


Kris rushed to Jaemin's house. He won't care if he died now. Another friend had just died last night. And he knew it was Jaemin who killed Chanyeol. Who else would have killed him, right? Chanyeol was his friend, like Tao too. But how can Jaemin kill her? Chanyeol looks innocent. But, looks can be really deceiving.

He pushed the door, quickly run in the house. "Jaemin!"

No answer at all. All that was exist was only silence. Silence that had been living in the house. Kris shouted again. "Jaemin-ah! Eodiya? (where are you?)"

He grew impatient. Why wouldn't she answer him? Why would she keep hiding from him? "Jaemin! Show yourself! Did you kill Chanyeol? Did you?!"

Jaemin suddenly stood beside him, coming out from nowhere. She furrowed her eyebrows, seeming to be angry. "You don't do that when you're in this house. How could you shout loudly like that? What if people thought you're a psycho? A psycho who's searching for an already dead girl?!"

Kris sighed, frowning at her. No, why would he let people thought that he was a psycho, searching for Jaemin who was already dead? Kris is trying to keep himself calm. He wasn't angry, or mad, or even irritated. He just wanted to know the truth. "No. Jaemin, would you care for a talk?"

"Fine, but only for 15 minutes."

They sat on the couch, beside each other. "Okay, first question. Did you really kill Chanyeol?"

"Yes." Jaemin nodded.

"Second, why would you kill Chanyeol? He's my friend."

"Chanyeol, your friend?" she scoffed. "Why would he be your friend? He and Kai had bullied me. Remember, looks can be really deceiving."

"But he's my friend."

"He bullied me. Oh, maybe I'm not your friend? You only care about him. He's just a little son of a ."

"Fine. But what are you going to do next? Killing people again?"

She nodded and disappeared in just a moment. "Aish, that girl."




Lay and his girlfriend sat by the river. His girlfriend - Lee Chaesong, wouldn't stop holding his hands. "Jagi~"

"Yes?" she answered, smiling brightly at Lay. Lay nuzzled on her neck, causing her to giggle. Lay smiled widely until his dimples were showing. As her girlfriend was poking his dimples, Lay saw a girl wearing a white dress, standing near the river. "Wait, Chaesong-ah, look there. I think the girl wants to commit suicide." Lay poked her arm.

"Oh. Wait, I'll stop her."

Chaesong walked towards the girl, greeting politely, "Annyeong haseyo."

The girl replied. "Annyeong haseyo." Her reply was almost like a whisper. A whisper that seemed to tell her that something is not going to be alright. Like someone is going to die.

"Are you trying to kill yourself?" she asked, poking the girl's arm. Lay smiled, seeing his girlfriend doing nice things. Chaesong shrugged as the girl didn't reply. She was standing behind the girl, but after the girl didn't reply, she moved in front of her. She gasped loudly. causing Lay to shrug. Lay was relaxing after all.

"Well, maybe I'm trying to kill you, Chaesong. Remember me? The wimpy girl that you always torture?"

Chaesong gulped, trying to hold her screams. "J-Jaemin..?" Before she could even shriek, Jaemin caught her neck, and trying to choke her. Chaesong wasn't able to say anything, but only make muffled screams. Jaemin threw her into the river like a trash. Lay saw that and shouted, "Yah! What did you just do to her?!!"

Jaemin turned around, facing Lay boldly. "I'm killing her. And she is now dead. Now, it's your turn."

Lay ran towards her. He was very irritated. How could she do that? Throwing people into the river? Does she think that Chaesong's a trash? Jaemin grabbed Lay's collar, quickly whispered. "Bye."

She threw Lay into the river, like the way she threw Chaesong. Both of them are dead. Dead.



Kris gulped as he the channel for news.

"A young boy and a young girl had died in the river last night. Victim named Zhang Yixing and Lee Chaesong, drowned in the river last night."




hello! double update today! sorry if the chapter is short. bye

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Omg srsly i've been thinking if this is all too brutal or something. Kekeke~


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Chapter 11: Cant wait to know who killed tht old man..Update soon! I love it^^
stephani_bap #2
Chapter 11: really? that's cool!!
stephani_bap #3
Chapter 9: i watch it! i like Lay in episode 2 when he's with chen, luhan, and xiumin. OMG! four of them are funny^^
stephani_bap #4
update soon \(^0^)/
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 8: somehow i feel like kai will die.....
Chapter 8: somehow i want kai to die in this story, life isn't fair
amyzanaLovesTaeTiSeo #7
Chapter 3: Aww but I really want Jaemin to kill her father though~ Oh well~ I'll be waiting for his death in the upcoming chapters XD
stephani_bap #8
Chapter 7: wow, curious about the plan!!!
amyzanaLovesTaeTiSeo #9
Chapter 2: Yes Tao ! Die ! Die ! Die ! You bullied her now you deserve to be dead ! *lol i sound like a creepy psycho
KrisForever #10
Chapter 5: holy crap, dis is so brutal. But it's seriously cool. keep on writing!!