Could it be?

You are Cupid?
Luhan opened his eyes it was still night, apparently he fell asleep while watching Sehun. He looked at the clock. "Is almost going to be midnight, I better get going." Luhan said to himself. He got up from bed as slowly and as quietly as he could, he didn't want Sehun waking up. After all he almost killed him whit his cooking.
Before leaving, Luhan kneeled infront of Sehun, he asked himself how could someone be so handsome?
"My Sehunie, I'm so sorry for almost killing you with my cooking." Luhan ran his hands trough the latter's bangs. He suddenly found himself right infron of the freshman's lips.
His lips are right there, is now or never. He thought.
Only 4 milimiters.
"Luhan, what are you doing?"
"Ahhh!" The elder felt on his , he looked at the latter as he feelt his face begining to flush.
'I was so close, stupid Sehun had to wake up.'
"I was just taking the remote control across the bed, heheheh." 
"Oh, okay." Sehun yawned, streched his arms and went right back to sleep.
Luhan got off the floor and went to the bathroom, little did he know that Sehun was just right behind him. He saw how the elder took a bow and a stachel full of arrows. His eyes widened in realization. Luhan was hiding things from him. He also noticed that Luhan was no longer dressed as normally but dressed with the clothing he had on the first day he met him.
He hurriedly hid, as he saw Luhan go for the door. Sehun saw as the latter went to the window and jumped. He was left flabbergasted.
The freashman ran to the window, when he looked down he saw nothing, but when he looked up he could see a sillohete, flying?
When Sehun woke up the first thing he did was too check, if Luhan was in the futon, the elder wasen't there. 
Had Luhan left?
His beating fastened at the thought of that.
He got up the bed and went trough his whole appartment, he remembered he didn't check the living room. When Sehun reachead the living room, he saw a peacfully sleeping deer.
Sehun let out a sigh he didn't knew was holding, the elder squirmed in the couch and Sehun couldn't help but to smile at the other cuteness.
The freshman recalled as the elder was in the bathroom and how he took a bow under the sink. 
He quickly ran past the kitchen and into the bathroom and kneeled before the sink, when he let his body go a little lower, just as Luhan was the night before. He touched nothing, absolutly nothing.
Sehun intepreted it all as a dream, It couldn't be possible that Luhan was an angel.
Could it?
A/N: Ayo, double update as promised.
I know is a little too short, i'll try to make the next one longer.
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I'll update tommorow I SWEARS IT


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deer_exotic46 #1
Chapter 17: thank you so much for continuing this story authornim. i love you hehe oh poor lulu. i must be really hurt seeing sehun being ed by jongin. could you??? you dont even know what happened actually. you have to make up!
deer_exotic46 #2
Chapter 16: oh nooo...why???
Chapter 16: What?! No!!!!!!!!! Why????.....*crying*
kris_jaemin #4
Chapter 16: What :( why I mean I like this fic tho. :( aww
Luhanwife #5
Chapter 15: AWWW poor Lulu and Sehunnie, Hope they dont break up
deer_exotic46 #6
Chapter 14: i hope sehunie wont get mad to lulu, when he found out what happened to lulu while he's gone...
naughty lulu just leaved sehunie with his problem down there
Chapter 13: Oh no! Sehun come back to Lulu!! T.T update soon author nim!
Chapter 13: noooo, Lulu in pain hurry come back to him, Sehun!
eternalsg #9
Chapter 13: Sehun hurry bk b4 anyting more happens!!!!
Luhanwife #10
Chapter 13: sehunnie come back soon TT_TT