Where are you?

You are Cupid?
"Well, well, well if is no other than the famouse cupid, Lu han."
"Did you think you could get away with this, you are coming with me too heaven, I want to see how preciouse little Sehun is gonna react when he notices you are gone." Luhan felt his heart get stabbed at every word the latter said.
Luhan felt a strong grip on his wrist, he tried to escape Baekhyun grasp it was useless.
Baekhyun took him out of the shop and force him to enter the car.
"Why are you doing this?" Luhan felt tears on his face, he knew he would not see Sehun any time soon.
He wasen't crying for him he was crying for Sehun, how would he react when he finds that Luhan isin't there.
"Don't take it too seriously Luhan, they are just orders." Baekhyun said with no emotion whatsoever.
Chanyeol then eneter the car.
He never had felt so happy in his life, Luhan had been gone for a while, and now hes got him.
Luhan took a last look at the coffee shop, he knew he wouldn't comeback after all he broke the rules. In the midst of the ride he fell asleep.
What bothered Baekhyun the most is that even when Luha wasen't even present he was at top of the charts, for the best work, he was always second. If Luhan didn't have his powers, he wouldn't be on the charts.
Chanyeol couldn't take it anymore, this was wrong. He knew it.
"Baekhyun don't you think this is too much." He mumbled afraid of what the latter would say.
"Chanyeol, mind your own bussines."
"Then, drop me off here. I am not going to be part of this."
The elder stopped the car, before the latter was completly out of the car he accelerated,Chanyeol didn't believe this was Baekhyun.
Chanyeol saw as the car got smaller and smaller until it dissapeared. Was he not good enough? Why did Baekhyun have to do this? He really didn't understand.
Luhan oppened his eyes, the smell, the sound, all was to familiar and it pained Luhan's heart.
This wasen't the feeling when you are at home, althought it felt familiar at the same time it felt foreing.
He didn't think he would be back at this place. He heard taps of steps getting closer. He turned around, he noticed he was in his old room. It was still the same.
"Luhan, is good too have you back."
He knew that voice so well, that voice that would always make him feel like nothing.
"I am not back." He said as cold and harsh his voice could get.
"Luhan, no need to be so cold, its me, your friend."
"You were never my friend, would a friend do this to his friend."
"You know it was for your best, you wouldn't want to be a commoner like them. You knew if you stayed there more than what you are supposed to go out for, you become like them."
"If that what it takes to be with Sehun, then might aswell be one.
"You don't know what your saying."
"Yes I do, Jongdae. You just hate seeing me happy don't you. I bet Baekhyun didn't even want to do this and you manipulated him."
"Maybe I did, but you won't know that." 
Before Luhan could leave, Jongdae held his neck and whispered in his ear:
"Tommorrow the elders are going to decide was is your punishment going to be, so don't be too late."
With that said Jongdae left.
Sehun had finally got out of that hell hole as he liked to call it.
He felt relieved that Luhan didn't have to wait anymore. Trough his walk to his apartment he felt uneasy as if something was wrong, he could see from afar that not one single light was .
When he finally reached the door to his apartment. He stood there hesitating. He finally put the key on the lock and pushed the door.
No anwer.
Maybe he's asleep Sehun thought until he saw a bright green note on the kitchen counter. 
- Sehuna don't get worried I'll be back before you even get here, but I guess if you saw this you already arrived, so I haven't gotten here.
Umm anyways I'll be back.
Bye, love lulu-
Sehun felt himself smiled at that he felt reassured. Even his notes are cute Sehun thought as he headed to the shower.
Sehun grabbed his towel and turned the hot water on. Somehow Sehun still felt uneasy. 
As he stepped into the shower, he rember hoe Luhan didn't say the time that he would be back, neither where he went too.
He let the water pour on his head as he tried to think of a place that Luhan would go to.
He felt exhausted, he turned off the shower, brushed his teeth and left to take a nap.
Sehun couldn't sleep, he was pacing trough his appartment. His eyes widened in realization.
Luhan had left.
A/N: What have I done?
I'm so sorry guys this is a crack turned angst.
This is not how I want it to end. 
It just turned out that way
Ignore them errors
I don't want to edit
Thanks for reading.
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I'll update tommorow I SWEARS IT


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deer_exotic46 #1
Chapter 17: thank you so much for continuing this story authornim. i love you hehe oh poor lulu. i must be really hurt seeing sehun being ed by jongin. sehun...how could you??? you dont even know what happened actually. you have to make up!
deer_exotic46 #2
Chapter 16: oh nooo...why???
Chapter 16: What?! No!!!!!!!!! Why????.....*crying*
kris_jaemin #4
Chapter 16: What :( why I mean I like this fic tho. :( aww
Luhanwife #5
Chapter 15: AWWW poor Lulu and Sehunnie, Hope they dont break up
deer_exotic46 #6
Chapter 14: i hope sehunie wont get mad to lulu, when he found out what happened to lulu while he's gone...
naughty lulu btw...you just leaved sehunie with his problem down there
Chapter 13: Oh no! Sehun come back to Lulu!! T.T update soon author nim!
Chapter 13: noooo, Lulu in pain hurry come back to him, Sehun!
eternalsg #9
Chapter 13: Sehun hurry bk b4 anyting more happens!!!!
Luhanwife #10
Chapter 13: sehunnie come back soon TT_TT