


Did Jaemin kill Tao? Did she? But she's dead. How could she kill people? And what does Tao did to her that makes she kill him? Tao was a very nice person. Aish, weird.

That's what he had been thinking these days. He was thinking if Tao was really killed by Jaemin. If that's real, why would she did that? She is a very nice person. So does Tao, he was also a nice person. Kris always saw him like an angel in disguise.

No, Kris you got it wrong. He's the one who bullied me. Jaemin stood behind Kris, who was sitting on his desk. Kris didn't hear her, all because people who she wanted to have her payback would heard her. But, Kris is her friend, why would she wanted a payback?

Yes, true that she killed Tao. She choked him to death. She made him die, like the way she promised to. She doesn't care. And now, she wanted to hunt more people. She wanted to kill more who had ruined her life.




"Oh Yooji~~"

A girl, who was named Yooji, turned and faced the man who called her. She winked at him and slowly walked at him. "Yes, dear."

And you would be shocked after seeing the man because his name is Han Yunjong, who happened to be Jaemin's father. "Just forget what happened that day. My daughter was always like that. She liked to eavesdrop, and she copied her mother's habit."

Yooji nodded and quickly hugged Yunjong. "I love you, Yunnie." She pecked his cheeks and giggled softly. "Me too." he replied. They pulled away and stared at each other. While he was staring, suddenly he flinched. "What the hell?" Yooji cursed, rolling her eyes.

"No! I just saw something behind you. It was like- like a girl with a long hair... And, and wearing white, bloody dress.." He pointed behind Yooji. Yooji turned around and looked for the thing that he said earlier. Nothing. Just nothing. It was just the picture frame that was there before. "Wow, Yunjong I didn't know you could see ghosts." Yooji chuckled. "No, I don't ing lie. You--"

The frame behind Yooji fell from its place. It shattered, making the sounds of glass shattering. Yooji shouted, freaking out. She jumped onto Yunjong's lap. "What the ."

"She's th-there.."

He pointed there again, and somehow, he ended up shouting Jaemin's name. Yooji freaked out, running away from Yunjong. He sat there, still staring at the figure that he saw.

She had a long hair, and was wearing a white dress, morely like dressed in blood. She had pale skin, legs, arms, every single skin is pale. She was holding a knife in her hands. "What do you want from me?" he yelled at the ghost. She floated away to Yunjong. He was having goosebumps. When she was getting nearer, he could see her. It was Jaemin.

You know what you did to me. You abused me. You hit me, You did everything to me, You ing irresponsible father. You don't even know how my feelings are. You don't know how I feel. You deserved for this.

"J-Jaeminn.." He stuttered. She lifted the knife in mid-air. Well, she frowned at him. Then she threw the knife right into his left rib. Blood dripped out from Yunjong's chest. He formed an O-shaped mouth. Jaemin chuckled evilly, pulling the knife back out of his chest. Blood were stained on the knife. He placed a hand on the spilling-blood spot. Feeling more liquid dripping out of his chest, he pulled his hands away from his chest. He was quite shocked, his palm was red. Blood red.

He rounded his eyes, looking right at Jaemin's eyes. He then fell from his position, lying on the ground as the floor was stained with blood. Jaemin crouched in front of her father, smirking. He choked blood, as his hand grabbed Jaemin's ankle. "J-Jaemin.. Why would you do this to your own father..?? Why would you want me to die....???"

No, you won't die. You would be alive, appa. This is only the beginning, and there's more you should see. I did this as a payback. Because revenge is, MINE.

Jaemin floated away from her father. She floated away from the house. As she was floating, she saw Yooji, leaning on a wall. She was calling the emergency line. "Hello, this is Gu Yooji and I'm reporting a murder in a.. a... Seodaemun-gu. In house number 7.." She seemed breathless, very breathless but as the report ended, she walked to a guy. "Hey." She said, as she leaned closer at the guy. "What's your name?" she asked seductively as she ed her phone in the pocket in her denim shorts.

"Jihun's my name." He said, grinning. Jaemin couldn't bear it again. Affair, cheatings, fake relationship. No more. After the incident of her mother committing suicide, because of her father cheating. Everything ruined her life. Everything destroyed her life. Everything had been the reason for her to die. Every single thing that happened in her life.

Jaemin floated away, away from the sight of the newly pair, making out in public. If her father had cheated on her mother, now it's opposite. Yooji is now cheating on her father. And that is what revenge meant to Jaemin.




Kris jumped on the couch in the living room. He the television. And guess what, not his favourite show. Because now it's 8.00 p.m. and it's now the time for the news to tune in. He shook his head. As he was about to change to another channel, he stopped, and listened to something. Something awful that he shouldn't hear. The woman reading the report said;

An awful incident had happened at Seodaemun-gu at 5.37 p.m. yesterday. The victim; Han Yunjong - 43 years old, had been sent to Severance Hospital twenty minutes after the report was received. The victim was happened to be stabbed at his left rib, and it had affected his lungs. However, there was a "J" pattern at his left ribs.The specialists and doctors are trying to cure the wound. The victim was murdered in house number 7. And the polices are trying to track down the murderer.

Kris lost his breath. Not again. Not the mysterious J pattern again. Not again. This is getting weirder, why would she wanted to kill her father? Doesn't she feel pity at all? Doesn't she?? Kris turned off the television. He was about to walked off the staircase, but then the door of his house opened. And it was his parents. "What the hell, mom, dad? You scared the hell out of me."

"Kris. You watched the news don't you? Well, I need to say something to you." Mr. Wu said as he took Kris to the kitchen.

"Dad? What--"

"It's a ghost who killed Yunjong. A ghost, a living spirit who had many revenges on people. You'll search for it, would you? You'll hunt it, would you? Replace me for a while because I'll be away for a while too."


"Do it for me."

There, Mr. Wu walked away from his son. He left Kris in the kitchen, thinking carefully.

"If I do it, then I'll have to take the risk."




hello i'm back with da update. i'm sorry if this update is kinda late or lame or something else. but hey, thanks for subscribing, bye~~

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Omg srsly i've been thinking if this is all too brutal or something. Kekeke~


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Chapter 11: Cant wait to know who killed tht old man..Update soon! I love it^^
stephani_bap #2
Chapter 11: really? that's cool!!
stephani_bap #3
Chapter 9: i watch it! i like Lay in episode 2 when he's with chen, luhan, and xiumin. OMG! four of them are funny^^
stephani_bap #4
update soon \(^0^)/
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 8: somehow i feel like kai will die.....
Chapter 8: somehow i want kai to die in this story, life isn't fair
amyzanaLovesTaeTiSeo #7
Chapter 3: Aww but I really want Jaemin to kill her father though~ Oh well~ I'll be waiting for his death in the upcoming chapters XD
stephani_bap #8
Chapter 7: wow, curious about the plan!!!
amyzanaLovesTaeTiSeo #9
Chapter 2: Yes Tao ! Die ! Die ! Die ! You bullied her now you deserve to be dead ! *lol i sound like a creepy psycho
KrisForever #10
Chapter 5: holy crap, dis is so brutal. But it's seriously cool. keep on writing!!