
---Seunghyun's POV---

"I'll go get drinks for you." I stood up and sweep the grass off my pants before walking to the vending machine. When I was about to put in the coins, I felt a hand covered my eyes and the other wrapped around my body, restricting me from pulling his hand off my face. "WHO ARE YOU! WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO?!" I struggled but he was too strong. Just then I felt someone pulling off my shoes. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY SHOES?! JIYONG IS THAT YOU?!" I yelled, thinking that my friends are pulling a prank on me. But the cologne this guy is using isn't that type my friends would use. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" I yelled but they didn't speak a word at all. The person threw me on the ground and ran away with his accomplice. I took a longer time to adjjust my eyes because of the bright sunlight, so when I was able to see clearly, they have already ran off. "Aish, jincha! Why are my shoes filled with mud?!" I groaned and tried to pour out all the mud. "Damn it, what a bad day. To think I still wanted to ask Hani out." I grumbled as I threw the shoes into the bin.

"Oppa, why did it take so long?" Hani said when I return. "Where are the drinks?" She asked and I realised that I've totally forgotten about it. "I'm sorry, I forgotten about them." I scratched the back of my head in embarrassment. "Where are your shoes?" Her eyes widen. "I.. Lost them." I felt my face flushing red and saw her suppressing her laughter. And now I embarassed myself in front of her, how great. Just then my mom called so I quickly left after saying goodbye to her. "I'm going to ask her out again soon." I said to myself as I walked past a bush that's in the middle of the pavement. "Dream on~" I heard a voice coming out from the bush. So I turned and face the bush but it was awfully quiet. "I must be hearing things.." I muttered as I continued walking back home. 


---Hani's POV---

"Do you think he knows that we're here?" Sungyeol oppa whispered. "I don't think so.." Myungsoo oppa shrugged. "He doesn't know you 2 are here, but I do." I placed my hands on their shoulders and they froze. Slowly, they turned their heads and look at me. "Hello there, oppas, did you have fun?" I smirked. "MIANHAE HANI AH! MYUNGIE MADE ME DO THIS!" Sungyeol oppa removed the leaves and branches from his body. "What! Don't look at me like that! You're still too young to date! I'm just protecting you!" Myungsoo oppa shrugged when I glared at him. "Where's Sungkyu oppa and Dongwoo oppa?" I asked as I looked around. "They aren't here." Sungyeol replied. "Oh! That's a miracle then. Normally the 3 of you will team up against the guy." I chuckled. "And you will follow Myung oppa, of course." I pointed at Sungyeol oppa.

"Omg! You guys really did that?!" I clutched my stomach as I laughed. "HE DESTROYED MY MYUNGSHOE!" Sungyeol oppa yelled and Myungsoo oppa patted his back. "Looks like I missed out a lot of fun, didn't I?" Sungkyu oppa chuckled. "Jokes aside, I'm just going out with a friend, what are you guys so uptight about?" I asked as I wiped off a tear from my eyes (they made me laugh too much). "We don't like you hanging out with guys, especially him." Myungsoo oppa said as he played with Sungyeol oppa's hair. "But I can hang out with Sungyeol and Woohyun oppa?" I raised my eyebrow. "They're okay, we've been together since young, so they're okay." Dongwoo oppa said as he gave me a glass of orange juice. "SUNGYEOL WANTS ORANGE JUICE TOO!" Sungyeol oppa whined so I gave him mine. 

"Now to think of it, why aren't Woohyun with you guys? He will be involve in the mission normally too right?" Sungkyu oppa asked. "He had to acoompany his girlfriend today. I don't like that girl, honestly." Myungsoo oppa gave a disgusted look. "Wae?" I asked. "She's too fake." He said as he walked into the room with Sungyeol oppa following behind him. "Don't you think they make a good pair?" Dongwoo oppa asked as we watch the 2. "Yea, I guess. Sungyeollie's the only one who understands Myung the most." Sungkyu oppa nodded in agreement. "What do you think?" They asked me but I didn't answer. My mind was already at Woohyun's. What is he doing with his girlfriend? Did they kissed already?


