...
naughty lulu just leaved sehunie with his problem down there
Chapter 13: Oh no! Sehun come back to Lulu!! T.T update soon author nim!
Chapter 13: noooo, Lulu in pain hurry come back to him, Sehun!
eternalsg #9
Chapter 13: Sehun hurry bk b4 anyting more happens!!!!
Luhanwife #10
Chapter 13: sehunnie come back soon TT_TT