Team Howon

Just Friends

When you woke up the next morning you stretched before climbing out of bed. You found the empty ice cream container on your nightstand and sighed. You changed into running clothes and tied your hair back. You knew the only reason you could get away with eating that much ice cream was because you liked to run. You slipped on your shoes and grabbed your ipod on the way out.

Your run helped clear your mind. Between the ice cream last night and your run this morning, you definitely felt better. After you got home from your run, you chugged down a bottle of water before deciding to go clean up. The warm water of the shower felt good on your skin as you washed off your sweat.

After washing, you dried your hair and dressed. You called your friend Mi Rae to see if she wanted to hang out today and maybe do some shopping. She agreed and even asked to meet for lunch. You hurried to get ready to go. You yanked the door open, practically running out to meet her in time.

Just as you hurried out, you collided with a chest. You looked up to see Byunghee staring at you looking surprised as well. He smiled at you.

“Are you psychic? How did you know I was here?”

“I didn’t you idiot. Obviously I’m going out.”

“Where are you going? Who are you going with?” You paused and stared up at him.

“Are you serious? Now you’re concerned about me? Don’t worry about it, I can listen to your stories about that model girl later.” You started down the hallway and stairs.

“Hey! Come back!” Byunghee called after you before hurrying to catch up. “Since you won’t wait for me I guess we’ll have to walk and talk.” You sighed.

“You really can’t take a hint, can you? I’m in a hurry. I don’t have time for this. We can talk later, okay?”

“Just tell me who you’re seeing.”

“Why? Are you worried its a boy?” Byunghee went silent and you scoffed at him. “I’m going to meet Mi Rae. Are you happy? Can I go in peace now?” You noticed Byunghee smirk a little out of the corner of your eye.

“I should’ve known better than to think you’d be meeting a boy. Yes, go have fun. We’ll talk later.” You rolled your eyes and continued in the direction of the cafe while Byunghee fell behind. You scoffed a bit at his comment. If you wanted to see a boy then you’d see a boy.


“Has he called yet?” Mi Rae asked excitedly when you told her about Howon.

“No, but it hasn’t even been a day.”

“You should call him then! Don’t let Byunghee get to you. Just punch the smug bastard and be on with your life.” You laughed at Mi Rae as she punched Byunghee’s imaginary face in front of her. She had been your best friend for that past several years. She disliked how Byunghee treated you and made no attempt to be subtle about it.

“You know I wouldn’t do that, no matter how much I wanted to.”

“Fine, if you can’t get over Byunghee then how about making him jealous? You’ve never had a real boyfriend right?” You shook your head. When you were little Byunghee scared boys away from you. As you grew up, you didn’t see anyone but him so you didn’t bother dating much. “Then Byunghee hasn’t been able to see you interacting with other guys in a romantic way. He needs to see you be interested in someone else.”

“So you want me to use Howon?”

“Don’t say it like that. Get to know him, maybe you’ll be surprised and find that you like him. Or perhaps Byunghee will just man up and finally take you on a real date. Either way, you figure out the Byunghee situation in some form or another.” You stared at Mi Rae with your mouth open as she took a drink of her juice. You had to hand it to her, she could be quite the genius sometimes.

“You’re right. Byunghee is always off with girls while I’m sitting at home waiting for him. Maybe putting myself out there will be just the thing he needs to stop being stupid.” Mi Rae rolled her eyes.

“I’m Team Howon, just for the record.” You laughed and pulled your phone out to call Howon. You stepped out of the cafe to talk to him and you were surprised when he answered quickly. He sounded excited to hear from you and happily agreed to see you later that night since he had some time off. You smiled at your phone when you ended the call and went back inside to Mi Rae.

“So?” She asked, smirking from the huge grin on your face.

“I’m seeing Howon later tonight.” Mi Rae smiled and punched her fist in the air.

“Yes! Team Howon all the way!” 




A/N: Hi guys! I hope you liked this chapter. It was fun to write!

If you have feedback for this story, it would be greatly appreciated since I haven't gotten much for it yet.

Anticipate the next chapter! :)

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Chapter 16: i like it thank you for making such a sweet story about byunghee
AmyWtsn #2
Chapter 16: Oh, I love how the ending repeated the opening. Too fabulous!
Tauriell #3
Chapter 15: Ehhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! finally byunghee!!!!!!!!!!
KaRain #4
Chapter 15: Oh it was so touching. follow your heart.
ozwalkr #5
Chapter 15: About TIME you idiots. Now get over yourselves and get together!
ozwalkr #6
Chapter 12: Yah Pabo! Time to stop using Howon and stop hurting G.O. The man LOVES you and you love him. You are just putting on blinders cause you are afraid.
ozwalkr #7
Chapter 11: Oops! Wrong oppa! But, her heart knows what to do it seems.
KaRain #8
Chapter 11: Wow she mistakenly texted bunghee instead of howon.
Chapter 10: please update soon~~
Tauriell #10
Chapter 9: Ahh!!this storie is great. Update soon please. :D