Chapter 10

This is Our Story

I woke up feeling much better. I was alone in the bed, but that was okay. I checked my clock and groaned. It was close to 5 o'clock. I stretched and got out of bed. I made my way to the living room.


I stopped dead on the third step from the bottom, shocked. On my sofa was a very shirtless Junsu straddling Yoochun's thighs. I watched them for a few moments. “Really Junsu? On my family's sofa?” I said loudly.


Junsu squeaked and tumbled from Yoochun's lap. Yoochun and I laughed loudly.


“Are you okay?” I asked.


Yoochun pulled Junsu back on the sofa and handed him his shirt.


“So, when were you planning on telling everyone? I mean, Changmin already told us. But it would have been nice to hear it from you first.”


Junsu pulled his shirt on quickly. “Sorry,” he said softly.


“How long has this been going on?”


Junsu hung his head. “A couple weeks. It wasn't serious at first, just flirting and stuff.”


“Don't be ashamed! It just would have been nicer to find out from you directly and not walk in on you making out,” I teased. I pulled Yoochun and Junsu into a tight hug. “Just be a teeny bit more discreet next time. 'Kay?”


Yoochun laughed and hugged me tightly. Yoochun was sandwiched in between me and Junsu and wrapped his arms around both of us.


“When's your next doctor's appointment?” Junsu asked.


“In two weeks. I'll be 7 weeks along or so. Well, that's what Dr. Jang thinks anyway. It's a little hard to tell at first.” I touched my stomach, wishing that it was Yunho's hand there. I jumped when I felt a soft kiss on my cheek. I looked over and saw Yoochun grinning at me.


“You looked sad,” he said.


“Just thinking. Where did Yunho and Changmin go?”


“Back home. Yunho said he was just going to grab some stuff and be right back. Changmin's has a date or some such thing.”


I nodded. I rested my head on Yoochun's shoulder and lost myself in the mindless drama on the TV.


“The babies are going to be cute,” Yoochun said.


“Of course they're gonna be cute. All babies are cute,” Junsu replied.


Yoochun reached over and slapped Junsu on the back of the head. “Doofus, I was trying to compliment the genetic superiority of Jaejoong and Yunho. But you had to go and ruin it.”


“Ow! Don't hit me!” Junsu slapped at Yoochun's arm. He pouted and crossed his arms over his chest.


I laughed loudly. It was fun watching Yoochun tease Junsu. Yoochun leaned over and kissed Junsu pouted lips. Yoochun leaned back again, keeping his arm around my shoulders.


“Mom and Dad are gonna be late today,” I said. “I should get dinner started. Junsu, come help me.”


I shut the kitchen door. “I am so mad at you right now!”


“What? Why?” Junsu stuttered.


“I tell you everything. Everything. I told you when I wasn't feeling good, before we found out I was pregnant. You were the first one outside of our parents and Jaehwa to find out. You knew before Changmin! And you couldn't even tell me you're dating Yoochun.”


“I'm sorry. I just... So much else was going on, we didn't want to be a burden.”


“That is complete bull. So, don't even lie to me.”


“I'm really sorry,” Junsu whimpered slightly. He wrapped his arms around my waist. “I guess we were just so wrapped up in each other that we forgot we had to actually tell people.”


“Changmin heard you two having . He told me and Yunho. You should be so ashamed right now. And I'm so disappointed that I didn't find out from you.”


“I'm gonna run to the store and get that ice cream you really like. Then I'm going to beg you for the rest of my life for you to forgive me.”


“You don't have you. Just don't keep things from me. We've always been so close. You really are my best friend. I want you to tell me things that are going on in your life. I don't want to find out from other people.”


He squeezed me tighter. I turned in his arms to face him and wrap my arms around his neck. I kissed his cheek.


“I'm sorry,” he said quietly. “So, you're next appointment is in two weeks. Yunho's going with you?”


