


Kris... Jaemin whispered. Whatever Jaemin said, nobody could hear her. She is now a living spirit, who walks anywhere she wants. Nobody cares about her.

She remembered the time when the people who knew her went to her funeral. It was kinda sad, they are Kris, the guys who always bullied Jaemin before, and a bunch of es who had bullied her too, followed by teachers. But the saddest thing is, her father wasn't there for her funeral. What an irresponsible father. While she was dying, he wasn't there. While he was called because she died, he wasn't there, yes he wasn't. He said that he wasn't her father and said that she didn't have any relatives.

Life to Jaemin is pathetic. Full of secrets, lies and sadness. Her father cheated on her mother till she committed suicide, bullied at school. She would try to forget all the things that happened in her life, while she was alive. Now, she had a very dangerous plan, which she had never tried in her life. Now, it's the most suitable time for her to do this.

Next, first victim. Here I go for my revenge.




"Arghhhh! Damn it! What a cheap video game player!"

And what a stupid badass you are. Jaemin rolled her eyes. She frowned at Tao, who is walking away from the video game player. He jumped on his king-sized bed, reading a comic. The most suitable time. Jaemin walked slowly towards the screen and did something. She took a red-inked marker and wrote something on the screen.

After finished writing, she threw the marker right onto his head, causing him to turn around, furrowing his eyebrow. "What the--" He gasped as he saw words that scared the hell out of him.


Any last words? Angel of death is standing right beside you. Prepare to die mysteriously.

He already had goosebumps and was starting to grip his pillow tightly. "W-Who are you??" he asked loudly. Jaemin grinned and slowly walked towards him. She sat on the edge of the bed, causing the bed to sink in. Tao gasped, quickly edging to the other side. She smirked evilly, leaning down to Tao's ears, i'm the girl who you had beaten at the hallway, Mr. Huang. You made my life miserable. You made me searching for money, while you know I'm not as rich as you. Jaemin whispered, causing his eyes to round up.

Yes, altough Jaemin is a living spirit, anybody that she wants to take her revenge would hear her. Jaemin pulled his arms and pushed him to lay down on his bed. Tao struggled out of her embrace. Unfortunately, he failed. Jaemin hovered on him, sitting on his lap. She chuckled, wrapping her fingers around his neck. Any last words, Zitao? She asked.

"I-I..." he stuttered. Looks like you don't have any last words. Say good-ing-bye to the world. 

With that, she pushed her hands on his throat, wrapping her fingers tightly. Tao was running out of breath, as he gripped the sheets tightly. As Jaemin pushed her hands again, he already stop struggling and his eyes remained open. His mouth flung open. And within a few minutes, Tao had just died. 

Jaemin walked away from his bed, leaving the dead body there. Her first victim is already gone. 




"Hey Kris!"

Kris tilted his head on Junmyeon, who suddenly came out from nowhere.

"What in the world is happening?"

"What- Kris, don't you know that Tao died last night? And sometimes, people called it dying mysteriously. He was at home, with his family. And he was playing video game in his room, and how could he get killed? Wow, weird."

"Wait what? Tao?"

"Yeah and some people said there's a red mark patterned like a J."


"oopss, gotta go for my chemistry class! Bye Kris." Junmyeon ran away from Kris. 

"J? Jaemin?"




author note.

hey guys! Short update today because i'm in rush :( sorry.. Pls enjoy..

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Omg srsly i've been thinking if this is all too brutal or something. Kekeke~


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Chapter 11: Cant wait to know who killed tht old man..Update soon! I love it^^
stephani_bap #2
Chapter 11: really? that's cool!!
stephani_bap #3
Chapter 9: i watch it! i like Lay in episode 2 when he's with chen, luhan, and xiumin. OMG! four of them are funny^^
stephani_bap #4
update soon \(^0^)/
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 8: somehow i feel like kai will die.....
Chapter 8: somehow i want kai to die in this story, life isn't fair
amyzanaLovesTaeTiSeo #7
Chapter 3: Aww but I really want Jaemin to kill her father though~ Oh well~ I'll be waiting for his death in the upcoming chapters XD
stephani_bap #8
Chapter 7: wow, curious about the plan!!!
amyzanaLovesTaeTiSeo #9
Chapter 2: Yes Tao ! Die ! Die ! Die ! You bullied her now you deserve to be dead ! *lol i sound like a creepy psycho
KrisForever #10
Chapter 5: holy crap, dis is so brutal. But it's seriously cool. keep on writing!!