


"Do it for me."

Kris groaned loudly in his room as he remembered his father's words. Four words that made him felt so stressed. He suddenly remembered that moment when his father was a ghost hunter. It was very terrifying. Mr. Wu had hunted more than a hundred of ghosts. But somehow, he was not like a ghost hunter. He killed ghost with his knife. It may look like a normal knife, or somehow looked like a cooking knife. But no, it's a knife that kill ghosts.

How can Mr. Wu kill ghosts? Well, surely he's the only person knows how. Or more likely his family - son, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, his ancestors. They had killed ghosts since the early 1700s. Nearly three centuries since the knife had lived. A powerful knife. 

Even though Kris' father had been doing this things a long while ago, Kris was actually scared, afraid. His courage had flew away to nowhere. His first victim is Jaemin, his own friend that had died in an accident, which he saw it with his own eyes. He is confused, whether he was supposed to kill her or not.

What should he do? Should he tell his father that he can't kill Jaemin because he loved her and she was his friend when she was alive? Or, should he obey his father - killing the ghost so it can rest in peace? This is so frustrating. He groaned again.

// knock knock

"Yes?" Kris said, turning to the door. The door was opened, and Mrs. Wu appeared.

"Kris dear, your father and I will be going to Canada for two months to visit your grandmother. And also for a break for our heavy works. The keys, including the spare keys, are on the table downstairs. The knife, you know," she stopped and whispered softly. "for killing the ghosts are on the cabinet. It's wrapped with a white cloth. And remember, before using it, you'll have to rinse it with water and salt. Oh, before I forgot. Here's the money for you while we're away."

Mrs. Wu placed a debit card on his desk. "There's nearly two hundred thousand in it. You may spend it but don't overspend it. And when we're back, there must be some money left. Ok, bye! We're going to miss our flight! We'll miss you, son! Muah!" [an: lmao omg srsly] Mrs. Wu blew a kiss to Kris and closed the door, leaving Kris alone in the house.

Kris sighed as he took the debit card. "I'll have to kill it, right?"

"Yes. Jaemin nodded. She stood at the corner of the room as she watched Kris walked to his bed, laying down as he pulled the blanket over his body. He dozed off a few seconds later. Jaemin chuckled softly. She floated out of his room. Yeah, she can go through the walls. Her destination is the kitchen, where there are cabinets. She needed to see the knife. Is it too powerful that ghosts can die with it?

As she arrived there, she opened the cabinet that Mrs. Wu mentioned. It was  dark brown in colour. She walked near the cabinet, but she somehow felt her head painful. Painful, that she could even die. She ran away from the cabinet, far away from the house. She entered her house, her empty house.

She was breathless. That knife is too dangerous. Any ghost would get killed in a spilit second. That knife is - spelled. Somebody put a spell on the knife. And that knife would kill me.




"Where can I meet Mr. Han Yunjong?"

Kris asked the nurse nearby as he arrived at the hospital. The nurse beside him turned and faced him. She smiled and said, "Oh, Mr. Han? He's at room 5-14, fifth floor."

"Well, thank you.. Miss..- Miss Seomin." Kris smiled as he looked at the nurse's name tag. He ran towards the elevator, and get in it. As the elevator closed, he pushed the fifth floor button. He sighed in relief, turned to his left and saw a couple crying. They looked like around the age of 40. He poked the man beside him.

The man turned at him, his face full of tears. "Yes? Oh, it's Kris. Honey, look. It's Kris, a friend of Tao too." he said between his tears. The woman beside him turned and faced Kris. Her eyes were watery, full of tears. 

"Oh, Kris. It's nice to meet you." she said, sobbing. Kris nodded and smiled. "Nice to meet you too, Mr. and Mrs. Huang. Is there anything wrong?" 

"Yes, our son died. Tao passed away. We went to see his corpse, since we were back from a vacation." Mr. Huang explained. Kris nodded and said softly, "I'm sorry for your son's death." They nodded and the elevator opened. It is the fifth floor and Kris had to go out. "We'll see later, Mr. and Mrs. Huang."

Kris walked quickly to Yunjong's room. "5-14, 5-14, 5-14.. Hah! Found ya."

He knocked on the door and opened it. The atmosphere was quiet. Yunjong is lying on his bed, looking at the wall front. He turned to Kris, and looked at him with a disagreed look. Kris walked near him and bowed. "Annyeong haseyo, Mr. Han. I'm Kris, a friend of Jaemin. I'm sorry for Jaemin's death, and also your.. uh, injury? Anyways, I brought a bowl of fruits." He placed the bowl of fruits on the table beside him. 

"Why are you even here?"

Kris' eyes rounded, as wide as it can be. How rude, Kris thought. He was visiting him, with a good intention. "S-Sorry, what did y-you just say?" Kris looked at him. Flames seems to be obvious in his eyes. "I asked you, why would you even come here? I don't want to see a friend of my daughter here." 

"What? Don't you even know what happen to yourself?? You're murdered by your own daughter! And you won't even allow her friend to visit you! Hey, you don't even go to your daughter's funeral. Don't you feel ashamed? You should be grateful because she didn't kill you. She only stabbed on your chest. Well, I'll say goodbye because I'm not going to see your dishonoured face again. What a freaking ." 