“Of course. I want him to see what I saw. It's one thing to see the picture, but to be there and to see it in real time... It's amazing.”


“Can I go with you some time?” The earnestness in his voice was endearing.


“Yeah. Not my next appointment, I want that to be a moment for me and Yunho. But one after that.”


“Thanks. I'm really sorry, Jaejoong.” He smiled. “What are we having for dinner?”


“Stir fry. Just something quick and easy that Mom and Dad can heat up when they home. Go chop some veggies for me, please.”


We fell into a comfortable silence as we cooked. I checked the clock, hoping Yunho would be back before dinner was finished. I called Yoochun in for dinner.


I had just finished setting the table when I heard the front door open. I ran to the door and skidded to a halt. It was just Jaehwa.


“Hi!” Jaehwa waved. “What smells so good?”


“I made dinner,” I said. I tried not to sound disappointed.


“What's got you down, Muffin.” She pinched my cheek.


“I was hoping Yunho would be here for dinner.”


“Cheer up. He'll be here eventually. You've monopolized his time for the past week. He needs to spend some time with his brother.”


I frowned. “I didn't even think about that. Wow... I've been a jerk.”


“Not really. You're going through something huge and it's okay to want Yunho with while you deal with it. Let's go eat.”


I nodded. Yoochun and Junsu were already eating when Jaehwa and I sat down. I loved watching my friends enjoy the food I made. They smiled and talked happily with Jaehwa. And she, in turn, was in a rather cheerful mood.


Yunho finally made his way into the kitchen as I was putting left overs away.


“I can heat some thing up for you if you want,” I said softly.


“No thank you. Changmin begged me to have dinner with him, before his date. I should have called. I'm sorry.”


“It's okay. I've been keeping you from Changmin and that's not fair.” I kissed his chin smiled at him. “Yoochun and Junsu finally told me their dating. I walked in on them making out.”


“Really?” Yunho ran his hand over my stomach. He pushed up my shirt, laying his palm flat against my belly. I looked down at his hand.


“Yeah. Honestly, I'm a little pissed at them.” I covered his hand with mine. His fingers were longer and thinner than mine. I stared at our hands, studying the differences.


“That's understandable. How are you feeling?” he asked.


“Okay. Still a bit tired.”


Yunho took my hand and led me up stairs. He pulled me into his arms at the top and kissed me slowly. He threaded his hands into my hair. I smiled into the kiss, feeling relaxed and calm.








Monday came too soon. I was terrified of going to school. I was convinced that someone would be able to tell. My hands shook as I tried to button my shirt.


Yunho stepped behind me and covered my hands with his. He lowered my hands to my side. I shivered slightly as he buttoned my shirt for me. He tucked the shirt into my pants.


“Are you sure you're going to be okay today?” he asked.


“Yeah. I'm a little nervous, but I'll be okay.” I leaned back into his arms. “Do I look okay? I mean, I don't look like I've gained a lot of weight, right?”


“Your face is a bit rounder, but most people won't notice.” He pressed a kiss to my cheek and smiled. “No one is going to know until you're ready to tell them. If you ever want to tell anyone.”


We stood silently for a few moments. I pulled Yunho's hands on to my stomach again. “I'm starting to really like your hands being here,” I whispered.


“Yeah? You were crying about it the other day.” Yunho chuckled softly in my ear.


“I know. I still feel like I'm an emotional wreck, but I didn't get sick this morning. So that's one thing that's looking up.”


“We need to get going soon, before we're late.”


I nodded and reached for my tie. I watched Yunho as he finished dressing. I handed him his book bag and grabbed mine.


We waited on the porch for the others before walking to school. The walk was unusually sedated. Our normal jokes and light conversation was replaced with an uncomfortable silence.


I stopped walking. “Okay, either everyone tell me what's wrong or I'm going to go insane.”


“Nothing wrong,” Junsu said softly. “I mean, we're all okay. It's just...”


“Nothing,” Yoochun interrupted. “It's nothing.”