---Woohyun's POV---

I watched and laughed as Myungsoo and Sungyeol told me about what happened yesterday dramatically. "Hani said that he was just a friend, so you don't have to worry." Myungsoo patted my shoulder. "Wh-what? I'm not worrying?!" i stuttered nervously. "Don't have to lie you know. All of us knew that you like Hani more than friend." Sungyeol shrugged. "Me? Like her?! No way!" I chuckled and avoided their eye contact. They were about to say something when I saw Hani walking into the cafeteria. "KIM HANI! Over here!" I yelled across the room. She looked up at us but walked away and sat with her group of friends. She would always sit with us during lunch and she didn't even came over to say hi today. "What's wrong with her today?" i nudged Myungsoo. "I don't know? As long as she doesn't eat her lunch with guys I don't really care." He shrugged as he continue eating. 

"Hani ah!" I beamed as I caught up with her at the corridor. "Oh, Woohyun oppa." She forced a smile. "Are you feeling unwell?" I placed the back of my hand on her forehead but she flinched and moved back. "I'm okay.. I have to go back to class, see you around." She awkwardly turned around and ran into her class. Normally I would be able to see her wherever I go and that she will be happy to see me. But why is she acting so weird today, is she avoiding me? "HYUNIE OPPA!" Eunjung appeared in front of me out of no where, snapping me out of my thoughts. "What do you want? And don't call me that." I rolled my eyes and walked towards my class with her following behind me. "I missed you. And why can't I call you that?" She pouted. Because only Hani can call me that. "Just don't." I replied coldly and walked into my class. "See you later, oppa!" She yelled into the class and skipped away. 

From: Sungjongie
Hyung, Hani was given detention because she didn't do her homework. Is something wrong with her? She always did her homework.

She didn't do her homework? But she always does them, no matter how late she have to stay up, she'll always finish doing them. Is it because Myungsoo and Sungyeol destroyed her date yesterday?

To: Sungjongie
Thank you Sungjong ah. 

Wouldn't she be lonely if she have to serve detention alone? Then an idea came into my mind. I took out my phone from under the desk and started to pretend to send texts on the desk while the teacher is teaching. "NAM WOOHYUN, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?! Detention today and only take back your phone once after you served your detention." She snatched my phone from my hands and walked away. "Now you have me to accompany you." I smirked. "What were you doing?" Myungsoo whispered. "I don't know." I whispered back. 


---Hani's POV---

Avoiding Hyunie was tough but luckily I do know where he normally goes. I was walking along the corridor when he shouted my name. I tried to walk faster but he managed to catch up with me.  "Oh, Woohyun oppa." I smiled as I looked around warily. Eunjung will not be happy if she see me talking to him.. "Are you feeling unwell?" He placed the back of his hand on my forehead, causing me to flinched and move back. "I'm okay.. I have to go back to class, see you around." I said and quickly ran into my class.I'm sorry oppa, I don't want the person you like to be upset. "Now everyone, take out your homework please." The teacher said and I froze. I spent the whole night thinking about Hyunie that I forgotten about my homewor. "Take out your homework, Hani ah." Sungjong nudged me. "I-" I was about to reply her when the teacher came to my table. "Why didn't you do your homework?" She tapped her long ruler on my table impatiently. "Detention today." She said before I answer her. "but it's her first time not doing homework!" Sungjong tried to help. "Still, detention today." She said and walked away. "Evil." Sungjong muttered under his breath and I smiled. 



Hope you enjoyed my story so far.
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Many loves,

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ilabya10 #1
Chapter 18: I love the last chappie and the end part ;; too much grease on that boy eh? Xoxoxo.
Aigoo this story was amazing, i love u authornim *-*
Chapter 18: I hope also have oppas who always there for u, it must be great to be her *-* hehe
Chapter 18: Woah so cute >< they keep together till the end, even there is another er but they have they happy ending keke. Good job author-nim :D
inspiritnwh99 #5
Chapter 18: this is so cute:))
Chapter 18: Aww this was adorable! All of my Infinite feelss. Hehe. This story was daebak. :)
claribelmiranda #7
Chapter 18: Awwww, great storrry! Rare nowadays, bestfriends ended up together... And stays forever ^^ anyways done reading this one,
shairamae3997 #8
Chapter 17: thank you for updating inspiritsoul ^_^
kpoprawrpandaxxx #9
awesome :))
shairamae3997 #10
please update soon ^_^