Kris rolled his eyes and walked out of the room. Being annoyed, he mumbled something harsh. Kris may be caring and loving, but he also has his bad side. People wouldn't know that.

There, Yunjong lied on his bed, angrily. He didn't want any friend of his daughter to visit him. Not at all. He wanted to be alone. After knowing that Yooji had cheated on him, he hated women. Now, he felt what his wife had felt before. Being cheated. He kept calm for a while, before he could even realize that the evil spirit of his daughter is looking at him.

"What do you want from me?" He asked at Jaemin.

"Kris was right after all. I should've kill you. You don't deserve to live. Or loving, or even being loved. Or hating people or being hated by people. I didn't kill you because I want to make you suffer more."

"What? That is rude. How could you say to your own father like that?!"

"You should just die. You should just dissapear from this world. You have no reason to live. You should die." With that, Jaemin pull out a knife and cut through his chest. She cut the wound on his chest open. She tore his chest with his the knife, leaving his chest bare with blood. Yunjong breathed heavily, breathless, feeling painful.

"S-Stop...." He begged, however, Jaemin seems to have no mercy. She cut again his chest, and finally stabbed on his heart. Yunjong stopped moving and struggling, instead, he was still. He was not moving. Jaemin let the knife there, and left him there with blood everywhere. She needed to do some things in her house. She needed to.




There, a girl with a ponytail is sitting calmly on the couch. Her name is Eunhee, Yoo Eunhee. And now, she is waiting for her boyfriend. Her boyfriend, Kim Jongin. Or known as Kai. Eunhee sighed, waiting for her boyfriend for hours. 

After a moment, she heard a loud knock on the door. Eunhee flinched, quickly running towards the door. She twisted the knob. "Jongin-ah~ why are you so late? I missed you so much. Kiss me~"  she said but after the door was opened, nobody was there. No one.

"Yah, Jongin! You don't play with me!"

No answer, silence was all obvious. But, a cool breeze was felt on her neck. Eunhee turned around to see anybody who was fooling around. Nobody. She was getting impatient. She closed the door and sat back on the couch. "Where the hell is Jongin?!" 

"Eunhee, prepare to die." A soft voice was heard beside her. She turned to her left, and saw a girl, a young girl wearing a white dress with blood. 

"J-Jaemin..? Aren't you supposed to die? Aren't you dead now?" She stuttered.

"Remember what you did to me. You tore my book, and I was scolded by the teacher. You are very stupid, Eunhee. Do you think you're going to live easy while I'm dead? No, you're not. And I'm pretty sure by the time Jongin arrive here, you're already dead.

"No! No! I'm not going to die!" Eunhee ran away from the couch, to the kitchen. Jaemin chased after her, while Eunhee kept on throwing things. Knives, cutting board, plates, and glasses. The glasses fell on the floor, but didn't hit Jaemin. It shattered  the floor, causing pieces of small glasses to be anywhere. Jaemin caught Eunhee on the corner, and she simply whined. "Please! Don't kill me!"

Jaemin chuckled evilly as Eunhee escaped from the corner. But unfortunately, she slipped on the small pieces of glasses. She fell right on the floor, above a shelf full of cutleries. She gulped, seeing the shelf shaking.

"Revenge is mine."

Within a few seconds, the cutleries on the shelf fell right onto Eunhee's body. Knives and forks stabbed her body, arm, face, everything. Jaemin smirked, leaving the dead body there.

// knock knock

"Eunhee-ssi? Are you home, babe?" Kai opened the door, turning his head around to search for Eunhee. He closed the door behind, walking to the kitchen. He expected Eunhee to be cooking him some food, or hiding somewhere. But, he saw something awful. Very awful. He gasped and took out his phone.

"Hello? Help! My girlfriend was murdered! And I don't know who killed her. By the time I walked in this house, she was lying on the floor with knives and forks all over her body!"




hello im back! Wow guys, 13 subbies and 3 votes? You're the best! Thank you so much u made me sob u.u

sorry for the late update, am so busy becos of houseworks. yes and also of watching movies (all the time) heheh. Btw, pls wait. I'll try to update the next chapter by tonight. xoxo, jae.


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Omg srsly i've been thinking if this is all too brutal or something. Kekeke~


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Chapter 11: Cant wait to know who killed tht old man..Update soon! I love it^^
stephani_bap #2
Chapter 11: really? that's cool!!
stephani_bap #3
Chapter 9: i watch it! i like Lay in episode 2 when he's with chen, luhan, and xiumin. OMG! four of them are funny^^
stephani_bap #4
update soon \(^0^)/
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 8: somehow i feel like kai will die.....
Chapter 8: somehow i want kai to die in this story, life isn't fair
amyzanaLovesTaeTiSeo #7
Chapter 3: Aww but I really want Jaemin to kill her father though~ Oh well~ I'll be waiting for his death in the upcoming chapters XD
stephani_bap #8
Chapter 7: wow, curious about the plan!!!
amyzanaLovesTaeTiSeo #9
Chapter 2: Yes Tao ! Die ! Die ! Die ! You bullied her now you deserve to be dead ! *lol i sound like a creepy psycho
KrisForever #10
Chapter 5: holy crap, dis is so brutal. But it's seriously cool. keep on writing!!