I turned to Yunho to watch his reaction. “Bull it's nothing. Changmin, what happened.”




I Junsu and grabbed his arm. “Tell me. Tell me what the hell is wrong with the three of you.”


“We're worried about. We don't think it's a good idea for you to be back at school. We don't want you over stress yourself.”


“And we don't want you to get hurt,” Changmin added.


“I'm fine. I'm not going to get hurt. I wish everyone would stop worrying about me over nothing.”


“Jae...” Yunho said. “Everyone's just concerned. We are all just looking out for you.”


“I don't need everyone to look after me. I can take care of myself.”


“We know that,” Yoochun said. “That doesn't change the fact that we want to protect you.”


“I don't need to be protected. I just need my friends to be friends, not bodyguards.”


“Jaejoongie,” Yunho said. “We just care about you. We're sorry.”


“Just stop treating me like I'm glass.”


I walked away, a little angry at my friends. “Jaejoong!” Junsu called after me. “We're sorry. We are really sorry.”


“You can stop, now. I get it,” I barked.


Yunho jogged up to me and kissed my cheek. “Jaejoongie, listen to me for a second. I just want you to understand that we are all going to be more protective of you right now. It's just a natural reaction. We all love you very much and we want you safe and healthy. And if we get overbearing, just tell us and we'll back off.”


“I'm not weak. I'm not fragile and I'm not sick.”


“We know. We're sorry,” Changmin said. He rested his hand on my shoulder and squeezed gently. “We need to get o school before we're late.”


The day crawled by. I just wanted lunch to hurry up and get there. I sat under a tree and waited for Yunho.


“Only two weeks,” Yunho said as he sat. “I can't wait to see them.”


I looked around to make sure no one else could hear. “I know. I'm excited. I know we don't need to worry about names yet, but I kinda picked a name out.”


“Yeah? What name?” Yunho popped a piece of food into his mouth.


“Jaemin. Mine and Changmin's names combined. I don't know why, I just really like it. Maybe we'll have a boy and a girl and we will have two perfect names.”


“I love it. And I think Changmin will be honored. So, Haeri and Jaemin. Perfect.”


I held Yunho's hand as we finished eating. I didn't want to go back to classes. Mom had given me a note to excuse me from gym class until further notice, but sitting in class made me uncomfortable. As mush as I wanted to finish the year, my friends had a point; there was a lot of stress.


There was only one month until school let out for summer. I wouldn't be showing too much by then. We could make it just one month.



Meh....... That's about all I have to say- meh.

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Kattan69 #1
Chapter 17: So sweet of them....they are so mature in their thinking....but they are still young...15 or 16, right?
rotten_apple #2
Chapter 17: when they're gonna married? Please, don't make the babies without family that consists mother and father in legal terms.
I'm worried about JJ's symptoms.
monshine #3
Chapter 17: Such a caring lover...yunjae is too real to handle..uff!!:)
monshine #4
Chapter 17: Such a caring lover...yunjae is too real to handle..uff!!:)
Chapter 17: This is a cute chapter. I think I will be annoyed, too, if everyone treats me like a glass, yet thankful for their concern. Awww, Yunho has become mature because of his pending fatherhood. He is going to be a doting father, for sure.

Do you have Kakao?
Chapter 17: sit back and relax Jae..i understand your concern towards Yunho but he just doesn't want to risk anything if its about you and the babies..*now i also treat you like a fragile one here*

Thanks for the update! Looking forward for next^^
bluejay99 #7
Chapter 17: I bet yunho's gonna tear up when he sees the ultrasound....:)
He's going to be a great dad, doesn't matter if he's young.
bluejay99 #8
Chapter 17: Wow u updated!!!!
bluejay99 #9
Chapter 17: Wow u updated!!!!
I bet yunho's going to tear up when he sees the ultrasound. Haeri is really a pretty name, have u thought about the second name???
Chapter 17: Thank you for the update. Been a long time ^^