


"Sehun had a car accident, just now. And I need you to come to my house. We had to do something. I had a plan to stop this 'murderer' from killing people."

Kai gasped as he hold a picture frame of Eunhee tightly. He threw his phone on his bed, crying more. First, it was his girlfriend, and now it's Sehun, his best friend. He groaned loudly, throwing the picture frame of Eunhee on the floor. The glass broke into pieces, tearing Kai more apart.

"I hate my life. I just hate my life. " He said as he took his phone and drive to Kris' house.

"Stupid murderers, stupid. Stupid."


Kris opened the door, smiling widely. He welcomed Kai in his house. "You made it here safely, Kai. I'm glad."

Kai sighed, walking towards the couch at the living room. He sat on the couch, sighing a few times. "What happened to Sehun, actually? Why is he dying too? Why?"

"You know, I think I know who killed them." Kris sat down beside him. He stared at Kai's black hair.

"Who killed? Them?"

"Yes, Tao, Han Yunjong, Lay and his girlfriend, Chanyeol, Sehun, and even your girlfriend, Eunhee. Jaemin killed them, because those people bullied, harrassed, assaulted her. They made her life miserable. She wanted to take her payback. Revenge." Kris explained.

Kai widened his eyes. Jaemin. Han Jaemin, he bullied her too. "W-what? Even Eunhee, bullied her? Chaesong too?" Oh, then Kai suddenly remembered that Eunhee was a leader of a group that kept on bullying people. Chaesong was in the group too. They always asked for the student's money. "We should stop her." Kris said.

Kai frowned at him, simply said. "How?"

"Well, my mom was once a white witch, and she had kept many spells in a book." He showed a dark brown covered book. It was kinda old, but there are many spells there. He wiped the dusty book with a piece of handkerchief. He opened on one page, showing it to Kai. "Look, it's a spell for stopping the living spirit from killing people."

Kai looked carefully at the spells. The spells are complicated to read, but they're easy to pronounce. He shrugged and simply said, "Well, let's give it a try."




"Are you sure about this? I've got a vibe that something worst is going to happen, you know." Kai said, clenching his fists tightly. He looked at the big house in front of him. He looked at Kris, his face with fear. "Yeah, It'll work. Don't worry." Kris said, sighing in relief as he shutted the door of his car.

They both walked towards the house. It was Jaemin's house. Kris opened the door silently, gesturing Kai to go inside too. Kai nodded weakly, entering the house after Kris walked in. He closed the door behind him, walking quickly towards Kris. "Yah, don't you think I'll get killed too??" Kai asked Kris, whispering softly.

Kris stopped walking, frowning at Kai. "Are you telling me that you bullied her?"

Kai pursed his lips, shook his head quickly. "Ani, ani." He chuckled then walked towards the couch. Kai saw Jaemin sitting there, chuckling. He quickly ran behind Kris, afraid. Jaemin only frowned at Kai, who looks more like a coward.

"Yah, are you even the Kim Jongin that had bullied me?" Jaemin chuckled evilly, standing up and walked towards the two boys. "Kris, why do you have to bring Kai? Do you want me, to kill him?"

"No, I brought him purposely. But how you can't kill him." Kris passed the book of spells to Kai. Then, he quickly pushed Jaemin on the couch, msking her to struggle. "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO DO THIS?! I TRUSTED YOU KRIS!"

"Kai, read the spell loudly! The one that I showed you."

Kai nodded as he flipped the pages, until he found the spell. He read the spell, trying to read it fluently. The spell was written in French, and he somehow had to read it slowly. After finished reading the spell, Kai breathed heavily as he closed the book.

Jaemin is struggling, but Kris is stronger to hold him. She then became weaker and weaker, till she finally calmed down. "Kai, put the book on the table and come here."

He did what Kris asked to and sat beside Kris. "Jaemin?" he asked softly. Kris let go of her, slowly letting her rest for a while. "Looks like she can't kill you." Kris chuckled.

After a few minutes, Jaemin sit up and faced both the boys. "K-Kai..?" she asked, stammered.

"Er....." Kai bit his lower lip, looking at the ground. "Isn't he supposed to die?" she asked Kris.

Kris shrugged, "I thought you can't kill people anymore."

Jaemin nodded and frowned at Kai. "Look, I'm sorry for everything. I'm grateful because you didn't kill me yet." Kai said, smiling.

"Promise me you won't kill anybody afterwards." Kris asked, smiling. Jaemin nodded as she disappeared from the sight of them.





aish, short update for today. and late update. sorry, i'm just rushing to watch some k-dramas. i'll try to update as soon as i can!

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Omg srsly i've been thinking if this is all too brutal or something. Kekeke~


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Chapter 11: Cant wait to know who killed tht old man..Update soon! I love it^^
stephani_bap #2
Chapter 11: really? that's cool!!
stephani_bap #3
Chapter 9: i watch it! i like Lay in episode 2 when he's with chen, luhan, and xiumin. OMG! four of them are funny^^
stephani_bap #4
update soon \(^0^)/
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 8: somehow i feel like kai will die.....
Chapter 8: somehow i want kai to die in this story, life isn't fair
amyzanaLovesTaeTiSeo #7
Chapter 3: Aww but I really want Jaemin to kill her father though~ Oh well~ I'll be waiting for his death in the upcoming chapters XD
stephani_bap #8
Chapter 7: wow, curious about the plan!!!
amyzanaLovesTaeTiSeo #9
Chapter 2: Yes Tao ! Die ! Die ! Die ! You bullied her now you deserve to be dead ! *lol i sound like a creepy psycho
KrisForever #10
Chapter 5: holy crap, dis is so brutal. But it's seriously cool. keep on writing!!